Students from Korea’s Ajou University visit ASTRI

  • Professor Young-Jin Kim (1st row, 6th from right) and Professor Ran Rong (1st row, 4th from right) – who are Professor and Assistant Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University of Korea respectively – lead a group of undergraduate students to visit ASTRI on 8 February 2017 to know more about its latest R&D development and witness project demonstrations on Next Generation Network.

    Bauhinia Magazine interviews ASTRI CEO on Hong Kong – Shenzhen collaboration for technological advancement

  • Dr Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI was interviewed by Bauhinia Magazine where he talked about the advantages of Hong Kong and collaboration with Shenzhen to facilitate technological advancement and economic growth.

    To read the article, please click here here (Available in Chinese only).












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    Delegation from SAE Magnetics (Hong Kong) Limited

  • Dr Hong Tian (7th from left), Chairman and Dr Stanley Hao (8th from left), Vice-President of Engineering of SAE Magnetics (Hong Kong) Limited lead a delegation to visit ASTRI on 26 January 2017 to have a look of the intelligent manufacturing solution demonstration and explore collaboration opportunities.

    Delegates from University of Helsinki of Finland and Embassy of Finland in Beijing visit ASTRI

  • Prof Thomas Wilhelmsson, Chancellor (3rd from left), University of Helsinki of Finland and Mr Mika Tirronen (4th from left), Counsellor of Science and Education, the Embassy of Finland in Beijing pay a visit to ASTRI on 18 January 2017

    Students from Guangxi Youth Exchange Institute visit ASTRI

  • Thirty-five students from Guangxi Youth Exchange Institute visit ASTRI on 17 January 2017 to understand more about its latest technologies and R&D projects.

    The students visit Cyber Range Lab

    Delegation from HKT, Huawei, and Qualcomm visit ASTRI

  • Senior Executives from HKT, Huawei, and Qualcomm pay a visit to ASTRI on 13 January 2017

    Delegation visit by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia)

  • A delegation from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) visits ASTRI on 12 January 2017

    Delegation from Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

  • A delegation from Hong Kong Federation of Insurers visits ASTRI on 11 January 2017 to understand more about its latest R&D on Financial Technologies. Mr Peter Tam (1st row 5th from left), Chief Executive, Mr Harry Wong (1st row 4th from left), Governing Committee Member of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, and Ms Charity Au (1st row 2nd from left), Chief Operating Officer of BOC Life

    “Science and Technology to lead the next chapter of Hong Kong’s growth and prosperity,” Senior Official from Central Government’s Liaison Office in the SAR comments while visiting ASTRI

  • [26 January 2017, Hong Kong] Dr Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Central Government’s Liaison Office in the Hong Kong SAR paid a visit to Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) on Wednesday, 25 January 2017. He learnt about ASTRI’s ‘Five plus One’ technology strategy which consists of Financial Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Next Generation Network and Health Technologies, along with the institute’s role as a Hong Kong branch of the China National Engineering Research Centre. He commended ASTRI’s role as a centre of excellence in driving technological innovation that is benefitting not just Hong Kong and the country, but also the wider region. He pointed out the fact that an institution of ASTRI’s calibre can greatly contribute to driving innovation in science and technology, and add value to the economic and social development of the country, as the nation strives for stronger, more sustainable growth.

    “As Hong Kong further matures its economy and its business sectors, the role of science and technology will play a pivotal role in sustaining the SAR’s growth and prosperity,” he commented. His discussion with ASTRI’s R&D experts centred around developing market-ready technological solutions that will not only improve the efficiencies and competitiveness of enterprises, but will also help up-skill the region’s human capital. “ASTRI is well placed to collaborate with both the upstream – i.e. the academic and research institutions – and the downstream – i.e. the businesses – of the technology ecosystem. And therefore, it is essential that ASTRI contributes to the evolution of Hong Kong’s economy into a smarter, more innovative and more value-adding strategic model.”

