ASTRI promotes FinTech and Smart City initiatives in Thailand for international collaboration

  • Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Office and Dr. Duncan Wong, Vice President, Financial Technologies of ASTRI had a fruitful business trip to Bangkok, Thailand from 6 to 7 October 2016 to promote ASTRI’s FinTech initiatives and strengthen international exchange and collaboration.

    On 6 October, Dr. Tong and Dr. Wong were invited to participate in the signature promotion campaign “In Style • Hong Kong” organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC).  The event aims to highlight Hong Kong’s position as a trendsetting hub and a world-class business service provider.  Dr. Tong was one of the guest speakers to share his insights on “FinTech Infrastructure for Smart Cities” in the event’s thematic session titled “The Belt and Road Initiative: Digital Framework for Connecting Smart Cities”.

    On 7 October, Dr. Tong and Dr. Wong paid a visit to Bank of Thailand to introduce ASTRI’s FinTech activities and discuss possible collaboration.  In the afternoon of the same day, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between ASTRI and Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) for the establishment of strategic collaboration on R&D projects of FinTech. This is the first time for ASTRI to collaborate with an overseas organisation on R&D projects since its establishment in 2000, which signifies ASTRI’s leading position in FinTech research and applications.

    Last but not the least, ASTRI has also staged an exhibition booth in the Thailand e-Commerce Week organised by ETDA held from 7-9 October to promote ASTRI’s latest R & D activities.

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    “In Style • Hong Kong” in Bangkok, Thailand

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    Dr. Frank Tong shares his insight in “In Style • Hong Kong”

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    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI (right), and Ms. Surangkana Wayuparb, Executive Director and CEO of ETDA (left), sign a Memorandum of Understanding on FinTech research and development

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    ASTRI stages an exhibition booth in Thailand e-Commerce Week

    ASTRI to Collaborate with Thai Government on FinTech Research and Development

  • [Hong Kong, 7 October 2016] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), a public organisation in Thailand today announced the establishment of a strategic collaboration to support the implementation of electronic transaction development in Thailand.

    ASTRI and ETDA, an e-commerce agency under the Thai Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Bangkok to jointly carry out research and development (R&D) projects of financial technologies (FinTech). The signing of the MoU marks a major milestone for ASTRI, as this is for the first time that ASTRI works with an overseas organisation on R&D projects since its establishment in 2000. It also signifies ASTRI’s leading position in FinTech research and applications. For ETDA, the collaboration with ASTRI will facilitate FinTech R&D and put Thailand on track to be a leader in ASEAN.

    Under the MoU, experts from both ASTRI and Thailand will embark on FinTech R&D projects, covering areas such as cyber security, blockchain technology, etc. Talent nurture is also an important element in the collaboration. Training programmes will be conducted to nurture cyber security professionals. Both parties will also explore the possibility of cross-border sharing of cyber security intelligence through SecShare, a system developed by ASTRI and currently used by banking and financial institutes in Hong Kong to share vital information to defend against cyber threats.

    “While Hong Kong has been enhancing financial infrastructure to consolidate its status as an international financial centre, Thailand, one of the countries along the Belt and Road, has seen robust growth in e-commerce in recent years. We’re very glad to have this opportunity to exchange ASTRI’s technological expertise with ETDA, and there’re a lot of areas, such as e-payment, where we can learn from each other. I’m confident the collaboration will benefit both Hong Kong and Thailand,” said Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI.

    Ms. Surangkana Wayuparb, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of ETDA, said, “The Thai government has recently launched a new national e-payment system, “Prompt Pay”, which aims to promote broader electronic payment adoption with the emphasis on ease and convenience. FinTech is one of the directions we are actively pursuing. We look forward to working closely with ASTRI in developing FinTech that would bring greater convenience as well as security to businesses and the general public.”

    About ASTRI

    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research.  ASTRI’s core R&D competences in various areas are organised under seven Technology Divisions, namely Communications Technologies, Electronics Components, IC Design (Analog), IC Design (Digital), Opto-electronics, Security and Data Sciences, and Intelligent Software and Systems. Five areas of applications including financial technologies, intelligent manufacturing, next generation network, health technologies, and smart city are identified for major pursuit. For further information about ASTRI, please visit

    About ETDA

    Electronic Transactions Development Agency (Public Organisation) (ETDA) was set up under the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDE). We are the main agency that responsible for developing, promoting and supporting electronic transactions in order to create trust, opportunity and equity for all. ETDA’s main mission is to conduct studies and research while providing support for the Electronic Transactions Commission and related agencies.

    Media enquiries:

    Ms Cherry Au               Tel : (852) 3406 2993              Email : cherryau

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    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI (right), and Ms. Surangkana Wayuparb, Executive Director and CEO of ETDA (left), sign a Memorandum of Understanding on FinTech research and development.


    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI (4th from right), and Ms. Surangkana Wayuparb, Executive Director and CEO of ETDA (3rd from left) announce the establishment of a strategic collaboration to support the implementation of electronic transaction development in Thailand under the witness of ASTRI and ETDA representatives.

