

20100701 - 20111231

5.1.1 This project consists of the following developments: 1) Design documentations for brain training device (BTD) in four aspects i. Software ii. Electronics iii. Mechanical iv. Optical 2) New medical treatment software with efficient algorithm and shortened daily treatment period (<30 min.) for i. Amblyopia treatment ii. Binocular vision training 3) A highly-integrated medical goggle for advanced vision training with i. Binocular-control system ii. Optical-zoom function 4) Clinical test evaluation of BTD prototype on children and adults, including i. Competitiveness comparision with other market-available vision treatment products ii. Safety test evaluation iii. Compliance evaluation, in particular for home use 5) TWO patents i. Medical goggle with optical zoom and adjustable viewing angle ii. Goggle with adjustable mechanical feature for multi-users 6) TWO licensable medical treatment software in ARM/FPGA format i. Amblyopia treatment program ii. Binocular vision training program 5.1.2 IP Development and Patent Applications: Two patents and two software copyrights will be generated from this project. 1) Patent 1: Medical goggle with optical zoom and adjustable viewing angle i. Optical zoom lens design in compact size ii. Actuator design for variable viewing angle and variable display distance 2) Patent 2: Goggle with adjustable mechanical feature for multi-users i. Adjustable interpupillary distance (IPD) and head-size for different age-group users ii. Stand-alone, compact goggle mechanical design with good heat dissipation & light weight 3) Software copyright 1: Amblyopia treatment program with a series of NOISE functions* for BTD goggles in ARM/FPGA format 4) Software copyright 2: Binocular vision training program for BTD goggles in ARM/FPGA format *Remark: The Amblyopia treatment program developed in seed projects contains spatial frequency function and advanced searching algorithm only.
高平科技有限公司 [贊助機構] 日榮實業有限公司 [贊助機構]

弱視是一種視覺發育障礙,沒有任何結構或病理異常,不能用屈光手段糾正。傳統掩蔽弱視眼的方法對成人是無效的,受益的兒童亦有限。弱視在全世界的發生率為3 %,單在中國已有三千萬弱視成人和一千萬弱視兒童,當中一半以上有雙眼立體視覺障礙。我們在2009年已完成一項可行性研究,我們的弱視治療程式是根據先進的知覺學習模式所設計的,對兒童和成人皆有效。它是一種非侵入性的弱視治療方法,有助於建立大腦視覺皮層的神經通路。我們建議把它發展為一個便攜式的多功能腦訓練儀。 這個項目的目的是推廣以腦訓練來改善視覺問題。我們將開發一個獨立的多功能腦訓練儀,當中配備弱視治療和雙眼視覺培訓的軟件。本裝置會以電子目鏡作為開發平台,我們將開發市場上其他電子目鏡所没有的雙眼獨立控制和光學變焦系統,臨床測試評估將於同期進行。