ASTRI welcomes Graduate Programme 2020 participants, giving talented students a unique opportunity to launch career in an R&D environment

  • [Hong Kong, 1 September 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) welcomes our new recruits for the Graduate Programme 2020, a unique opportunity for university graduates to launch their careers in a research and development environment, in particular one with a mission to deliver impactful solution to our industry and our society.


    ASTRI Chairman Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong says: “Creating a bridge of talent is vital to a vibrant innovation and technology (I&T) ecosystem and, through its collaboration with various stakeholders in society, ASTRI has proven its commitment to nurturing the great young minds of applied research of the future.”


    Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, adds: “We are delighted to welcome our new recruits and believe the perseverance and application they have already shown in their studies will help us to continue our mission to bring lasting impact to society through award-winning technology.”


    The Graduate Programme 2020 has given one-time, two-year full-time job positions to students leaving universities and higher education institutes in Hong Kong in 2020. They will support our award-winning scientists working on cutting-edge innovations in a multicultural environment with more than 500 talented R&D engineers and specialists. 


    The programme is among ASTRI’s many commitments to developing talent in the I&T sector. Working with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, we launched the FinTech Career Accelerator Scheme in 2016, aiming to cultivate the future talent necessary to sustain Hong Kong’s banking, finance and business services, as well as preserving our city’s competitiveness as an international finance hub. Students receive an internship at financial institutions or technology companies and in the past four years, more than 500 have taken part. This year, the HKMA received more than 1,400 applications, nearly twice as many as last year. 


    ASTRI also offers a three-month blockchain accelerator programme, in partnership with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and Molecular Hub, as well as summer internships, which took in 42 students at universities across the world in 2020.


    About ASTRI
    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competence in various areas is grouped under five Technology Divisions, namely Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, Communications, Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies, Integrated Circuits and Systems, and IoT and Sensors. Five areas of applications including Smart City, Financial Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Health Technologies, and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    Over the years, ASTRI has nurtured a pool of research, I&T talents and received numerous international awards for its pioneering innovations as well as outstanding business and community contributions. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industries and owns nearly 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.

    For further information, please visit


    Media Enquiries:
    Ms Jeanette Kwok
    Head of Public Affairs
    Tel: +852 3406 0375
    Mobile: +852 9103 0633
    Email: [email protected]



    ASTRI sets smart water data challenge to promote STEM education in Greater China

  • [Hong Kong, 24 August 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has supported the International Mathematical Modelling Challenge (IM2C) to nurture STEM talent and innovative entrepreneurship for secondary school students in Hong Kong SAR and the rest of the Greater China region through problem setting, field studies, summer internships and presentation competitions.  


    Established by Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP, USA) and NeoUnion ESC Organization (NeoUnion, Hong Kong) in 2015, the IM2C is a global innovation contest for secondary school students to explore the application of mathematical modelling in real-life situations to solve problems of importance today. Water is an essential resource in our daily life. A smart water supply system which can monitor flaws in pipes and valves is key to sustainable and efficient water use in Hong Kong. Using ASTRI’s simulated scenarios from the real-life project on Smart Water Data Analysis, the Hong Kong team from Diocesan Girl’s School won the Outstanding Award for the 2020 IM2C Greater China Contest, which was featured in the July issue of the Newsletter of Hong Kong Laureate Forum. The problems set for the IM2C 2020 in Greater China covered a wide spectrum of issues including Smart Water Data Analysis, Credibility in Online News, Grid Frequency Response and Cyber Insurance Incentive Strategy; Flash Sale is used for the international challenge. 


    “Mathematical modelling provides the effective tool in applying logical thinking to solving the complex problems we face today,” said Dr James Lei, ASTRI Senior Director of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics. “Through our support to the IM2C competition, field studies and the Advanced Innovation Program platform, ASTRI hopes to stimulate young people’s interest in STEM education and careers, and encourage them to take on the difficult challenges – an essential trait for technological innovation.” 


    ASTRI Chief Executive Officer, Mr Hugh Chow said, “STEM education is becoming increasingly recognised as a key driver of opportunity. IM2C facilitates students to learn about the relevance of mathematical modelling to their studies as well as to their career including entrepreneurship – an important skill for the technology-driven economy of the future. ASTRI will continue to promote STEM education and applied research to prepare our young people to work in a world that is progressively competitive yet collaborative.” 