    Delegates of Hong Kong Police College visit ASTRI

  • Delegates of Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) visited ASTRI on 6 October. Dr. Ieong Meikei, Chief Technology Officer and Ms. Elaine Wong, Chief Administrative of ASTRI warmly greeted the delegates including Ms. Edwina Lau, Director and Dr. Cheng Tak-ming, Deputy Director 2, and other members of HKPC.

    To give the delegates an in-depth understanding of ASTRI, Dr. Ieong Meikei introduced the Institute’s R & D focus to the delegates, followed by a presentation on “Use of robotic technologies in search and resecue” by Dr. John Koo, Director, Cyber-Physical System of ASTRI.

    A number demonstrations including Blockchain, real-time 2D/3D conversion technology and facial recognition were showcased to the delegates before they toured around the Cyber Range Laboratory.




    Delegates of CCB International and Radiant Venture Capital visit ASTRI

  • Delegates of CCB International and Radiant Venture Capital visited ASTRI on October 6.  Dr. Ieong Meikei, Chief Technology Officer, Ms. Elaine Wong, Chief Administrative Officer and Ms. Cammy Yung, Chief Financial Officer of ASTRI warmly greeted the delegates including Mr. Wei Wei, Assistant CEO, Mr. Xu Jianhong, Head of High-Growth Enterprise Division, Dr. Qian ZhiyiQian, Executive Director and Assistant Head, High-Growth Enterprise Division of CCBI, Mr. Michael Chow, Venture Partner, Mr. Duncan Chiu, Managing Director and Mr. Gorden Yen, Managing Director of Radiant Venture Capital.

    A number demonstrations including Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform, Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, real-time 2D/3D conversion technology and visual inspection technology were showcased to give the delegates an in-depth understanding of ASTRI’s R&D projects. The delegates also toured around Cyber Range Laboratory and Next Generation Network Laboratory.

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    ASTRI’s R&D expert speaks at GSMA Hong Kong Open Day – The Next Frontier of IoT

  • Mr. Kenny Chan, Senior Manager, Intelligent Devices of ASTRI was invited to be one of the guest speakers at the GSMA Hong Kong Open Day – The Next Frontier of IoT held on 5 October 2016 at Hong Kong Science Park.

    In the event, Mr. Chan gave a presentation titled “Machine to Human Interface (HMI) and AR See Through Display Technologies” and introduced ASTRI’s latest technologies on intelligent manufacturing. Mr. Chan also participated in the panel discussion session titled “Connected Life In The 5G Setting” to share his views with the industry experts.

    Organised by GSMA, the event aims to bring thought leaders together to discuss and share insights on the next frontier of Internet of Thing (IoT). Around 120 esteemed GSMA partners, experts in the mobile industry and guests were attracted to the event.

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    Mr. Kenny Chan, Senior Manager, Intelligent Devices of ASTRI introduces ASTRI’s latest technologies on intelligent manufacturing.

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    Mr. Kenny Chan (1st from right) at the panel discussion session.

    ASTRI hosts seminar on recent advances in machine learning

  • ASTRI was honoured to have the presence of Prof. Laiwan Chan, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong as speaker at a seminar “Recent Advances in Machine Learning: ICA and Causal Discovery” on 5 October 2016. Prof. Chan shared with the audience some recent developments of machine learning methodologies including independence component analysis (ICA) and causal discovery.

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    ASTRI and PCCW to Collaborate on 3GPP Release 13 LTE WiFi Aggregation (LWA) Trial

  • [Hong Kong, 4 October 2016] Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) announced today its collaboration with the PCCW Group on 3GPP Release 13 LTE WiFi Aggregation (LWA) trial.

    LWA can help improve user’s experience by offering faster and more stable Internet service and better overall system performance, through efficient management of radio resources across both LTE and Wi-Fi networks. The proposed LWA trial will enable ASTRI and PCCW Group to collect important field data towards enabling commercial LWA deployment in Hong Kong.

    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, and Ms. Susanna Hui, Group Chief Financial Officer and an Executive Director of PCCW, signed the collaboration agreement at a signing ceremony today.

    ASTRI and PCCW are technology leaders in promoting advanced wireless technologies such as cellular and Wi-Fi. The strategic cooperation between ASTRI and the PCCW Group targets for the commercial LWA deployment in Hong Kong as one of the first deployments globally and is dedicated to achieving the following objectives:

    • To position Hong Kong as a leading city in the world to conduct a 3GPP Release 13 LWA trial.
    • To demonstrate the LWA benefits on enhancing user experience on LTE network.

    Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Tong said, “The joint effort marks a new milestone in our cooperation with the PCCW Group and together, we would move ahead to contribute our efforts in the transformation and betterment of Hong Kong and beyond with our communications technologies.”

    Ms. Hui said, “Being Hong Kong’s leading mobile operator, the PCCW Group is enthusiastic about advancing wireless technologies together with ASTRI to the benefit of all walks of life in this mobile-centric era. This collaboration with ASTRI represents another key step toward PCCW’s commitment to promoting the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong.”

