Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong visits ASTRI

  • A delegation of the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hon Kong (CMA) visited ASTRI’s Smart City Innovation Centre on 31 August 2018. The CMA delegates were welcomed by Mr Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer; Dr MeiKei Ieong, Chief Technology Officer; and Dr Justin Chuang, Vice President (Next Generation Network). The visitors sought to understand the R&D endeavours and achievement of ASTRI.

    Hong Kong is steadily boosting its investment in Innovation and Technology development – ASTRI plays a significant role in that journey. During the visit, the CMA delegates learnt about ASTRI’s various R&D achievements such as the naked-eye 3D display technology and Cellular V2X applications, as well as how it helps the industry through the work of technology transfer.

    Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong visits ASTRI


    Huada Semiconductor team visits ASTRI

  • Mr Dong Haoran – General Manager and Mr Zhou Jiansuo – Executive Deputy General Manager of Huada Semiconductor visited ASTRI on 30 August 2018. Mr Wong Ming-yam – Chairman of ASTRI accompanied by ASTRI’s senior executives greeted the delegation. In addition to exploring ASTRI’s smart city solutions, the visitors sought to understand the recent work of ASTRI on semiconductors. Through this visit, the two parties explored future joint efforts and potential cooperation opportunities.

    Mr Dong Haoran – General Manager (third from right) led a Huada Semiconductor team visiting ASTRI

    Austrian Government and business delegations visit ASTRI to explore collaboration opportunities

  • A delegation led by Mr Norbert Hofer, Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology of Austria visited ASTRI on 1 September 2018.  The delegation included senior officials from the Austrian Federal Government, representatives from Austrian businesses sectors and chamber bodies, as well as officials from the Austrian’s Consulate General in Hong Kong.

    Mr Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer; Dr MeiKei Ieong, Chief Technology Officer; Dr Justin Chuang, Vice President (Next Generation Network) along with other R&D experts of ASTRI, hosted the delegation in a lively and interactive session. Mr Ivan Lee, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology; Mr Albert Wong, Chief Executive Officer and Dr Claudia Xu, Chief Commercial Officer of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation also attended the session.

    Speaking on the occasion, Mr Chow said this visit provided a good platform to share views and ideas on innovation and technology that are relevant for both Hong Kong and Austria. He referred to the existing strong relationship between the two places, added that Hong Kong could also play a significant bridging role between Austria and the Mainland China. said, “our two regions can collaborate further and find a common ground to make technology work for our people.”

    Dr Ieong introduced some of ASTRI’s recent and most notable technology projects to the visitors and explained how they strengthened industries and benefited communities. ASTRI’s R&D experts showcased, among other innovations, the Palm Fusion Biometric authentication system, Cellular-V2X technology for smart mobility and the naked eye 3D display technology to the visitors.

    Austrian Government and business delegation visited ASTRI

    Senior executives from the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre visits ASTRI

  • Led by Professor Richard Fung, – Chief Executive, a group of senior executives from the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) visited ASTRI on 29 August 2018 including Ms Anne Chuah – Director of Food, Chemical and Textile Products and Dr Franki Lee – Director, Corporate Sales & Business Development. They were warmly welcomed by ASTRI’s Chairman Mr Wong Ming-yam, along with Mr Hugh Chow – Chief Executive Officer and Dr MeiKei Ieong – Chief Technology Officer. During the visit, the STC delegation not only took the opportunity to understand ASTRI’s latest R&D initiatives, but also explored collaboration opportunities between the two organisations.

    The group witnessed demonstrations of a series of ASTRI’s smart city technologies and were particularly impressed by the 5G-related applications.

    Professor Richard Fung (Centre) – the Chief Executive of STC visited ASTRI.
    The delegation was impressed by the naked-eye 3D display technology.
    The visitors were also interested in ASTRI’s 5G solutions .

