ASTRI was Invited to the Hunan (Hong Kong) Investment and Trade Conference Week and Signed an Agreement in the Event. Delegates of Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology Visited ASTRI on the Same Day

  • ASTRI was invited to attend the Hunan (Hong Kong) Investment and Trade Conference Week in the morning of 26 April 2017. In addition, an agreement contract regarding Smart Water Platform was signed by Dr James Lei (2nd from the left in the first row) and Ms Li Chao Hong, General Manager of  Zhuzhou Southern Valve Co. Ltd. in the event. With witnesses including (from left to right in the second row) Mr Tong Xu Dong , Secretary of Party Leadership Group of Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology; Mr Liu Zhi Ming Associate Counsel of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR; Xiang Li Li Vice Governor of the People’s Government of Hunan Province; Mr Nicholas W Yang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government and Dr Frank Tong, CEO of ASTRI recognised for the ceremony. Both parties look forward to further co-operation opportunities in the near future.


    In the afternoon of the same day, Mr Lu Xianhua (2nd from the right), Vice Director General of Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Mr Deng XianJue (2nd from the right), Division Chief of Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, led the delegation of  to visit ASTRI to understand more about the newest technologies in ASTRI and the project demonstrations on Financial Technologies and Next Generation Networks.


    The delegation in around 60 people listen the newest R&D developments in ASTRI.

    “Hong Kong’s leadership as a financial centre makes it a prime contender to become a major FinTech hub”, Dr Frank Tong tells CNBC

  • The Hong Kong SAR of China is often referred to in the same sentence as the city state of Singapore in terms of advancing science and technologies and dominating the field of trade and finance. CNBC Asia has aired a series of programmes this week talking to technology leaders from both cities and analysing the relative strengths and opportunities in both places. The broadcaster spoke to Frank Tong, CEO of ASTRI, to find out what makes Hong Kong such a vibrant place with immense potential.


    Frank spoke about the unique advantages enjoyed by Hong Kong including its connectivity with Mainland China, a globally prominent financial hub, world-class infrastructure, and a sound framework of governance and regulations. He also referred to opportunities emanating from initiatives like ‘Belt and Road’ and ‘Greater Bay Area Integration’.


    A big part of the conversation evolved around FinTech with examples of ASTRI’s R&D in cybersecurity, block chains, big data analytics.


    See the interview with Frank (available in English only).

    Read the transcript (available in English only).

    See the interviews with other leaders from Hong Kong and Singapore (available in English only).


    Delegates from Shenzhen Visit ASTRI

  • Mr Zhang Ke Ke (2nd from left), President of The Shenzhen-Hongkong Union For Promoting Science and Technology and Executive President of PKU-HKUST Shenzhen-Hongkong Institution, together with Dr Liu Zhiyong (Middle), Deputy District Mayor of Futian District People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality visited ASTRI on 25 April 2017 and discussed with Dr Frank Tong (2nd from the right), CEO of ASTRI, Dr Meikei Ieong (1st from the right), CTO of ASTRI and Ms Eunice Cheng (1st from left), Head of Public Affairs about the possibilities of future co-operations between the two cities. The delegates also visited the R&D projects related to Financial Technologies in ASTRI.

    Delegation of Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau and Registration and Electoral Office of the HKSAR Government Visit ASTRI

  • Ms Rosanna Law, JP (8th from the right), Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Government Secretariat of the HKSAR Government and Mr Wong See-man (7th from the left), Chief Electoral Officer of Registration and Electoral Office of the HKSAR Government led the delegation to meet Dr Frank Fong (8th from the left), CEO of ASTRI and the R&D experts to understand more about the R&D developments of ASTRI and discuss on how to apply technologies to electoral affairs on 24 April 2017.

    Delegation of Cyberspace Administration of China Visits ASTRI

  • Mr Zhuang Rongwen, Vice Director, Cyberspace Administration of China, visited ASTRI on 13 April 2017 and witnessed various R&D initiatives of the institute including Next Generation Network, Smart City, and Financial Technologies. Mr Rongwen met with ASTRI’s researchers working in ASL, Cyber Range and the Innovation Centre – receiving updates and demonstrations on the latest developments and applications in these areas.

    From left to right, they are Ms Eunice Cheng, Head of Public Affairs, ASTRI; Dr Justin Chuang, Vice President, Next Generation Network; Mr Zhuang Rongwen, Vice Director, Cyberspace Administration of China; Dr Frank Tong, CEO of ASTRI and Mr Yu Mingkai, Secretary of Vice Director, Cyberspace Administration of China.


    R&D expert explains the development of Cyber Range to Mr Zhuang

    Delegation of Innovation and Technology Student Club Visits ASTRI

  • Delegation of Innovation and Technology Student Club visited ASTRI on 12 April 2017 to know more about our Institute and our project demonstrations on Financial Technologies.

    Business Leader of Future Cities of Data61/CSIRO Visits ASTRI

  • Mr Peter Runcie (3rd from right), Business Leader of Future Cities of Data61/CSIRO accompanied by Ms Wendy Haydon (3rd from left), Trade and Investment Commissioner, Hong Kong and Macau of Australian Consulate and the delegates visited ASTRI on 12 April 2017 to discuss about the R&D of Smart Cities and Smart Transportation Development in Hong Kong.

    Delegation of Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology Visits ASTRI


    Ms Chen Shuang (5th from right), Secretary of Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology, led the delegation to visit ASTRI on 11 April 2017 to understand more about the Financial Technologies, Communication Technologies and Intelligent Manufacturing developments in ASTRI.


    Ms Chen experienced the ASTRI’s AR (Augmented Reality) Head Mount Display.

    ASTRI colleagues attend Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 Awards Presentation Ceremony cum Dinner for celebrating our success in Best Business Solution Bronze Award

  • The Automatic Meter Reading System developed by the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has received The Hong Kong ICT 2017: Best Business Solution (Application) Bronze Award earlier, a group of colleagues including Dr Frank Tong (6th from right), CEO of ASTRI; Dr Justin Chuang (2nd from left),  Vice President, Next Generation Network; Dr James Lei (5th from right), Acting Director, Intelligent Software and Systems attended the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 Awards Presentation Ceremony cum Dinner on 7 April 2017.


    The ceremony was attended by a large number of high-profile guests, including from left to right of the first row, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, JP, Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Innovation and Technology Bureau; Mr Nicholas Yang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology; The Hon Paul Chan Mo-po, GBS, MH, JP, Financial Secretary of HKSAR Government; Prof Roland Chin, BBS, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor of Hong Kong Baptist University; and Ir Allen Yeung, JP, Government Chief Information Officer. Dr James Lei, Acting Director, Intelligent Software and Systems; and Dr Justin Chuang, Vice President, Next Generation Network (3rd and 4th from left of the last row) represented ASTRI on the big stage.


    Managing Director of DHL Supply Chain (Hong Kong) leads delegation to visit ASTRI

  • Mr Jez McQueen (10th from left), Managing Director, Hong Kong & Macau and Mr Noel Singgih (11th from left), Chief Information Officer, Greater China of DHL Supply Chain (Hong Kong) Limited lead a delegation to visit ASTRI on 14 March 2017 to discuss collaboration opportunities with ASTRI and explore R&D on various ICT technologies for Smart Warehouse development.