#CollaboratingforGrowth: Insurance Authority Explores Federated Learning Application With ASTRI

//🤝#CollaboratingforGrowth: Insurance Authority explores federated learning application with ASTRI//

Thanks Insurance Authority for featuring our tech expert Mr Alan Cheung, Senior Director, Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies, who spoke about the new possibilities of federated learning (FL) applications in #healthinsurance and #motorinsurance.

We look forward to exploring new and impactful FL #usecase in the financial industry, and supporting the industry to get access to the most advanced high-tech products through our applied research capabilities in FinTech and beyond.

✅ Learn more about our FL application: https://lnkd.in/gx6PfSBG

#CollaboratingforGrowth #Techforimpact #fintechinnovation