Next Generation Mobile Core for Vertical Applications (ART/269CP)

Next Generation Mobile Core for Vertical Applications (ART/269CP)

Next Generation Mobile Core for Vertical Applications (ART/269CP)
01 / 03 / 2019 - 28 / 02 / 2021

Mr Ka-Ho Alex MUI

Phase 1 - Next Generation Mobile Core - R13/R14 Support - CUPS Phase 1 - Specialized Next Generation Mobile Core – for Application - B-TrunC enabled mobile core - Mobile core for edge applications Phase 2 - Orchestrator - Managing various deployment scenarios, CUPS, Multefire, BTrunC, edge deployments - Controlling CUPS and Scalability Phase 2 - Next Generation Mobile Core - R14 policy control & charging Phase 2 - Specialized Next Generation Mobile Core – for Application - MuLTEFire mobile core prototype Phase 2 - NSA R15 Mobile Core Phase 2 - Application Prototyping - Machine Vision prototype over NGCore - One-to-many multi-media trunking

Anktion Limited [Sponsor]
Anktion Limited (Licensing) [Sponsor]
Quanta Cloud Technology Inc. (Licensing) [Sponsor]
Shenzhen Stars Shine Tech Co., Ltd. (Licensing) [Sponsor]

The project aims to focus on “pre-5G” mobile core software. Applying mobile communications for applications in addition to conventional voice and mobile broadband represent a global trend in the industry. The standard bodies are also introducing new capabilities in the core network to address application needs. In 3GPP standard Release 14 introduces “control user plane separation”(CUPS), network slicing to allow user data processed near the network edge and provide isolations between applications. In China, B-TrunC is communications standard in China for mission critical trunking communications. MuLTEFire is a new standard to address unlicensed band LTE technologies.
The project team has been working with the industry to provide private LTE core networks and the proposed project targets for “pre-5G” meaning “prepare for 5G”. The capabilities developed in this project provides a smoother migration to 5G core network, while the project team is able to commercialize before 5G becomes available.
The project team is collaborating with wireless and network equipment vendors in the industry with solid industry contribution to the project and commercialization plan to realize the deploy the licensed technologies.