CityU Chengdu Research Institute and ASTRI sign MOU to strengthen collaboration

  • [Hong Kong, 2 Dec 2020] With a view to promoting the close collaboration of industry, universities and research institutes within the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area – Sichuan Province”, enhancing the ability of the two areas to transform scientific and technological achievements, promoting the collaborative innovation of science and technology, and jointly creating a technological innovation highland and an important source of emerging industries, the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and the City University of Hong Kong Chengdu Research Institute (CityUCRI) recently held a signing ceremony for a memorandum of understanding (MOU).

    Mr Hugh CHOW, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, and Professor Jian LU, the then Vice-President (Research and Technology) of CityU and Director of CityUCRI, signed the MOU on behalf of the institutions.

    Ir Sunny LEE Wai-Kwong, JP, Chairman of ASTRI and Vice-President (Administration) of CityU; Dr Lucas HUI Chi-Kwong, Chief Technology Officer of ASTRI; Dr Martin SZETO, Chief Operating Officer of ASTRI; Professor Michael YANG, Vice-President (Research and Technology) of CityU; and Dr Laura LO, Associate Vice-President (Chinese Mainland Affairs Office) of CityU attended the ceremony and witnessed the signing.

    Mr MA Jun, Director of New Economy and Technology Bureau, Shuangliu District of the Chengdu Municipal Government, Sichuan Province, Deputy Director Mr LI Ji, and Dr FENG Hao, Associate Director of CityUCRI, witnessed the ceremony through video links from Chengdu.

    (From left, front row) ASTRI CEO Mr Hugh CHOW and Professor Jian LU.
    (From Left, back row) Dr Martin SZETO, Dr Lucas HUI, Ir Sunny LEE, Professor Michael YANG, Dr Laura LO and Ms Carmen NG from CityU.

    In accordance with the MOU, ASTRI and CityUCRI will cooperate in three major areas: communications technologies, artificial intelligence and big data analytics, and integrated circuits and systems. The parties plan to build a scientific research collaboration platform, hold regular academic forums in professional fields, jointly promote the implementation and commercialisation of their scientific and technological achievements, and cultivate technological talents, in order to deepen the scientific exchanges and strengthen complementary advantages and resource sharing, contributing to the mutual benefits between Sichuan and Hong Kong.

    The parties have also established a three-year cooperation plan which includes holding large-scale exchange activities to showcase the scientific research outcomes of ASTRI and CityU to Mainland enterprises and promoting the commercialisation of their scientific research outcomes. When appropriate, ASTRI and CityU will jointly apply for Sichuan Province scientific research projects; and the parties also plan to establish a joint laboratory or a knowledge transfer centre located at the CityUCRI.

    The MOU signing ceremony in Hong Kong

    Professor Lu pointed out in his speech that CityU and ASTRI had established a solid scientific and technological cooperation relationship. He said the signing of the MOU symbolised a deeper and broader cooperation and development, which would provide innovative and high-quality technology services to Shuangliu District, Chengdu, and other cities in Sichuan province. He believed, on this solid basis of cooperation, CityU and ASTRI would join hands and carry out holistic collaboration in multiple fields and at multiple levels and establish a long-term stable relationship with deep friendship.

    Mr Chow said the signing ceremony was an important milestone in the deepening of cooperation between the two parties, marking a new level of collaboration which promotes the close integration of industry, academia, and scientific research institutions in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Sichuan. ASTRI, as the largest applied innovation and technology R&D centre funded by the government of Hong Kong, is committed to promoting innovation, with the mission of enhancing the competitiveness of Hong Kong’s technology-based industry and improving the lives of citizens. Mr Chow said that through this cooperation, ASTRI was pleased to bring high-quality scientific research outcomes to enterprises in Chengdu. ASTRI looked forward to the collaboration between the two parties in achieving more breakthroughs. Mr Chow also expressed his gratitude toward the leaders of Shuangliu District for their support in providing solid backing for the cooperation between ASTRI, CityU, and Sichuan enterprises. He hoped that everyone would work together to forge ahead and contribute to national development through scientific research.

    Director MA emphasised that this MOU had deepened the cooperation and strengthened the sharing of resources between Sichuan and Hong Kong. It has a positive impact on promoting the aggregation of advantageous industrial chains in Shuangliu District and the development of industry-city integration. He pointed out that Shuangliu, as an important bearing site for the national-level Tianfu New District, Sichuan Free Trade Pilot Zone, and Chengdu Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, has become a hotspot for entrepreneurship, investment and development. He said the Shuangliu New Economy and Technology Bureau would continue to provide outstanding services and build an industrial ecosystem. With the goal of win-win development, the Bureau will spare no effort in building a “bridge of cooperation between Sichuan and Hong Kong” and creating a better tomorrow and a better future for all parties.

