High Voltage Motor Driver Silicon IP Platform

High Voltage Motor Driver Silicon IP Platform

High Voltage Motor Driver Silicon IP Platform
20090623 - 20101222

Mr David Kwong
1. System architecture of a common high voltage motor driver platform for camera, projector auto-focusing mechanisms. 2. Develop and delivery a library of silicon IP for motor driver applications. 3. Implement a single chip driver IC for motor driver applications. 4. Release of IP library and design platform
Aurora Systems (HK) Inc [Sponsor] MaxIC Technology Corporation [Sponsor]

The project explores the high voltage, high power analog drivers controllers for motors and actuators used in space limited electronic products, such as the auto-focusing mechanisms in cameras, display projectors. These high voltage motor drivers are in high demand in consumer, industrial and automobile segments of the semiconductor industy. This High Voltage Motor Driver Silicon IP Platform Project will deliver a library of HV silicon IP to local fabless design houses to implement single chip motor driver IC.