Delegates from China Information Technology Security Evaluation Centre and Nexusguard Consulting Limited visit ASTRI

  • Delegates from China Information Technology Security Evaluation Centre together with Nexusguard Consulting Limited CEO Mr. Ronald Pong, Business Controller Mr. Dominic Liu and Director (Project and Operation) and Mr. Leo Mak visited ASTRI on 7 September.  They toured around ASTRI Security Lab (ASL) and Cyber Range Lab, and had a fruitful discussion with colleagues of ASL.


    2016-09-07 NCL

    Media coverage on announcement on setting up of HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub

  • Media coverage on Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) ’s announcement on setting up of HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub (the Fintech Innovation Hub) on 6 September 2016.

    Date Title Media
    06/09/2016 金管局推措施助金融創新匯豐指有助業界發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局指「沙盒」計劃與風險為本原則無抵觸 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局推兩項新措施促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 HKMA: FinTech Innovation Hub Services Free of Charge Now
    06/09/2016 BOC HONG KONG Block Chain Application May Start Trial Earlier
    06/09/2016 Andrew Fung: Govt Leading Fintech Development Can Enhance Cost Efficiency
    06/09/2016 HKMA Rolls out 2 Fintech Measures, Details Available in PM
    06/09/2016 聲音認證?陳德霖:設金融科技創新中心研究 (in Chinese only) Apple Daily
    06/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施 促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only) AsiaPacific Daily
    06/09/2016 金管局即日推「沙盒」 拒承諾不檢控 (in Chinese only) BastillePost Macau
    06/09/2016 金管局推「 Sandbox 」 下午交待詳情 (in Chinese only) BastillePost Macau
    06/09/2016 【 11 】馮孝忠:政府助業界防金融科技犯罪 利本港金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局推銀行監管方 sand box 金融科技產品可局部測試 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 香港金管局將推出「監管沙盒」 全力助推FinTech發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局:將建立金融科投資創新中心,不認同本港金融科技落後 (in Chinese only) ET Net
    06/09/2016 金管局:金融科技創新中心設於科學園,用作測試多方技術 (in Chinese only) ET Net
    06/09/2016 HKMA to Establish Fintech Innovation Hub and 「Sandbox」 Finance Magnates
    06/09/2016 陳德霖:不同意香港金融科技發展落後於人(in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 HKMA to set up fintech sandbox and innovation hub Finextra
    06/09/2016 金管局總裁:不同意香港金融科技發展落後於人 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 香港金管局推兩項新措施 促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only) H K CHINA NEWS AGENCY
    06/09/2016 陳德霖 : 金管局推兩金融科技促進措施 (in Chinese only) Hong Kong Economic Journal
    06/09/2016 陳德霖不同意香港金融科技發展落後於人 (in Chinese only) Hong Kong Economic Journal
    06/09/2016 香港金管局推「沙盒」計畫 鼓勵本地銀行金融創新 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局夥應科院設金融科技創新中心 數周內公佈細節 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 陳德霖指將推兩項措施以推動金融科技服務發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局指金融科技創新中心最快可於十月啟用 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 大陸金融:陳德霖稱,將推金融科技監管沙盤及科技創新中心推動金融科技服務(in Chinese only) Money Link
    06/09/2016 金管局:創新中心可方便局方於測試中提供初步指引 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局:金融科技沙盒有助銀行加快推出金融科技新服務 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局與應科院促進金融科技發展 業界料可降發展成本 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局推兩措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局將推出新措施促進金融科技 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 馮孝忠:業界共同開發及共用大數據有助防範金融犯罪 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金融科技︰金管局為銀行提供平臺及試驗場 (in Chinese only) Oriental Daily
    06/09/2016 金融科技:金管局 2 部曲助金融科技創新 (in Chinese only) Oriental Daily
    06/09/2016 金管局促金融科技發展 推科技創新中心及監管用途之「沙盒」(in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 恒生馮孝忠:金管局推 Fintech 新措施 料有助業界集中資源(in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 香港金管局推出兩項新措施以促進銀行金融科技發展(in Chinese only) 路透社
    06/09/2016 HKMA to boost fintech development English News
    06/09/2016 陳德霖:不同意香港金融科技發展落後於人(in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 HKMA floats test bed for banks to try out financial technologies The Standard