    About ASTRI

    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI’s core R&D competences in various areas are organised under seven Technology Divisions, namely Communications Technologies, Electronics Components, IC Design (Analog), IC Design (Digital), Opto-electronics, Security and Data Sciences, and Intelligent Software and Systems. Five areas of applications including financial technologies, intelligent manufacturing, next generation network, health technologies, and smart city are identified for major pursuit. For further information about ASTRI, please visit

    Media enquiries:

    Ms Cherry Au               Tel : (852) 3406 2993              Email : cherryau


    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI (right), and Ms. Susanna Hui, Group Chief Financial Officer and an Executive Director of PCCW (left) sign the collaboration agreement at the signing ceremony to collaborate on 3GPP Release 13 LTE WiFi Aggregation (LWA) Trial.

    ASTRI signs Memorandum of Understanding at the launch ceremony of the 3rd Generation Semiconductor Industry Base in the South

  • Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Ieong Meikei, Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Daniel Shi, Senior Director, Electronics Components and Mr. Ryan Chung, Director, Chief Technology Officer Office of ASTRI were invited to attend the launch ceremony of the 3rd Generation Semiconductor Industry Base in the South organised by Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology in Dongguan on 30 September.

    Ms. Wu Ling, Director of the Strategic Alliance of Innovation and Technology for the 3rd Generation of the Semiconductor Industry remarked, “ Strategically speaking, it is important for us to develop the 3rd generation semiconductor industry so as to re-position China in the international semiconductor industry.”

    Mr. Yuan Baocheng, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province said, “As a united enterprise, the partners should be open-minded in making Guangdong into a world-class innovation and technology centre.”

    Mr. Cao Jianlin, former Vice Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology remarked, “ China has the largest semiconductor base in terms of technology and talent.   By capitalising on our competitive advantages, we can resolve the issues of preparation and production of key materials and components, thus realising our dream.  I wish you a very successful cooperation.

    The plaque unveiling ceremony was officiated by Mr. Cao Jianlin, former Vice Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology and Mr. Yuan Baocheng, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province.  Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI then signed the strategic cooperation Memorandum of Understanding with representatives from Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan Songshan Lake Management Committee and Dongguan Southern Semiconductor Technology Company.

    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI remarked, “The signing of the strategic cooperation Memorandum of Understanding facilitates ASTRI to have a close and synergized cooperation with other strategic alliance members of the 3rd generation semiconductor industry to achieve technology breakthrough in the industry. ”

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    Mr. Yang Xiaotang, Vice Mayor of The Dongguan Municipal People’s Government (1st from left) , Dr Frank Tong, CEO of ASTRI (3rd from left),  Mr. Liao Bing, Dean of Guangdong Academy of Science (3rd from right), Mr. Li Lin, President of Dongguan University of Technology  (2nd from right)

    ASTRI’s R&D expert shares innovative insights on industry 4.0 at Rotary Club of Kwai Chung seminar

  • Dr. John Koo, Director of Cyber-Physical Systems, ASTRI was invited to deliver a talk titled “Collaborative Robotics for Industry 4.0” at the seminar organised by the Rotary Club of Kwai Chung, District 3450 held on 22 September 2016 at the Royal Garden Hotel Hong Kong.

    At the seminar, Dr. Koo shared with the audience ASTRI’s R&D development on intelligent manufacturing, the latest development trends of collaborative robotics and its contribution to the industry 4.0. The seminar attracted 20 professionals to attend.

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    Dr. John Koo, Director of Cyber-Physical Systems, ASTRI shares his insights on industry 4.0 at Rotary Club of Kwai Chung seminar.

    ASTRI’s R&D expert shares at the 20th Seminar for Senior Administrators from East Guangdong Region

  • Dr. Duncan Wong, Vice President (Financial Technologies) of ASTRI was invited to be one of the guest speakers to deliver a talk on ASTRI’s R&D initiatives on cyber security on 30 September 2016 at the 20th Seminar for Senior Administrators from East Guangdong Region.

    The theme of the seminar was e-commerce and cyber security. A total 36 government officials and universities’ senior management from East Guangdong region attended the seminar from 25 September to 1 October 2016.

    At the seminar, Dr. Wong introduced ASTRI’s professional development training for cyber security professionals. He also talked about the development of ASTRI’s Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform which assists in fighting against fast increasing malicious cyber attacks.

    Organised by Lingnan University and Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organisations, the seminar provides a platform for the government officials and universities’ senior management in China to exchange and discuss the up-to-date knowledge and issues of e-commerce and cyber security with academia and professionals from IT industry in Hong Kong. A number of speakers including professors from Lingnan University, senior management from renowned technology companies and relevant associations., etc. in Hong Kong were invited to share their experience and knowledge with the participants. Dr. Tiger Lin Zhenhui, Board Member of ASTRI, who is also the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, CITIC Telecom International Holdings Ltd was also invited to deliver a talk.

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    Dr. Duncan Wong, Vice President (Financial Technologies) of ASTRI (left)

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