    (From left) Mr LI Ji, Mr MA Jun, Dr FENG Hao and Ms Sarah MIAO witnessed the ceremony through video links.

    Cooperation background

    As one of the strategic development platforms of City University of Hong Kong on the Mainland, the City University of Hong Kong Chengdu Research Institute (CityUCRI) is also the first industry-university-research cooperation platform of CityU in western China. It aims to build a “Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Chengdu” science and technology corridor and act as a “super-connector” in order to attract more superior cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to settle in Chengdu.

    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. To date, ASTRI has transferred almost 750 technologies to the industries and has been granted more than 850 patents on the Mainland, in the US and other countries.

    ASTRI Supports CE’s Policy Address and Welcomes New Initiatives to Bolster Innovation & Technology Development in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area

  • (Hong Kong, 26 Nov 2020) The Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has expressed its full support to the Chief Executive’s 2020 Policy Address and welcomed new initiatives in bolstering the development of innovation and technology (I&T) in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

    Ir Sunny Lee, JP, Chairman of ASTRI, said: “We are truly excited to see the various policy initiatives outlined by the Chief Executive in developing Hong Kong into an international innovation and technology hub. Being the largest government-funded R&D centre in Hong Kong for applied science and technology, ASTRI is committed to continuing to create impactful innovations and becoming a major technology enabler, helping Hong Kong develop as a pioneering Smart City.”

    Set up by the SAR Government in 2000, ASTRI’s mission is to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research.

    Mr Hugh Chow, CEO of ASTRI, added: “We welcome and support new initiatives such as the Smart City Blue Print for Hong Kong 2.0, Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme, Smart Mobility, network development and wider application of 5G, among many others. These are exciting developments and I’m confident, with ASTRI’s expertise and experience in many of these areas, we can make a significant contribution in supporting the SAR Government as well as the I&T ecosystem.”

    ASTRI’s core R&D competence in various areas is grouped under five Technology Divisions: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics; Communications; Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits and Systems; and IoT and Sensors. It is applied across five cores areas which are Smart City, Financial Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Health Technologies, and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    Over the years, ASTRI has nurtured a pool of research, I&T talents and received numerous international awards for its pioneering innovations as well as outstanding business and community contributions. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industries and owns nearly 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.

    ASTRI enhances functionalities of Smart Pet Dog as an elderly companion and provides medication reminder

  • [Hong Kong, 22 November 2020] To cater to the needs of the elderly in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) is developing a smart companion pet dog which can chat in Cantonese and Mandarin and can even remind the elderly to take their medicine when the Bluetooth function is enabled. The smart pet dog is expected to be launched in phases next year, and is expected to sell for less than HKD 1,500 each. Eligible local elderly and rehabilitation service units can apply to the Social Welfare Department for the “Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care” and get subsidies for their purchase.

    ASTRI introduced the smart pet dog during the four-day Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2020 from 19 – 22 November.

    ASTRI has been applying its cutting-edge technology and innovation to address pain points in our society. This smart pet dog can support elderly care as Hong Kong faces challenges associated with an ageing population.

    Mr. Fanky Yau, project coordinator and Associate Principal Engineer at ASTRI, said that through the subsidy of Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care provided by the Social Welfare Department, ASTRI introduced the smart pet dog which originally had Japanese language capabilities to Hong Kong with a view to enhancing and localising it to suit the needs of the elderly here. About 200 to 300 sets of Cantonese and Putonghua dialogues will be added to the smart pet dog so that it can “listen” to the elderly in Hong Kong and the Mainland and respond accordingly. Such response can include caring and greeting the host, as well as greeting and talking in a cute manner. At the beginning of next year, the team will collaborate with the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service to arrange smart pet dogs to be companions for hundreds of elderly people who live alone and stay in day care centres, community centres and elderly homes to better understand the needs of the elderly in Hong Kong and optimise their conversations.

    Mr Yau said already a company has indicated interest in commercialising the smart pet dog. It is expected to be sold in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and other parts of China in phases from mid-2021 onwards, he added.

    ASTRI will further incorporate Bluetooth functions for the smart pet dog to enhance its functionality. “The caregiver will only need to enter the medication time for the elderly through a mobile app, then the smart pet dog will remind the elderly to take the medication on time and will also ask if they have taken them, and finally report back to the caregiver through the app,” he said.

