Android Digital Home Technology Platform

Android Digital Home Technology Platform

Android Digital Home Technology Platform
20100816 - 20120815

Dr Shen-chang Chao
* Android Digital Home Technology Platform with HDTV extension and following core libraries for 3rd party chips (using ARM or MIPS processor) - DTV, IPTV, P2P, DRM and Adobe Flash * Android base usability technology to provide 3-screens cohesive user experience with the support of - Content Mobility: Seamless switch among different devices to view the same content continuously between "on-the-move" (using Smartphone/ Netbook) and "at home" (HDTV) - Adaptive IME: Potable software engine for any IME device preferred by user as single point to “input and control” of any 3-screen devices at home * Above 2 deliverables for Application Processors that are used on customers’ commercial Android products. * Formation of Android Alliance for CE in Hong Kong and PRD * Reference Design of Android based HD Digital Home CE with the support of STB (DTV, IPTV) , PVR and Medial Player
Hong Kong Telecommunication (HKT) Limited TCL 集團股份有限公司技術中心

This project will develop the Android Digital Home Platform with “HD TV” extension for fast growing Digital/HDTV and Internet CE opportunity. This will be the common embedded OS platform for all the ECE existing, on-going and future technologies. This project is also intend to promote it as standard OS platform for the HK/PRC industry through Android Alliance.