ASTRI Summer Internship Programmes Commence Today Offering 110 Elite University Students R&D Experience in Hong Kong

[24 June 2024, Hong Kong] Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) is excited to announce the commencement of its expanded “Summer Internship Programme” and “FinTech Future Leader Academy”. With a record number of more than 3,000 applications received this year, 110 undergraduate and graduate students from renowned universities in Hong Kong and abroad have been selected to participate in an eight-week innovation and technology (I&T) experience.

Dr Denis Yip, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, said, “As Hong Kong’s largest research institution, ASTRI is committed to nurturing new talent and fostering a research culture. Through these internship programmes, we aim to provide students with interdisciplinary learning opportunities, ignite their interest in research and development (R&D) and encourage them to join the I&T industry in Hong Kong upon graduation. This initiative will inject new vitality into the I&T ecosystem and expanding the talent pool.”

Participation in Significant R&D Projects
Interns will be assigned to ASTRI’s different departments at headquarters and five technology divisions, including Advanced Electronic Components and Systems; Artificial Intelligence and Trust Technologies; Communications Technologies; Innovative Mind; and IoT Sensing and AI Technologies. Under the mentorship of experienced supervisors, interns will actively contribute to significant R&D projects and engage in I&T ecosystem development, applying their theoretical knowledge to commercially viable technologies and gaining practical experience in project development and technology transfer.

“These exceptional and motivated university students are brimming with enthusiasm for innovation. We believe they will bring new energy and creativity to ASTRI, fostering mutual learning and collaborating on the development of innovative technologies that can revolutionise traditional practices, enhance efficiency, and improve daily lives.” Dr Yip added.

Enriching Internship Experience
In addition to hands-on R&D related work, ASTRI will organise “Tech Talk” R&D seminars for interns and arrange visits to a variety of corporates and organisations, including Bank of China (Hong Kong), Cyberport, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Hong Kong Monetary Authority, IBM, Microsoft Hong Kong and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.

These opportunities allow interns to engage with industry experts, gain insights into corporate operations and keep abreast of current developments Hong Kong’s I&T sector, thereby broadening their perspectives.

A Diverse and Prestigious Cohort
This year’s interns hail from five universities in Hong Kong – City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and The University of Hong Kong – as well as a number of internationally acclaimed universities ranked in the top 30 by QS. These include Harvard University, Cornell University, University of Chicago, and Princeton University from the United States; Imperial College London, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University College London, and University of Edinburgh from the United Kingdom; University of Toronto from Canada; and National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and Australian National University from the Asia-Pacific region.

ASTRI’s internship programme is among the largest and most international summer internship programmes offered by research institutions in Hong Kong. It is funded by the STEM Internship Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Innovation and Technology Commission.

With more than 3,000 applications received, 110 interns from renowned universities in Hong Kong and overseas have been selected to participate in an eight-week innovation and technology (I&T) experience through ASTRI’s “Summer Internship Programme” and “FinTech Future Leader Academy”

Dr Denis Yip, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, extended a warm welcome to all the interns gathered at the Orientation Day, encouraging them to join the I&T industry in Hong Kong upon graduation

Interns come from diverse cultural backgrounds, but share a common passion for innovation and technology