    He also said that other organisations can develop more applications in the future based on ASTRI’s application programming interface. And through Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), one can further enhance the functions of the smart pet dog, such as continuously monitoring and analysing the responses and the speed of speech of the elderly while chatting, thus enabling social workers and family members to better understand the elderly’s health status.



    SmartPet_01ASTRI Associate Principal Engineer Mr. Fanky Yau hopes that the smart pet will be popular in the community.

    SmartPet_02ASTRI staff members introduce the smart pet to visitors of the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2020.

    Distinguished leaders share insights on innovation and technology at ASTRI’s 20th anniversary Impact Conference

  • [Hong Kong, 11 November 2020] The Impact Conference, celebrating Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute’s (ASTRI) 20th anniversary, was successfully held today. Thought leaders shared their views on the development of innovation and technology and its impact with audiences online, bringing insights to the industry and providing impetus to Hong Kong’s I&T ecosystem.


    Photo_01: (From left) Mr Hugh Chow, ASTRI CEO; Ms Annie Choi Suk-han, Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology; Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary; Ir Sunny Lee, ASTRI Chairman; and Ms Rebecca Pun Ting-ting, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, officiated at the opening ceremony of ASTRI’s Impact Conference.


    Photo_02: Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary, delivered opening remarks for ASTRI’s Impact Conference.

    ASTRI to welcome distinguished speakers to Impact Conference, celebrating 20 years of creating technology for impact

  • Hong Kong, 5 November 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) is to present on 11 November the Impact Conference, a full-day webinar which will bring together some of Hong Kong’s pre-eminent thought leaders to discuss how innovations in the technology sector will impact Hong Kong in the near- and long-term, while considering ways in which innovation and tech can make an immediate impact on Hong Kong life amid a global pandemic.

    With four keynote and six panel sessions, the event will be opened by the Honourable Financial Secretary Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP and ASTRI Chairman Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, JP. Keynote speakers will include: Professor Tsui Lap-chee, GBM, GBS, JP, from The Academy of Science of Hong Kong; Professor Zexiang Li from the School of Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Dr Jacob Kam, CEO of MTR Corporation Limited; and Dr Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP, Executive Council member and CEO of the Haven of Hope Christian Service.

    Panel discussions will explore how innovations in fintech, 5G, smart city technology, smart manufacturing, healthtech and blockchain will be an essential part of Hong Kong’s prosperous and successful future, while there will also be insights into nurturing, developing and sustaining a technology-focused workforce against a global shortage of talent in the sector.

    Mr Hugh Chow, ASTRI Chief Executive Officer, said: “As the Covid-19 pandemic has caused widespread concern and economic hardship and disruptions for consumers, businesses and communities across the world, advances and innovations in the technology sector have never been more crucial and urgently needed.

    In a short period of time, the tech industry has risen to the challenge with impressive rapidity to help ailing businesses and economies cope with unprecedented challenges. However, myriad challenges still lie ahead and conversations around how technology, and the way humans interact with it and take advantage of it, has never been more important.

    We are immensely proud to host this event which provides a forum for these distinguished thought leaders to share their views on technology going forward and the next impacts and innovations we can expect which will make our society smarter, safer and more efficient.”

    For more information or to register for the event, please visit

    ASTRI publishes white paper on alternative credit scoring of MSMEs

  • [Hong Kong, 2 November 2020] Commissioned by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) today publishes a white paper titled “Alternative Credit Scoring of Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs)”, which outlines how FinTech can be adopted to collect and utilise alternative data to evaluate borrowers’ creditworthiness and thus improve banks’ business scale of their existing MSMEs financing services and the access to finance for MSMEs.

    MSMEs account for more than 98% of the business establishments in Hong Kong and employ about 46% of the workforce in the private sector. Yet many face significant challenges in securing a bank loan due to their lack of financial information and the significant burden faced by banks in conducting credit assessments and monitoring related processes. Mr Hugh Chow, CEO of ASTRI, said: “The traditional methods of measuring a company’s creditworthiness, calculating the probability of default, mean the odds are stacked against MSMEs who may rely on offline or cash transactions and who may not have the most orderly and neatest of accounting books. They may also need the funding urgently and the weeks it takes for an application to be processed could prove fatal if the difference between survival and bankruptcy is counted in days.

