Digital Living Platform Full Project

Digital Living Platform Full Project

Digital Living Platform Full Project
20070416 - 20080415

Dr Shen-chang Chao
Digital Living Platform project will have three major deliverables (please refer to Section C Part 2 for elaborated details) (1) UPnP/iGRS software stack: * OS/hardware-agnostic software stack - UPnP AV 1.0/2.0 (Media Server, Media Render, Control Point) - ASTRI UPnP Relay - iGRS AV1.0 - ASTRI concurrent UPnP/iGRS AV 1.0 (2) ExtHome software suite and service platform: * ExtHome network service software SDK * ExtHome network gateway software SDK * ExtHome network client software SDK * ExtHome network infrastructure (3) Digital Living Lab: * Test lab setup for UPnP/iGRS compliance tests * Interoperability testing with other iGRS/DLNA-certified products * Provide ExtHome network test bed. * Facilitate product demos and trials
Group Sense Limited IGRS [Sponsor] Perception Digital Limited

The main objectives of this R&D project are: (1) To develop production-quality, standard compliant embedded networking software components and platform technologies to enable ubiquitous enjoyment of multimedia content and services over IP inside or outside of a digital home. (2) To establish, operate and support an industry alliance and consortium of Digital Living where enabling technologies for Digital Living will be offered; as well as a Digital Living Lab (DLL) where interoperability testing, certification collaboration programs, training and knowledge base accumulation and transfer will be offered to local and PRD networked consumer electronics manufacturers and OEMs.