    ASTRI took part in the compilation of China’s third-generation semiconductor power electronics roadmap

  • [30 August 2018, Hong Kong] China’s first “Third-generation Semiconductor Power Electronics Technology Roadmap” (the “Roadmap”) was released by China Advanced Semiconductor Industry Innovation Alliance (CASA) on 31 July 2018.  The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was invited to assist in the Roadmap development process – by providing professional advice, communicating with relevant overseas institutions, and helping with the essential drafting and compilation work. ASTRI has been the only institution from Hong Kong involved in the Roadmap’s drafting and compilation process.

    The third-generation semiconductors are core materials for electronic components which facilitate innovative growth, development and transformation of many industries. It has long wielding impact on sectors ranging from mobile communications to Internet of Energy (IoE), new energy vehicles to railway, and even public security to national defence. Major world economies like the US, European Union and Japan strive hard to excel in this area. This Roadmap focuses on power electronics in four areas: substrate /epitaxy/device, packaging/module, application of silicon carbide (SiC) and application of gallium nitride (GaN).  It also sets out a recommended R&D direction for China’s power electronics as well as third-generation semiconductor sectors, while analysing the industry’s current and future development trends.

    Ms Wu Ling, Chairman of the Strategic Alliance on Innovation and Technology for the 3rd Generation of the Semiconductor Industry, and Director of the Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Programme Office at the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) said, “This latest Roadmap focuses on power electronics with major implications for industries such as IoE, new energy vehicle and consumer electronics.” The Roadmap will help the Government to “better define a national R&D strategy focusing on core priorities, amplify the market’s future development potential, and facilitate effective collaboration between businesses, scholars and R&D centres.” It will also help enterprises to figure out the most optimal timing for initiating and launching new innovations.

    The drafting and compilation process of the Roadmap involved working together with local and overseas universities (e.g. Tsinghua University, Peking University, etc), R&D institutions (e.g. Institute of Semiconductors and Institute of Microelectronics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences), leading enterprises (e.g. State Grid Corporation of China, CRRC Corporation), scholars and professionals for more than a year. Led by CASA, the process was supported by, among others, ASTRI. ASTRI has been the only institution from Hong Kong invited to take part in the formulation of the roadmap. It sent a team of six experts to assist in the drafting and compilation work with its Senior Director of Electronics Components Dr Daniel Shi appointed as one of the expert consultants for the Roadmap. Dr Shi also joined other experts and the CASA team in meetings on this topic in Europe and the US, conveying views of the Chinese semiconductor and electronics industry to international organisations on technologies and standards such as Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). These engagements and views formed the cornerstone of the first international roadmap for third-generation semiconductors soon to be released by the IEEE.

    Expressing ASTRI’s delight to be the only institution from Hong Kong participating in the drafting and compilation of the Roadmap, Mr Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI said: “It is not only a recognition of ASTRI’s talents, technological capabilities and vision, but also a valuable opportunity for us to contribute to the development of the Chinese semiconductor industry. We hope the roadmap will help the industry of the Mainland as well as Hong Kong, to better understand the China’s strategy and pace on the development of third-generation semiconductors. There is a world of opportunities out there which our industry players can leverage and unleash.”

    About ASTRI

    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competencies in various areas are organised under seven Technology Divisions, namely Communications Technologies, Electronics Components, Mixed Signal Systems IC, Advanced Digital Systems, Optoelectronics, Security and Data Sciences, and Intelligent Software and Systems. Five areas of applications including financial technologies, intelligent manufacturing, next generation network, health technologies, and smart city are identified for major pursuit. For further information about ASTRI, please visit

    Media enquiries

    Ms Joey Chan           Tel: (852) 3406 2461              Email: [email protected]

    Deputy Governor of Fujian Province visits ASTRI

  • Mr Li Dejin – Deputy Governor of Fujian Province, led a seven-member delegation to ’ASTRI’s Smart City Innovation Centre (SCIC) on 28 August 2018. Mr Hugh Chow – Chief Executive Officer, and Dr MeiKei Ieong – Chief Technology Officer, along with other senior executives of ASTRI, welcomed the delegation to the SCIC. During the visit, Mr Li was pleased to witness a number of ASTRI’s R&D demonstrations including Naked-eye 3D Display technology and various 5G-related applications. In addition, the visitors took great interest in the ASTRI’s Integrated Circuits (IC) related research and asked a number of questions. The visit was a great opportunity for interaction and exchange between the two parties.