    Eddie Yue, Chief Executive of HKMA, said that it is a global phenomenon that smaller businesses often find it challenging to access finance. “MSMEs play an important role in the economy. Fintech is believed to be an essential tool to help expand MSMEs’ access to credit by lowering costs and better managing the credit risks. Hong Kong is well positioned to drive fintech development given the support from the industry and society as a whole,” he noted. This white paper sets out how Hong Kong can take advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning to explore a wide variety of data from many sources to assess the creditworthiness of MSMEs, including cash flow, point-of-sale transaction records, utility bill payments and even information from online accounting software programs. The paper lays out the technological components needed to handle and process the alternative data used in alternative credit scoring. Further, it proposes building an effective alternative credit scoring ecosystem for banks and providers of alternative data in Hong Kong that can handle data management, credit assessment automation, and monitoring. It also suggests steps that need to be taken by the players in the ecosystem to support this proposal. The white paper offers a roadmap for the adoption of alternative credit scoring in Hong Kong and suggests three areas for future development. Firstly, continuous support by the government and infrastructure facilitation for data sharing are critical to maintain the availability of alternative data. Secondly, the continuous development of innovative machine learning models is required to enhance the handling of model validation, performance, data privacy, fairness, and interpretability. Finally, a centralised data-sharing platform could facilitate an ecosystem that will expedite the adoption of alternative credit scoring by banks in Hong Kong. “The release of this white paper aims to promote the adoption of alternative credit scoring by banks in Hong Kong with a view to improving access to finance for MSMEs and helping banks to improve the business scale of their existing MSME financing services. It can be used as a basic blueprint for banks looking to kickstart the adoption process,” added Mr Chow.

    Please click here for the full white paper.

    Appointment of New Directors to ASTRI Board

  • [Hong Kong, 20 October 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) today announced the appointment of five new Directors to the ASTRI Board for the period from 21 October 2020 to 20 October 2022. The new appointees are:

    • Mr Edmund Lee Chi-wai, Chief Executive Officer, Application Technology Company Limited 
    • Mr Theodore Ma Heng, Managing Partner, Cocoon Ignite Ventures 
    • Dr Alfred Ng Man-cheuk, Chief Technology Officer, Suga International Holdings Limited 
    • Ir Dr Samson Tai Kin-hon, IBM Distinguished Engineer and Chief Technology Officer of IBM Hong Kong
    • Mr Anthony Tong Tat-hay, Managing Partner, Robin Bridge and John Liu


    Five serving Directors of ASTRI, namely Mr Charles Chow Sai-keung, Mr Steve Chuang Tzu-hsiung, Prof Lam Tak-wah, Prof Sabrina Lin Man-yee and Ms Ada Wong Yin-man have also been re-appointed for the period from 21 October 2020 to 20 October 2022.


    And commencing 21 October 2020, Ms Cally Chan Shan-shan, Mr Duncan Chiu, Mr Kwong Chi-keung, JP, Ir Dr Alan Lam Hiu-fung and Dr Davy Lo Kwok-wai will retire from the ASTRI Board.


    Chairman of ASTRI’s Board of Directors Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong welcomed the new members to the Board and thanked the retiring members. 


    He said: “Thanks to the tireless efforts from the ASTRI Board of Directors and its staff members over the past 20 years, we have been able to take up leadership positions in a number of innovative areas, such as 5G, semiconductors, FinTech, HealthTech, Smart City and Intelligent Manufacturing and our good work has continued despite the global pandemic. Our collective efforts will support Hong Kong’s recuperation from the Covid-19 disruption. 


    “I hereby thank Ms Chan, Mr Chiu, Mr Kwong, Ir Dr Lam and Dr Lo for their invaluable contribution to ASTRI and I welcome Mr Lee, Mr Ma, Dr Ng, Ir Dr Tai and Mr Tong to the Board of Directors. I look forward to working with them in continuing to create a positive impact in Hong Kong through innovative technologies and applied sciences.” 


    As from 21 October 2020, the composition of ASTRI’s Board of Directors is as follows:


    Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, JP



    Prof Chan Chun-kwong
    Mr Stephen Chau Kam-kun
    Mr Charles Chow Sai-keung
    Mr Steve Chuang Tzu-hsiung
    Mr Ha Yung-kuen, BBS
    Mr Stephen Ho Wai-chung
    Prof Lam Tak-wah
    Mr Edmund Lee Chi-wai
    Prof Sabrina Lin Man-yee
    Mr Andy Liu An-ting
    Mr Theodore Ma Heng
    Mr Peter Ng Hon-yu
    Ir Prof Joseph Ng Kee-yin 
    Dr Alfred Ng Man-cheuk
    Ir Dr Samson Tai Kin-hon
    Mr Anthony Tong Tat-hay
    Ms Ada Wong Yin-man
    (In alphabetical order according to surname)


    Official Members

    Ms Annie Choi Suk-han, JP, Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology
    Ms Rebecca Pun Ting-ting, JP, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology


    – END – 


    About ASTRI

    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competence in various areas is grouped under five Technology Divisions: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics; Communications; Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits and Systems; and IoT and Sensors. It is applied across five cores areas which are Smart City, Financial Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Health Technologies, and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    Over the years, ASTRI has nurtured a pool of research, I&T talents and received numerous international awards for its pioneering innovations as well as outstanding business and community contributions. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industries and owns nearly 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.