    Mr Alfred Cheung, Director of IM2C Committee (Zhonghua) said: “We value ASTRI’s continuous support to the IM2C in promoting STEM education in Hong Kong and the Greater China region. With the implementation of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong will play an increasingly active role as the international hub of science and innovation. We thank ASTRI for the robust support and partnership to inspire more students to be engaged in international exchange in science and innovation.”


    The 2020 contest, the sixth IM2C, saw 650 teams from the Mainland, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan compete – a tenfold increase since its establishment.




    Notes to editors

    1. Photo 1: ASTRI CEO Hugh Chow welcomes students and teachers of International Mathematical Modelling Challenge visiting ASTRI to learn about our latest technologies.
    2. Photo 2: ASTRI explains how mathematical modelling is applied in our technological innovations solving problems of today.


    About ASTRI
    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. 

    ASTRI’s research and development strategic focus covers five areas of applications: Smart City; Financial Technologies; Intelligent Manufacturing; Health Technologies; and Application Specific Integrated Circuits through its mandate as the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre. Our core competence in various areas is grouped under five technology divisions, namely Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics; Communications Technologies; Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits and Systems, and IoT and Sensors.

    ASTRI seeks to develop technologies that address the needs of industries, institutions and communities in Hong Kong; as well as nurture talents to create economic value and societal impact. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industry and owns more than 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.  For further information, please visit

    Media Enquiries:
    Jeanette Kwok
    Head of Public Affairs and Corporate Communications
    Tel: +852 3406 0375
    Mobile: +852 9103 0633
    Email: [email protected]


    ASTRI CEO Hugh Chow welcomes students and teachers of International Mathematical Modelling Challenge visiting ASTRI to learn about our latest technologies 2019
    ASTRI CEO Hugh Chow welcomes students and teachers of International Mathematical Modelling Challenge visiting ASTRI to learn about our latest technologies 2019


    ASTRI explains how mathematical modelling is applied in our technological innovations solving problems of today 2018
    ASTRI explains how mathematical modelling is applied in our technological innovations solving problems of today 2018

    ASTRI introduces Graduate Programme 2020, one of our talent nurturing initiatives

  • [Hong Kong, 21 July 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has launched its first Graduate Programme 2020 (the Programme). It offers university graduates (2019-20) a unique opportunity to begin a career in technology research environment. The initiative serves as a timely response to the city’s soaring unemployment. 


    The Programme offers one-time, two-year full-time job positions with potential job rotation. It opens doors for Hong Kong’s new graduates from universities and higher education institutes. ASTRI is Hong Kong’s largest applied technology R&D Centre and nearly one in four of our technologists and engineers has a PhD. Successful candidates of the Program will work across a wide range of disciplines in technology research and corporate developments. They will work with world-class professionals in a multi-cultural environment. 


    “At ASTRI, we seek to address pain points in society, and we want to support the Hong Kong community at this challenging time which has left many out of work, including young people who are the most vulnerable to rising unemployment,” said Mr Hugh Chow, ASTRI Chief Executive Officer. “Offering the new graduates an opportunity to kickstart their careers in the prevailing difficult climate, is a way we make positive impact on our society,” he added. 


    ASTRI Chief Operating Officer, Dr Martin Szeto said: “Talent is key to a thriving innovation and technology (I&T) ecosystem, and over the years ASTRI has nurtured a quality pool of talents in applied research and I&T. It is through collaborative partnerships with government, academia, financial and industry institutions.”  


    ASTRI Chief Technology Officer, Dr Lucas Hui said, “Young adults are the backbone of every society contributing to the success of our future economy. ASTRI not only makes an impact on society through applied research, we can also add value to our economy by nurturing the next generation. Over the years ASTRI has had many talent exchanges and internships.” 


    This Programme adds to ASTRI’s numerous talent development initiatives. Since 2016, ASTRI and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) have jointly provided the FinTech Career Accelerator Scheme. It cultivates future leaders necessary to sustain Hong Kong’s banking, finance and business services. It adds to preserve Hong Kong’s competitiveness as an international finance hub. Over 500 interns have participated in the last four years. In 2020 the HKMA received more than 1,400 applications, nearly double the joiners a year before.  

    ASTRI also offers a three-month blockchain accelerator programme, in partnership with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and Molecular Hub. In 2020, ASTRI Summer Internships received 43 university students from Hong Kong and abroad.  