    Deputy Governor of Fujian Province Mr Li Dejin (centre) visits ASTRI
    The delegation took great interest in our IC research
    The group was impressed by our 5G-related solutions

    FCAS 2.0 Induction Day gives participants a taste of what to expect from the exciting year-long programme

  • The Induction Day of the second edition of FinTech Career Accelerator Scheme (FCAS 2.0) took place on Friday, 24 August 2018. ASTRI, along with Hong Kong Cyberport and Hong Kong Science Park, is a co-organiser in this scheme spearheaded by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Mr Hugh Chow – Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, delivered a welcome speech to the participating students who have been selected through a rigorous screening process from among thousands of applicants.

    FCAS aims to nurture Hong Kong’s financial and technological talents to meet the emerging and ever-evolving needs of the industry. Last year, in the programme’s inaugural edition, ASTRI joined hands with HKMA, sourcing and grooming potential FinTech talents for Hong Kong. The second edition of FCAS offers even more exciting opportunities and development initiatives for the participating students. The number of students admissible to the programme has also been extended to over 200. FCAS 2.0 involves partnership with publicly-funded tertiary education institutions as well as major local as well as international banks based in Hong Kong. Participants will go through a year-long programme of technical and regulatory trainings, internships placements in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, as well as a gap-year industry placement.

    Addressing the students, Mr Hugh Chow said, “FCAS 2.0 is an amazing platform from where you can launch a stellar career in FinTech, through hands-on experience and networking opportunities designed to test and strengthen your capabilities.”

    Highlighting ASTRI’s role in this scheme, Mr Chow added that, “FinTech is one of the key pillars in ASTRI’s overall strategy. We work alongside HKMA and other industry players to deliver innovative proofs-of-concept, and applications for the financial sector, with world leading technologies like blockchain, cybersecurity, big data analytic, artificial intelligence, to name a few. And you will get to explore to them all through our experts and researchers.”

    He encouraged the students to take this learning opportunity very seriously, because “it is one of the most important investments you will make towards your personal and professional growth.”

    Dr MeiKei Ieong, ASTRI’s Chief Technology Officer, also spoke on the occasion and presented an overview of ASTRI’s FinTech initiatives as well as a glimpse of how the Institute will help boost the participants’ FinTech-related knowledge skills and expertise.

    Mr Hugh Chow – ASTRI’s CEO, addressed the participants of FCAS 2.0 on its induction day
    Dr MeiKei Ieong – ASTRI’s CTO, also spoke on the occasion

    Senior leaders from Swiss Government visit Smart City Innovation Centre at ASTRI and explore technological collaboration potential

  • A high-level Swiss delegation led by Federal Councillor Ms Doris Leuthard, Head of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications visited ASTRI’s Smart City Innovation Centre (SCIC) on 10 August 2018. Ms Leuthard was the former Swiss President. Also included in the delegation were Federal Chancellor Mr Walter Thurnherr and Swiss Consul General to Hong Kong SAR Mr Reto Renggli among other Swiss Ministers and top executives of Swiss technology enterprises.

    The delegation was welcomed to the SCIC by ASTRI’s Mr Wong Ming-yam – Chairman, and Dr Justin Chuang, Vice President, Next Generation Network; while Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Ltd – ASTRI’s partner in the SCIC – was also represented by its top brass including Dr Sunny Chai – Chairman and Mr Albert Wong – Chief Executive Officer in meeting with the delegation.

