CollaboratingforGrowth: Ping An OneConnect Bank Delegation Visit ASTRI

// 🤝 #CollaboratingforGrowth: Ping An OneConnect Bank Delegation Visit ASTRI //

#ASTRI is actively promoting #financialinclusion in Hong Kong, both by undertaking a diverse range of innovative #fintech R&D projects and by facilitating #technologytransfer within the financial industry. For instance, we are partnering with Ping An OneConnect Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (#PAOB) and other industry partners in a #federatedlearning exercise that will help expand #SMEs’ access to credit while protecting #privacy and #datasecurity.
Our CEO Dr Denis Yip 葉成輝, COO Dr Martin Szeto, CTO Dr Lucas Chi-Kwong Hui, and Senior Director of CCT Mr Alan Cheung welcomed PAOB’s CEO Mr Ryan Fung, CRO Mr Sonford Yuen, and Head of Innovation Mr Ivan Chow, on a visit to ASTRI to discuss fintech collaboration that will enable us to better serve our local SMEs.

We look forward to further close collaboration with PAOB as we support their efforts to deliver innovative #virtualbanking services.

#TechforImpact #techforgood #virtualbanking #financeinnovation #financialtechnology