    Interested applicants for the Graduate Programme 2020 can visit the ASTRI website ( and submit their CV to [email protected] (quoting Ref: ASTRI/GP2020) between Monday 13 July and Friday 31 July 2020, indicating their academic background, work experience and the top five functions they are interested in joining.  




    About ASTRI

    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. 

    ASTRI’s research and development strategic focus covers five areas of applications: Smart City; Financial Technologies; Intelligent Manufacturing; Health Technologies; and Application Specific Integrated Circuits through its mandate as the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre. Our core competence in various areas is grouped under five technology divisions, namely Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics; Communications Technologies; Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits and Systems, and IoT and Sensors.

    ASTRI seeks to develop technologies that address the needs of industries, institutions and communities in Hong Kong; as well as nurture talents to create economic value and societal impact. To date, ASTRI has transferred more than 750 technologies to the industry and owns nearly 850 patents in the Mainland, the US and other countries.  For further information, please visit


    Media Enquiries:
    Jeanette Kwok
    Head of Public Affairs
    Tel: +852 3406 0375
    Mobile: +852 9103 0633
    Email: [email protected]

    ASTRI sets up joint innovation lab with railway operator for smarter railway

  • [Hong Kong, 7 April 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has kicked off a significant initiative that will see the railway system in Hong Kong become smarter and safer.

    ASTRI will explore innovations that will apply its award-winning technology solutions in a collaboration with MTR Corporation. The two parties last Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish the MTR ASTRI Joint Railway Innovation Laboratory.

    ASTRI Chief Executive Officer Mr Hugh Chow said: “ASTRI pursues innovation that enhances Hong Kong’s technology-based industries and improves the lives of its residents – and that includes how they get to work or go about for leisure. The MOU will set in motion far-reaching opportunities as ASTRI’s award-winning research and innovation will be put to real-life use cases to help the city’s railway operator enhance efficiency and productivity.”



    About ASTRI

    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competence in various areas is grouped under five Technology Divisions, namely Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, Communications, Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies, Integrated Circuits and Systems, and IoT and Sensors. Five areas of applications including Smart City, Financial Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Health Technologies, and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    For further information, please visit


    Media Enquiries:
    Mr Terry Lee
    Head of Public Affairs
    Tel: +852 3406 2517
    Mobile: +852 9179 1919
    Email: [email protected]

    Appointment of New Directors of ASTRI Board

  • [Hong Kong, 27 February 2020] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) today announced the appointment of four new Directors to the ASTRI Board for the period from 1 March 2020 to 20 October 2021. The new appointees are:

    • Prof Chan Chun-kwong
      Programme Director, MSc in Financial Technology, Faculty of Engineering
      Professor of Practice in FinTech, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
      The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Mr Stephen Chau Kam-kun
      Chief Technology Officer
      SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited
    • Mr Peter Ng Hon-yu
      Vice President, Technology, Enabling Technology Group
      ASM Pacific Technology Limited
    • Ir Prof Joseph Ng Kee-yin
      Professor, Department of Computer Science
      Hong Kong Baptist University


    Three serving Directors of ASTRI, namely Mr Ha Yung-kuen, Mr Stephen Ho Wai-chung and Mr Andy Liu An-ting, have also been re-appointed for the period from 1 March 2020 to 20 October 2021.


    And commencing 1 March 2020, Prof Liew Soung-chang and Dr Archie Yeh Tsuei-chi will retire from the ASTRI Board.


    Chairman of ASTRI’s Board of Directors Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong welcomed the new members to the Board and thanked the retiring members. He said, “ASTRI has over the past 20 years come a long way in applying technology to bring positive impact on industries, putting Hong Kong on the global map of innovation. This is only possible through the selfless giving of top minds from businesses and universities. I want to thank Prof Liew and Dr Yeh for their contributions in years past, and very much look forward to working with Prof Chan, Mr Chau, Mr Ng and Ir Prof Ng to take ASTRI to the next level.”