    The delegation learnt about the innovation drive propelled by the SCIC through its world-class infrastructure and facilities accessible by technology enterprises, start-ups, students and researchers alike. They were shown a series of R&D demonstrations of smart mobility, smart living and smart finance applications. ASTRI has one of the strongest 5G R&D facilities in Hong Kong and the SCIC itself a testbed for 5G technologies – it works in partnership with leading telecom operators and equipment manufacturers. During the visit, ASTRI’s R&D experts shared how the technology can be adopted for applications across road transportation, railway, maritime operations as well as commercial aviation. It is worth mentioning that ASTRI has been one of the key consultants to Hong Kong’s telecommunications regulator, offering technological advisory and recommendations for a seamless introduction of 5G services in the city.

    Speaking on the occasion, Mr Wong Ming-yam highlighted the undisputed global reputation of Switzerland as a country leading in innovation. He referred to ever-increasing co-operation between Switzerland and Hong Kong as well as the strong Swiss-Chinese partnerships in the areas of trade, finance and innovation. Mr Wong said, “Hong Kong SAR, with its world-class business environment, infrastructure and international connectivity, acts as a super connector between China and rest of the world. Hong Kong on its own is also an important trading partner for Switzerland. You are our 17th largest trading partner globally, and 5th largest in Europe. More than 55 Swiss businesses have their Asia headquarters based in our city. Switzerland is also the first European economy to have a free trade agreement with Hong Kong.” He commented that driven by the aspiration for innovation, progressive economies, and people-centric development, “Switzerland and Hong Kong can indeed accomplish great things together.”

    Senior leaders from Swiss Government visit Smart City Innovation Centre at ASTRI and explore technological collaboration potential
    Senior leaders from Swiss Government visit Smart City Innovation Centre at ASTRI and explore technological collaboration potential
    Senior leaders from Swiss Government visit Smart City Innovation Centre at ASTRI and explore technological collaboration potential
    Senior leaders from Swiss Government visit Smart City Innovation Centre at ASTRI and explore technological collaboration potential


    ASTRI’s R&D expert shares innovative insights on AI in Digital Manufacturing at HKEIA Workshop

  • ASTRI’s R&D expert shares innovative insights on AI in Digital Manufacturing at HKEIA Workshop

    Dr T. John Koo, Director of Cyber-Physical Systems of ASTRI, shared his insights and experiences on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Manufacturing at a workshop organised by the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA) on 9 August 2018.  Dr Koo discussed the applications of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to enable AI-driven innovations in the field of manufacturing.

    Focusing on rapid automation and digital transformation in the industrial sectors, the workshop touched upon key challenges and opportunities in the era of Industry 4.0 and Digital Factories. The event attracted representatives from across the industry as well as several technology specialists. Other presenters in the workshop included senior experts from NVIDIA, eFusion Capital and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    Photo caption: Dr John Koo shared his insights on AI in digital manufacturing with the audience 

    Senior officials from the fire services department visit ASTRI

  • Mr Daryl Li – Director of the Fire Services Department (FSD) of HKSAR Government, visited ASTRI on 2 August 2018, along with the Department’s several senior officials including Mr Joseph Leung – Deputy Director and Ir Andy Yeung – Assistant Director (Headquarters). They aimed to learn about ASTRI’s R&D achievements, and explore advanced technologies that enhance the management and operational efficiency of fire services and also improves safety measures for firefighters.

    The FSD officials met several ASTRI technology experts along with Mr Hugh Chow – Chief Executive Officer, Dr Meikei Ieong – Chief Technology Officer, and Dr Justin Chuang – Vice President (Next Generation Network). They visited the Smart City Innovation Centre and Mega Lab facilities, where they witnessed demonstrations of a series of advanced technologies, including the mobile phone spectrometer that can remotely sense flame colours and chemical information in order to detect toxic gas at incident sites, ensuring the safety of firefighters. They also learnt ASTRI’s Virtual Reality and head-mounted display technology which can quickly scan and develop 3D images of buildings, efficiently providing firefighters with useful information. In addition, ASTRI’s Vehicle-to-Everything technologies can greatly facilitate fleet management for the FSD.

    The delegation was impressed by ASTRI’s R&D achievements and found strong relevance of the technologies with the practical operations of the FSD. The two parties will continue to engage and explore for further potential collaborations.