    Dr Tan’s discussion also included topics such as ASTRI’s collaboration with regulatory body like Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and partnerships with leading banks like Bank of China and HSBC in building Hong Kong as a premier FinTech hub. He reflected on Hong Kong’s well-established role as a global financial hub and its strengths in the professional services, logistics and shipping sectors. Hong Kong has a sound ecosystem with good infrastructure, favourable connection with the rest of the world and enormous potentials in FinTech development. He acknowledged the “critical role played by Hong Kong in complementing the nation’s growth and development endeavours while acting as an important link between the country’s Mainland and the rest of the world.”

    Dr Tan acknowledged the support from the Central Government as well as the SAR Authorities in promoting Science and Technology in Hong Kong, and recognised the need to strengthen the momentum. He was accompanied by other officials from the Liaison Office’s Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs. The delegation visited the ASTRI’s Next Generation Network (NGN) R&D facilities, ASTRI Security Lab and the Cyber Range facility. They met ASTRI’s senior executives including Mr Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP – Chairman; Dr Frank Tong Fuk-kay – Chief Executive Officer, Dr Mei Kei Ieong – Chief Technology Officer; and Heads of different Technology Divisions.

    About ASTRI
    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competences in various areas are organised under seven Technology Divisions, namely Communications Technologies, Electronics Components, Mixed Signal Systems IC, Advanced Digital Systems, Opto-electronics, Security and Data Sciences, and Intelligent Software and Systems. Five areas of applications including financial technologies, intelligent manufacturing, next generation network, health technologies, and smart city are identified for major pursuit. For further information about ASTRI, please visit

    ASTRI Media enquiries:
    Ms Eunice Cheng       Tel: (852) 3406 2517      Email: [email protected]

    Mr Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman (7th from right), Dr Frank Tong, CEO (6th from left) and Dr Meikei Ieong, CTO of ASTRI (5th from right) extend a very warm welcome to Dr Tan Tieniu (7th from left), Deputy Director of the Central Government’s Liaison Office in the Hong Kong SAR and senior officials from the Liaison Office’s Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs for visiting ASTRI.

    sexy evening dresses

    Dr Justin Chuang, Vice President (Next Generation Network) introduces Next Generation Network Laboratory.

    Delegation led by Government Chief Information Officer visit ASTRI

  • A delegation from Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) of Hong Kong SAR led by Ir Allen Yeung, JP, Government Chief Information Officer visited ASTRI on 20 January 2017 to discuss and exchange the latest research and development (R&D) for Smart City. Dr Meikei Ieong, ASTRI Chief Technology Officer and Dr Justin Chuang, ASTRI Vice President of Next Generation Network joined other R&D experts to welcome the delegation.

    The Hong Kong SAR Government strives to transform Hong Kong into a smart city. According to the SAR Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2017, the Government is dedicated to making use of innovation and technology for Smart City development in Hong Kong, thereby enhancing the City’s governance and improving people’s livelihood.

    During the visit, Dr Ieong introduced the delegates to ASTRI’s R&D direction and its strategy on Smart City. In addition to Smart City development, the delegation was briefed on ASTRI’s latest R&D in Financial Technologies (FinTech). After the overview, ASTRI’s R&D experts showcased the latest projects and developments related to Smart City including a smart parking system jointly developed with ‘Energising Kowloon East’ Office and which is being piloted in that area to help drivers avoid traffic congestion and locate the closest available parking space; Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) management platform which enables monitoring of vehicle status; ASTRI’s TD-LTE technologies of Communication-based Train Control (CBTC) signalling network system which has been deployed at the recently opened Wuhan Metro Line 6. The delegation witnessed demonstrations of FinTech applications developed by ASTRI such as ASTRI Security Lab Cyber Intelligence (ASLintel), Cyber Intelligence Sharing Platform (CISP) and Blockchain. They also visited the state-of-the-art facilities including Cyber Range Lab and HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub.

    The delegation took keen interest in ASTRI’s technology initiatives particularly in the areas of FinTech and Smart City, and exchanged views and ideas with our R&D experts.

    Ir Allen Yeung (9th from left), JP, Government Chief Information Officer leads the delegation to visit ASTRI

    Dr Meikei Ieong (1st from left), Chief Technology Officer of ASTRI together with R&D expert introduce ASTRI’s latest R&D project of ASLintel to Ir Allen Yeung (middle), JP, Government Chief Information Officer