    As from 1 March 2020, the composition of ASTRI’s Board of Directors is as follows:


    Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, JP



    Prof Chan Chun-kwong
    Ms Cally Chan Shan-shan
    Mr Stephen Chau Kam-kun
    Mr Duncan Chiu
    Mr Charles Chow Sai-keung
    Mr Steve Chuang Tzu-hsiung
    Mr Ha Yung-kuen, BBS
    Mr Stephen Ho Wai-chung
    Mr Kwong Chi-keung, JP
    Ir Dr Alan Lam Hiu-fung
    Prof Lam Tak-wah
    Prof Sabrina Lin Man-yee
    Mr Andy Liu An-ting
    Dr Davy Lo Kwok-wai
    Mr Peter Ng Hon-yu
    Ir Prof Joseph Ng Kee-yin
    Ms Ada Wong Yin-man

    (In alphabetical order according to surname)


    Official Members

    Ms Annie Choi Suk-han, JP, Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology
    Ms Rebecca Pun Ting-ting, JP, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology


    About ASTRI

    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competence in various areas is grouped under five Technology Divisions, namely Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, Communications, Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technologies, Integrated Circuits and Systems, and IoT and Sensors. Five areas of applications including Smart City, Financial Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Health Technologies, and Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    For further information about ASTRI, please visit


    Media Enquiries:
    Mr Terry Lee
    Head of Public Affairs
    Tel: +852 3406 2517
    Email: [email protected]

    ASTRI 5G Expertise Recognised

  • ASTRI recently received a letter of thanks from Taiwan’s National Communications Commission (NCC) for helping solve the problem of 5G communications interference. The 3.5 GHz spectrum band, also known as the C-Band, is a core spectrum band for 5G deployment. Many national regulators globally have either assigned the C-Band for 5G or have planned to do so. Conventionally, the C-Band is used in the Asia Pacific region for satellite services and the allocation of C-Band for 5G may adversely interfere with existing satellite services. In 2017, the Hong Kong Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) appointed ASTRI and Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) as consultants to conduct a technical study and to find a solution to the interference problem. Subsequently, ASTRI designed an anti-interference satellite TV receiver that would be adopted throughout Hong Kong. Facing similar interference problems, NCC approached ASTRI and R&S for technical advice and solutions. Once again, ASTRI’s expertise in 5G saved the day!



    Letter of thanks from Taiwan’s National Communications Commission for helping solve the problem of 5G communications interference

    ASTRI wins two Awards at Prestigious Hong Kong Awards for Industries 2019

  • [Hong Kong, 3 December 2019] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) Company Limited received two awards at the prestigious Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) 2019 for the latest technologies. The Awards presentation ceremony was officiated by Dr Bernard Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, and Ms Salina Yan, JP, Director-General of Trade and Industry.

    The two HKAI Awards are: (i) Equipment and Machinery Design Award for the Biometrics Optical See Through Head Mounted Display, jointly with ASTRI’s industry partner Profit Peak Hong Kong Holdings Limited; and (ii) Design Certificate of Merit for the Fast Multi-Focus Automatic Inspection Equipment for Optical Communication Components, jointly with ASTRI’s industry partner O-Net Technologies (Group) Limited.

    Mr Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer, Dr Martin Szeto, Chief Operating Officer, and Dr Chen Jung Tsai, Acting Director of IoT and Sensors Technology Division, represented ASTRI at the HKAI Awards ceremony.

    “It is our an honour to be recognised at HKAI Awards 2019. It is the results of collaboration between ASTRI and our industry partners, in this case Profit Peak and O-Net Technologies, and our relentless pursuit for innovative technologies to enhance productivity and benefit society,” said Mr Chow, “And ASTRI is committed to building a collaborative ecosystem and work with all stakeholders across government, business and industry to strengthen the innovation and technology sector in Hong Kong.”


    Information about ASTRI’s award winning projects:

    Biometrics Optical See Through Head Mounted Display

    The head mounted display features a partially transparent display, with eye gaze tracking capability for use in the human computer interface system and iris recognition for individualized interface and biometrics security. The technology can have wide-ranging applications in real life, such as allowing the use to issue computer commands using eye gaze.

    The device employs a full HD micro-display projection system which can enable small size spectacle-based head mount display. Its 60 degrees field of view is among the widest available for microdisplay-based projector HMD. The low build of materials cost of the HMD system is one of its major advantages. The device is at prototype stage with prospective business customers for testing and evaluation.

    Fast Multi-Focus Automatic Inspection Equipment for Optical Communication Components

    The product has a unique technology for the specialized inspection of optical communication component. It is particularly useful in ensuring quality of optical fibre connectors, where defects in the ceramic component surface would impact communications efficiency. By using high-resolution and high-speed focusing liquid lens, it is capable of detecting all kinds of defects in the production line. It performs inspection within a few seconds with micrometer resolution and the inspection result can be analysed in real time.