    For further information, please visit


    Media Enquiries:

    Mr Chris Chan
    Head of Public Affairs
    Tel: +852 3406 0375
    Email: [email protected]

    ASTRI showcases cutting-edge 5G technologies at PT EXPO China 2020 in Beijing

  • [Hong Kong, 15 October 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) showcases a portfolio of its cutting-edge 5G technologies at the PT EXPO China 2020 in Beijing from 14-16 October.


    Adopting the theme of “Promote 5G for an Intelligent Future”, ASTRI demonstrates its technologies and innovations that enhance the competitive strength of enterprises in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and around the world. These technologies include:


    •  5G O-RAN Solution
    •  Industrial IoT applications
    •  5G OpenUPF
    •  Ground-breaking Terabit 5G Standalone Core Network
    •  AR Intelligent Maintenance
    •  IoT Blockchain
    •  5G Smart Mobility solution


    ASTRI Chief Executive Officer Hugh Chow said: “Our technology and our innovation must always serve a practical need in society. We are delighted to have the opportunity to showcase so many of these ground-breaking success stories in one place, allowing us to truly demonstrate how wide-ranging and impactful our work is.”


    The PT EXPO China 2020 is hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It is one of Asia’s largest and most influential Information and Communications Technology (ICT) events, exploring the impact of next-generation technologies across a variety of industries, as well as trends in the market. Last year, the event had more than 81,000 attendees and hosted over 400 exhibitors.


    Dr Justin Chuang, Vice-President, Communications Technologies at ASTRI, said: “Our 5G network solution is fully compliant with 3GPP standard and low-cost. It can realise new application scenarios including private networks, Internet of Vehicles, industrial Internet and mobile phone OS cloudification etc., bringing 5G into the market quickly with valued services”.

    ASTRI’s 5G O-RAN Solution is an end-to-end 5G network solution, which complies with 3GPP standards and, through its flexibility, low cost and ease of deployment, removes a traditional cost barrier to the industry looking to make the most of the 5G network. Our Industrial IoT applications include the development of simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) and robot navigation software running over a 5G network with industrial AGVs.


    China Mobile’s 5G OpenUPF (User Plane Function) will enable open and flexible 5G deployment in network edge and drive vertical applications. ASTRI is one of the first members to have joined the OpenUPF initiative.


    Intel and ASTRI have been working closely in 5G technology development, including 5G core network, O-RAN development, 5G OpenUPF, and V2X infrastructure technology. They have worked together to optimise software and hardware to enable scalable 5G UPF. They also combined to deliver a ground-breaking performance of more than 1Tbps 5G UPF data throughput earlier in 2020.


    CITIC Telecom CPC and ASTRI have introduced a jointly developed AR Intelligent Maintenance solution, designed to transform field engineers’ operations and maintenance processes. ASTRI has also developed an innovative IoT Blockchain platform that can securely monetise and strategically exploit enormous amounts of IoT data in real-time.


    Lenovo (Beijing) Limited and ASTRI jointly demonstrate a 5G Smart Mobility solution that combines with ultra-low latency C-V2X communication and 5G edge intelligence to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. 



    About ASTRI

    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competence in various areas is grouped under five Technology Divisions; Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics; Communications; Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits and Systems; and IoT and Sensors. It focuses on five areas of application including: Smart City; Financial Technologies; Intelligent Manufacturing; Health Technologies; and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    Over the years, ASTRI has nurtured a pool of research, I&T talents and received numerous international awards for its pioneering innovations as well as outstanding business and community contributions. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industries and owns more than 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.

    For further information, please visit


    Media Enquiries:

    Mr Philip Jones
    Senior Manager, Public Affairs and
    Corporate Communications
    Tel: +852 3406 0235
    Email: [email protected]

    Ms CHOI Yiu
    Manager, Public Affairs and
    Corporate Communications
    Tel: +852 3406 2506 / +852 9166 6522
    Email: [email protected]


    ASTRI demonstrates its technologies and innovations including IoT Blockchain at the PT EXPO China 2020.
    ASTRI staff members introduce ASTRI’s cutting-edge 5G technologies to visitors of the PT EXPO China 2020.


