
今日興業銀行香港分行行政總裁陳才東先生率領其團隊參觀應科院。我們行政總裁Denis Yip 葉成輝及各部門主管分別向他們介紹各金融科技的最新內容,期望每位參加者獲益良多。

Virtual banks use financial technology to make transactions amount the public and institutions more flexible and faster. After the epidemic, its development is indeed faster than we imagined; and the virtualisation and #digitalisation of physical banks is also a general trend. #ASTRI has been assisting public and commercial institutions to develop financial technology development in recent years, including #Metaverse, virtual avatars, #federatedlearning#NFT, etc. Individual financial institutions must be the first to master the latest digital technologies and strategies to improve the service level of customers and merchants and strengthen the data analysis on the platforms. Today, Mr. Chen Cai Dong, CEO of the Industrial Bank of Hong Kong branch, and his team visited ASTRI. Our CEO,
Denis Yip 葉成輝 and the heads of various departments introduced them to the latest content of fintech, and we hope that each participant will benefit from our sharing.

Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.

#digital #technology #fintech #ceo #bank #virtualbanking #digitalisation