    Moreover, the product helps to reduce QC workload by providing higher level automation in production lines involving component surface quality control and component shape, colour marks and tilting inspection.


    (From Left to Right) Mr Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI; Dr Chen Jung Tsai, Acting Director of IoT and Sensors Technology Division of ASTRI; Mr Peter Hung, Director Manager, Profit Peak Hong Kong Holdings Limited; Mr Kenny Chan, Director, Emerging & Display System of ASTRI; Dr Martin Szeto, Chief Operating Officer of ASTRI; and Mr Calvin Chan, Associate Principal Engineer of ASTRI.


    ASTRI wins two Awards at Prestigious Hong Kong Awards for Industries 2019

    ASTRI strikes gold in Asia International Innovative Invention Award

  • The “Flexible Integration of Recognition and Semantic” project, led by Dr Arvin Tang, has won Gold Award in the Asia International Innovative Invention Award 2019. The Handwritten OCR technology can recognise handwritten traditional and simplified Chinese, Hong Kong colloquial language and special characters, English block letters and numeric digits. This application is highly accurate in Chinese character recognition, and is especially useful for Chinese address correction, saving time and improving reliability for organisations that have to process large number of handwritten forms.

    In its 9th year, the Asia International Innovative Invention Award recognises the achievements of local companies, research teams and individuals for their patented inventions, as well as promotes the spirit of creativity and innovation.


    ASTRI strikes gold in Asia International Innovative Invention Award

    ASTRI Inspires a “Smart Future for All” at the Technovation Summit 2019

  • [Hong Kong, 25 November 2019]  At the Technovation Summit 2019, organized by the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), more than 30 technology experts, entrepreneurs and top-level executives joined Mr Nicholas W Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology to explore what a smart future holds in store for Hong Kong.


    “Today, Hong Kong is facing big challenges from the global trade war and internal social unrest.  Yet, the Government remains fully committed to developing innovation and technology here in Hong Kong, using innovation and technology as a key economic and social driver to help improve our citizens’ daily lives and diversify our economy,” said Mr Yang.


    Acknowledging the important role of ASTRI in collaboration with its industry partners, Mr Sunny Lee, JP, ASTRI Board Chairman said, “It is through working together, and by bringing different technologies to the same place, that we will deliver the best outcome for talents, entrepreneurs and enterprises, and ultimately every Hongkonger and global citizen.”


    During the summit, industry leaders and government officials focused on applications of latest technologies  across a wide variety of sectors, including ‘smart government’, ‘smart mobility’, ‘cybersecurity’ and ‘smart manufacturing’. Speakers also addressed topical issues on innovation and technology, and explored ways to encourage all stakeholders in the ecosystem to leverage new technologies for sustainable and inclusive developments.


    ASTRI also showcased its latest technologies and solutions, including:

    • Biometrics Optical See Through Head Mounted Display
    • 4Kx2K UHD Augmented Reality Head Mounted Display
    • Diffractive Optics for Anti-Counterfeit
    • Smart Locker 2.0
    • Gem Analyser
    • Unobtrusive Health Checking
    • Canto-English Recognition Chatbot
    • ASTRI Proprietary 5G End-to-End Solution
    • ASTRI C-V2X End to End System
    • AI Medical Platform
    Officiating guests at ASTRI Technovation Summit 2019 (From left: Mr Tony Wong, JP, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Industry Development), HKSAR Government; Ms Rebecca Pun, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology; Mr Sunny Lee, JP, Chairman, ASTRI; The Honourable Mr Nicholas W. Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; The Honourable Dr Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP, Chief Executive Officer, Haven of Hope Christian Service; Mr Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer, ASTRI )
    Honourable Mr Nicholas W Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government, speaking at ASTRI Technovation Summit 2019

    ASTRI showcases its latest technologies at the China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) 2019 in Shenzhen

  • The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) is showcasing its latest technologies at the China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) 2019 in Shenzhen. ASTRI’s cutting-edge 5G technology provides innovative business solutions that will see Smart City taking shape. ASTRI also domontrated the “VR/AR Smart Maintenance” system which is a great productivity tool for field engineers.


    China Hi-tech Fair is being held from 13 to 17 November 2019 at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. For details of the fair, please visit official website at
    ASTRI showcases its latest technologies at China Hi-tech Fair 2019