    ASTRI and CITIC Telecom CPC Transform Customer Experience with AR-based Operations and Maintenance Solution

  • [Hong Kong, 24 September 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) and CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited (CITIC Telecom CPC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC Telecom International Holdings Limited, have introduced a jointly developed Augmented Reality (AR) solution designed to transform field engineers’ operations and maintenance processes. Branded DataHOUSE AR Remote Hand Service (AR Remote Hand), the solution leverages wearable Augmented Reality (AR) technology and brings CITIC Telecom CPC’s field engineers and its customers to a new era, enabling them to slash the time and cost of troubleshooting and maintenance for achieving better results. 


    The AR Remote Hand Service employs AR glasses to stream real-time intelligence, troubleshooting logs, graphics and encrypted data from back-end systems to on-site engineers and maintenance staff, boosting field productivity by up to 50%. By wearing the glasses, field engineers do not have to stop their work to communicate with back-end support teams via a laptop or phone, nor to refer to a paper manual. The AR Remote Hand provides field engineers with a heads-up display for remote visualisation in real time as they install, maintain or troubleshoot equipment, thus speeding up the whole process.


    AR Remote Hand enables field engineers across multiple locations to overcome the challenges of multiple languages and skillsets in multi-technology environments; as well as to manage installation and maintenance issues more efficiently and cost effectively, resulting in improved customer satisfaction. This ability to work effectively from remote locations is also helping CITIC Telecom CPC’s customers and staff stay safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure safe operations and maintain service infrastructure availability by the global remote service support teams, CITIC Telecom CPC is using DataHOUSE AR Remote Hand Service in its China Data Center operations to assure regional customers’ business operations continuity.


    “Our strategic collaboration with CITIC Telecom CPC has demonstrated the success in leveraging next generation technology in real-life applications that benefit our people and society, in this case smart industrial applications and field service management solutions for Hong Kong enterprises,” said Mr. Hugh Chow, CEO of ASTRI. “We are delighted that our applied research has proven effective in enhancing CITIC Telecom CPC’s customer experience, improving operational efficiency and boosting business resilience, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. ASTRI, as a bridge of innovation and technology, will continue to strive to create economic value and societal impact via technology transfer and commercialisation in building a smarter and safer Hong Kong.”


    “We are delighted to see the results of our strategic partnership with ASTRI in the launch of AR Remote Hand Service,” said Mr. Esmond Li, CEO of CITIC Telecom CPC. “The partnership has provided us with a solution that significantly strengthens our managed services offerings, greatly enhances the customer experience and is revolutionising the industry’s operations and maintenance capabilities. DataHOUSE AR Remote Hand is an innovative remote maintenance service adopted in data centre scenarios, which leverages AR intelligent operations and maintenance technologies. This is only the first step and we will not stop here. Through collaborating more innovative thinking, we expect to enhance the service to cope with more scenarios and bring more value and better customer experience to enterprises.” 


    In their collaboration, ASTRI focused on developing the software platform and customisation, while CITIC Telecom CPC provided related information and opinions based on its experience with business cases in various scenarios and applications. This ensured the solution could effectively address enterprise customers’ needs across a range of industries. The result is a solution that offers a wide array of benefits in service provisioning and remote location visualisation and communication capabilities: 


    • Intuitive AR-Guided Installation, Troubleshooting and Maintenance: With AR Remote Hand, field engineers recognise any device with a designated QR code and access real-time intelligence, graphics, and encrypted data from back-end systems streamed on-site. Field staff can access virtual step-by-step guides or even 3D manuals via AR glasses, without the need to interrupt work to check information on a laptop or in a manual.


    • Historical Records Analysis: Using a pre-set routine (e.g. gestures), on-site engineers can review a device’s historical record (e.g. customers’ network traffic or cloud CPU history), to speed up data analysis and troubleshooting, while cutting downtime and cost.


    • Seamless Communication and Collaboration with Back-end Support: Field engineers previously communicated with back-end support via email or phone, making it difficult to describe a troubleshooting situation. Removing distance and language barriers, back-end engineers now view real-time images streamed via AR glasses through an AR operations console, improving operational speed and quality. Its powerful video conferencing feature also offers engineers instant support and fosters off-site collaboration between global operations and maintenance teams. In addition, back-end engineers can give field engineers clear instructions via 3D AR labelling. 


