Newly Appointed Director of the Board Mr. Duncan Chiu visit ASTRI

  • Mr. Duncan Chiu, newly appointed Director of the Board, ASTRI visited the Institute on 25 October and met with Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Meikei Ieong, Chief Technology Officer, Ms. Elaine Wong, Chief Administrative Officer, Ms. Cammy Yung, Chief Financial Officer and leaders from various Technology Divisions for an in-depth discussion.


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    ASTRI’s management visit Nanjing Jiangbei New Area and Nanjing Software Park

  • Dr. Ieong Mei-kei, Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Thomas Liu, Vice President, Intelligent Manufacturing, Mr. Bill Zhang, Senior Director, IC Design Analog and Mr YK Li, Senior Director, IC Design Digital of ASTRI had a field trip to Nanjing Jiangbei New Area on 20 October 2016.

    ASTRI’s delegation visited Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Industrial Technology Research & Innovation Park, Nanjing IC Industry Technology Innovation Center and Nanjing Software Park and exchanged their views with Administrative Committee of Nanjing New & High Technology Industry Development Zone.

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    The delegates have a field trip to Nanjing IC Industry Technology Innovation Center. In the photo: Mr. Hu Jun, Vice-General Manager of Nanjing Software Park (2nd from left), Dr Thomas Liu, VP of Intelligent Manufacturing of ASTRI (3rd from left), Prof. Shi Longxing of Southeast University (4th from left), Dr Ieong Meikei, CTO of ASTRI (5th from left), Mr Bill Zhang, Senior Director, IC Design Analog of ASTRI, Prof. Lu Shengli of Southeast University (4th from right), Mr. YK Li, Senior Director, IC Design Digital of ASTRI (3rd from right).


    The delegation discusses with Administrative Committee of Nanjing New & High Technology Industry Development Zone.

    ASTRI’s Board Chairman shares insights at EMBA Annual Conference and Reunion Dinner of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

  • Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Directors of ASTRI was invited as a keynote speaker to share insights on “How Disruptive Technologies Impact Human Life” at the EMBA Annual Conference and Reunion Dinner of CUHK held on 22 October.

    On the same occasion, Dr. Ieong Mei-kei, Chief Technology Officer, ASTRI was invited as a panel speaker to discuss the current IoT development status in Hong Kong and how to promote it further.

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    Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman, ASTRI delivers a keynote speech on how disruptive technologies impact human life at the Conference.

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    Chairman Wong receives a souvenir from Prof. Andrew Chan, SBS, JP, EMA Director, CUHK.

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    (4th from left) Dr. Ieong Mei-kei, Chief Technology Officer of ASTRI shares his insights on IoT development in Hong Kong at the panel discussion of the Conference.

    Delegates of Nanjing Jiangbei district visit ASTRI

  • Delegates from Nanjing Jiangbei district including Mr. Xu Yangwen, Deputy Director of Administrative Committee of Nanjing New & High Technology Industry Development Zone, Mr. Wu Chunhua, Deputy Director of Nanjing High-Tech Industrial Development Zone Social Security Centre, Mr. Wu Dongyue, Director of Nanjing Satellite Application Industry Park Management Office and Deputy Director of Nanjing Software Park Management Office, Mr. Jiang Hua Rong, Director of Nanjing Jiangbei District Industrial Technology Research and Innovation Park Management Office and Deputy Director of the Nanjing Software Park Management Office, etc. visited ASTRI on 24 October 2016.  Dr. Frank Tong, CEO, Dr. Ieong Mei-kei, Chief Technology Officer and Mr. Bill Zhang, Senior Director, IC Design (Analog) of ASTRI extended a warm welcome to them and presented to them ASTRI’s latest technologies including blockchain, facial recognition, Naked Eye 3D and Cyber Range Laboratory.