    In exceptional circumstances, such as the current pandemic, it’s difficult for enterprises’ IT staff to travel to data centres and manage their equipment. Equipped with the latest AR glasses development, CITIC Telecom CPC’s DataHOUSE AR Remote Hand serves as customers’ remote hands. It not only shows the status of on-site equipment as customers watch in real time from offices or other locations, but also lets customers to provide live instructions to CITIC Telecom CPC’s on-site engineers as they troubleshoot equipment issues without physically being in the data centre. 


    “At CITIC Telecom CPC, we are constantly innovating to improve the customer experience,” said Mr. Daniel Kwong, Chief Information and Innovation Officer of CITIC Telecom CPC.  “We plan to extend the AR Remote Hand service for further customer use and will enlarge the list of equipment support. Adding AI applications for the AR glasses will be the next milestone as we work to deliver even more intelligent diagnoses. For example, when a field engineer sees the status of the target-fixing equipment through the AR glasses, they will be shown a number of possible causes for the problem, with each cause ranked with a percentage according to how likely it is to be the source of the problem.”




    About ASTRI

    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s research and development strategic focus covers five areas of applications: Smart City; Financial Technologies; Intelligent Manufacturing; Health Technologies; and Application Specific Integrated Circuits through its mandate as the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre. 

    Our core competence in various areas is grouped under five technology divisions, namely Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics; Communications Technologies; Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits and Systems, and IoT and Sensors.

    ASTRI seeks to develop technologies that address the needs of industries, institutions and communities in Hong Kong; as well as nurture talent to create economic value and societal impact. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industry and owns more than 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.  For further information, please visit


    About CITIC Telecom CPC

    We are CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited (“CITIC Telecom CPC”), a wholly owned subsidiary of CITIC Telecom International Holdings Limited (SEHK: 1883), serving multinational enterprises the world over by addressing their specific ICT requirements with highly scalable tailored solutions built upon our flagship technology suites, comprising TrueCONNECT™ private network solutions, TrustCSI™ information security solutions, DataHOUSE™ cloud data center solutions, and SmartCLOUD™ cloud computing solutions.

    As a leading Global Local ICT Solutions Partner with worldwide footprint across East to West and native presence, we truly live our motto, “Innovation Never Stops.” Being a preferred Digital Society Enabler, we lead our key markets at the forefront of pioneering ICT development, embracing AI, AR, Big Data, IoT, and other cutting-edge emerging technologies to transform technical potential into real-world value for our customers, helping them achieve higher productivity, agility, cost-efficiency, and ultimately, Digital Globalization.  

    As one of the first managed service providers in Hong Kong to achieve ISO 9001, 14001, 20000, 27001, and 27017 ICT-related certifications, CITIC Telecom CPC delivers on our superior quality commitment through a broad global self-managed infrastructure encompassing some of the highest growth markets in Asia, Europe and America, with over 140 points of presence, 18 Cloud service centers, 30+ data centers, and two dedicated 24×7 Security Operations Centers. For more information please visit


    Media Enquiries:
    Jeanette Kwok
    Head of Public Affairs and Corporate Communications
    Contact: +852 3406 0375
    Email: [email protected]


    Mr. Esmond Li, CEO of CITIC Telecom CPC (left) and Mr. Hugh Chow, CEO of ASTRI announced the launch of “DataHOUSE AR Remote Hand Service”, an AR solution jointly developed to transform field engineers’ operations and maintenance processes.


    (From the left) Mr. Daniel Kwong, Chief Information and Innovation Officer of CITIC Telecom CPC, Mr. Esmond Li, CEO of CITIC Telecom CPC, Mr. Hugh Chow, CEO of ASTRI and Dr. Lucas Hui, Chief Technology Officer of ASTRI pictured to celebrate the success of the partnership and AR- based Operations and Maintenance Solution.


    The “DataHOUSE AR Remote Hand Service” meets the growing customer demand for support in managing the increasing complexity and diversity of equipment used today in data centres via the state-of-the-art solution. It enables field engineers across multiple locations to overcome the challenges of multiple languages and skillsets in multi-technology environments; as well as to manage installation and maintenance issues more efficiently and cost effectively, resulting in improved customer satisfaction.

    ASTRI and the University of Hong Kong to nurture FinTech talent of the future

  • [Hong Kong, 14 September 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Hong Kong (HKU), a commitment to nurturing the talent of tomorrow and creating the FinTech expertise of the future.