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    Students of Shenzhen Longgang Pinganli Secondary School visit ASTRI

  • Over 40 students from Shenzhen Longgang Pinganli Secondary School visited ASTRI on 24 October 2016.  ASTRI’s R&D experts introduced to them ASTRI’s background and showed them some latest technologies such as facial recognition, Naked Eye 3D and Cyber Range Laboratory.

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    Delegates of Guangdong Information Technology Security Evaluation Center visit ASTRI

  • Delegates of Guangdong Information Technology Security Evaluation Center visited ASTRI on 5 October 2016.  Dr. Duncan Wong, Vice President (Financial Technologies) together with R&D experts of ASTRI met with the delegation and discussed potential collaboration on various cyber-security related R&D projects and technologies. They also toured around ASTRI Security Lab (ASL) and Cyber Range Lab.

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    Dr. Wang Xiao Jian (3rd from right), Director, Miss Pei Lan (1st from left), Marketing Director, Guangdong Information Technology Security Evaluation Center, Mr. Yang An Jia (2nd from left), Postgraduate Student, and Mr. Chen Yu (3rd from left), Assistant to Marketing Director, Guangdong Information Technology Security Evaluation Center visit ASTRI.

    ASTRI’s R&D expert speaks at Rohde & Schwarz Technology Day 2016 in Hong Kong

  • Dr. Eddy Chiu, Manager, Communications Technology of ASTRI is invited as a guest speaker at the Rohde & Schwarz Technology Day 2016 in Hong Kong to be held on 11 November 2016 at Hong Kong Science Park.

    Dr. Chiu will give a presentation titled “Recent Advances in 5G Radio Access Towards Next Generation IoT” in which he will share the recent advances in 5G radio access technologies and introduce ASTRI’s on-going R&D work on 5G access technologies.

    ASTRI’s R&D expert shares insights on applications of model-based systems engineering at MathWorks Asia Research Summit

  • Dr. John Koo, Director of Cyber-Physical Systems, ASTRI was invited to attend as a panelist speaker at the annual MathWorks Asia Research Summit held in Tokyo, Japan from 30 September to 1 October 2016.

    At the Summit, Dr. Koo shared with audience the emerging applications of model-based systems engineering (MBSE) for enabling smart factory at the panel discussion session.

    MathWorks Asia Research Summit provides an exchange platform for academia and industry experts in the Asia Pacific region to explore the latest research results and technological directions in computation and its use in technology, mathematics, and engineering.

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    ASTRI to showcase a number of latest R&D projects and technologies at InnoCarnival 2016 (booth no.F27)

  • Organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission, the InnoCarnival 2016 will be held from 29 October to 6 November 2016 at the Hong Kong Science Park.

    ASTRI will host a booth (no: F27) themed “ASTRI’s Technologies, inspiring and enriching life” to showcase its latest R&D projects and technologies at the event. Projects to be showcased at ASTRI booth are as follows:

    • Glasses-free 3D Display
    • ASTRI Security Lab and Big Data Analytic and Management Platform
    • ASTRI Intelligent Head-Up Display (HUD)
    • ASTRI’s Head-mounted Display for Virtual Reality
    • ASTRI’s 360° Panoramic Virtual Reality (VR) Camera
    • ASTRI Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) Management Platform with In-Car Gateway Software
    • ASTRI Intelligent Preventive Healthcare System
    • Cardiovascular Monitoring Devices for Tele-Care System
    • ASTRI Bluetooth Low Energy Heart Health Monitoring System

    Underscoring the theme “Smart Living.Innovative Hong Kong”, InnoCarnival 2016 features various types of activities, such as exhibitions, workshops, seminars, science competitions, guided tours, performances and interactive games for members of the public to gain hands-on and fun-filled experience of the convenience and fun brought by innovation and technology to their daily life. For details, please visit official web site at

    Students of HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School and Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School visit ASTRI

  • Over 70 students from HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School and Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School visited ASTRI on 20 October 2016.  ASTRI’s R&D experts introduced to them ASTRI’s background and showed them some latest technologies such as facial recognition, Naked Eye 3D and Cyber Range Laboratory.

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