    The agreement will see both parties develop the Technology Oriented Practitioner (TOP) programme, a Work-Study Scheme for first-year students enrolled on the MSc programme in FinTech and Data Analytics at HKU, with ASTRI providing paid full-time employment for up to 30 students for a nine-month period and assigning them to one of ASTRI’s many ongoing FinTech projects, such as a smart credit assessment that helps SMEs secure loans or an AI-driven data analytics platform that empowers more effective risk management, keeping our society safer and smarter. 


    The Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Rebecca Pun Ting-ting JP witnessed the signing ceremony at the University of Hong Kong.


    Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, said: “We are fully committed to building a bridge of talent between academia and the industry and we are thrilled to be offering this opportunity to future talent in Hong Kong to gain invaluable work experience at such a crucial part of their studies.


    “Being a world-leader in FinTech is vital to Hong Kong’s future success and a crucial aspect of the role we will play in the Greater Bay Area, making the most of our city’s unique advantages. We are therefore thrilled to be making such an important contribution to the development of future talent,” he added.


    Professor Christopher Chao, Dean of HKU Engineering said “FinTech is one of the fastest growing areas in business today. Our Department of Computer Science had recently launched a Bachelor’s degree in Financial Technology [(BASc (FinTech)] and a brand-new interdisciplinary Master’s degree in Financial Technology and Data Analytics for 2021 which aim at nurturing financial technologists and entrepreneurs with essential knowledge in both finance and technology. Through the Work-Study Scheme, our students can gain practical experience and get prepared to contribute to the development of the FinTech industry in Hong Kong and in the region.”


    The TOP programme is among ASTRI’s many commitments to developing talent in the I&T sector, particularly FinTech. Working with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, ASTRI launched the FinTech Career Accelerator Scheme in 2016, aiming to cultivate the future talent necessary to sustain Hong Kong’s banking, finance and business services, as well as preserving our city’s competitiveness as an international finance hub. Students receive an internship at financial institutions or technology companies and in the past four years, more than 500 have taken part. This year, the HKMA received more than 1,400 applications, nearly twice as many as last year. 


    The ASTRI University Advisory Council (AUAC) has partnered with top universities in Hong Kong to harness knowledge and nurture talent through strategic collaboration with students, providing them with hands-on experience. 


    Earlier this month, ASTRI launched its Graduate Programme 2020, providing full-time employment to graduates and an opportunity to work closely with its award-winning researchers. ASTRI also offers a three-month blockchain accelerator programme, in partnership with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and Molecular Hub, as well as summer internships, which took in 42 students from 15 universities across the world in 2020.


    About ASTRI
    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competence in various areas is grouped under five Technology Divisions: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics; Communications; Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits and Systems; and IoT and Sensors. It is applied across five cores areas which are Smart City, Financial Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Health Technologies, and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    Over the years, ASTRI has nurtured a pool of research, I&T talents and received numerous international awards for its pioneering innovations as well as outstanding business and community contributions. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industries and owns more than 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.

    For further information, please visit


    About HKU Faculty of Engineering
    The Faculty of Engineering is one of the founding Faculties of The University of Hong Kong established in 1912. Since its foundation, the Faculty has kept pace with developments in the engineering world and is always at the forefront of engineering research, evolving into one of the largest Faculties at the University with five departments providing undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees in a wide range of important fields of modern engineering, technology and computer science. The Faculty aims at providing an all-round education for students, equipping graduates not only with knowledge of cutting-edge technology, but also excellent communication and social skills, an innovation mindset, a lifelong learning attitude, professional integrity and international exposure.

    For more information, please visit


    Media Enquiries


    Ms Nana Ng
    Manager, Public Affairs and
    Corporate Communications
    Tel: +852 3406 2536
    Email: [email protected]

    The University of Hong Kong

    Ms. Melanie Wan
    Senior Manager (Media)
    Communications and Public Affairs Office
    Tel: (852) 2859 2600
    Email: [email protected]


    (Left) Professor Christopher Chao, Dean of Engineering of The University of Hong Kong, and Mr Hugh Chow, CEO of ASTRI, sign an agreement to launch the Work-Study Scheme, witnessed by Commissioner of Innovation and Technology Ms Rebecca Pun, JP.


    (From Left) Professor Mr S M Yiu, Dr KP Chow, Professor T W Lam and Professor Christopher Chao of The University of Hong Kong, the Commissioner of Innovation and Technology Ms Rebecca Pun, JP, and ASTRI’s CEO Mr Hugh Chow, CTO Dr Lucas Hui and COO Dr Martin Szeto at the signing of the Work-Study Scheme agreement.