    06/09/2016 陳德霖指將推兩項措施以推動金融科技服務發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 陳德霖:金管局今推兩金融科技倡議 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 陳德霖稱,將推金融科技監管沙盤及科技創新中心推動金融科技服務 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 香港金管局將推出「監管沙盒」 全力助推FinTech發展 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 【金融紙尿片】金管局推「沙盒」准銀行測試新金融科技 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 HKMA embraces FinTech as it burnishes Hong Kong’s brand to compete as Asia’s financial hub
    06/09/2016 陳德霖:金管局今推兩金融科技倡議 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局 : 金融科技創新中心設於科學園 , 用作測試多方技術 (in Chinese only)
    06/09/2016 金管局將推出新措施促進金融科技 (in Chinese only) Yahoo News
    06/09/2016 馮孝忠:政府助業界防金融科技犯罪 利本港金融科技發展 (in Chinese only) Yahoo News
    06/09/2016 馮孝忠:業界共同開發及共用大數據有助防範金融犯罪 (in Chinese only) Yahoo News
    06/09/2016 金管局:創新中心可方便局方於測試中提供初步指引 (in Chinese only) Yahoo News
    06/09/2016 金管局:金融科技沙有助銀行加快推出金融科技新服務 (in Chinese only) Yahoo News
    07/09/2016 金管局向銀行鬆綁 谷金融科技創新 (in Chinese only) Apple Daily
    07/09/2016 金管局兩項金融科技措施 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 金管局推銀行監管方 sand box 金融科技產品可局部測試 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 首引「沙盒」促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 06Sep/Norman T L Chan: What does it take to build a “Hong Kong Brand” for financial services?
    07/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 金管局兩招催谷港銀拓 FinTech 下月推創新中心 「沙盒」測試新產品 (in Chinese only) Hong Kong Economic Journal
    07/09/2016 金管局兩招拓 Fintech 適度寬監管 創新中心最快10月運作 沙供銀行實境測試 (in Chinese only) Hong Kong Economic Times
    07/09/2016 香港拓 FinTech 重金融莫輕科技 (in Chinese only) Hong Kong Economic Times
    07/09/2016 金管兩招谷 FinTech (in Chinese only) Oriental Daily
    07/09/2016 金管局兩招催谷港銀拓 FinTech 下月推創新中心 「沙盒」測試新產品 (in Chinese only) Kui Blog
    07/09/2016 金管局兩措施加快金融科技發展 設金融科技創新中心 最快下月推 (in Chinese only) Ming Pao Daily News
    07/09/2016 金管局推兩金融科技促進措施 (in Chinese only) Sing Pao
    07/09/2016 銀行設專責部門研發 (in Chinese only) Sing Tao Daily
    07/09/2016 中銀致力創新 推網點智慧化 (in Chinese only) Takungpao
    07/09/2016 監管沙盒難作「不檢控承諾」(in Chinese only) Takungpao
    07/09/2016 馮孝忠:共用大數據做好網絡保安 (in Chinese only) Takungpao
    07/09/2016 業界:新措施料提升效益 (in Chinese only) Wen Wei Po
    07/09/2016 首引「沙盒」促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only) Wen Wei Po
    07/09/2016 金管局兩項金融科技措施 (in Chinese only) Wen Wei Po
    07/09/2016 金管局推兩措施 未涵蓋非銀行機構 首引「沙盒」促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only) Wen Wei Po
    07/09/2016 香港是金融服務業的國際品牌要在產品和服務方面不斷提升 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 香港金管局推兩招促金融創新 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 推動金融科技 金管局推兩新措施 (in Chinese only) am730
    07/09/2016 設創新中心與監管“沙盒” 港兩措施發展金融科技 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 香港特區金管局推新舉措促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 HSBC: Supports HKMA’s Measures to Boost HK Fintech Development
    07/09/2016 香港金管局推“沙盒”計劃 鼓勵本地銀行金融創新 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 香港金管局將推​​“監管沙盒” 全力助推FinTech發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 陳德霖:不同意香港金融科技發展落後於人 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 香港金管局推“沙盒”計劃 加快本地金融科技創新的步伐 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 Hong Kong Banking Regulator to Launch FinTech Sandbox  Hong Kong Lawyer
    07/09/2016 Hong Kong fintech sandbox exclusively for banks  Fund Selector Asia
    07/09/2016 中銀香港致力創新 推網點智能化  (in Chinese only)  H K CHINA NEWS AGENCY
    07/09/2016  香港金管局將推​​出“監管沙盒” 全力助推FinTech發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016  香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016  Hong Kong’s Central Bank to Test Blockchain (in Chinese only)  CoinDesk
    07/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)  International Daily News
    07/09/2016 香港金管局擬推新措促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 香港特區金管局推新舉措促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 一周比特幣:幣價單日暴漲6.66%後迎來橫盤 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 成立金融創新實驗室,香港金管局在Fintech上又邁了一步 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 HaoBTC比特幣錢包:香港央行看好區塊鏈 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 香港金管局推“沙盒”計劃 鼓勵本地銀行金融創新 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 香港金管局推“沙盒”計劃 鼓勵本地銀行金融創新 (in Chinese only)
    08/09/2016 金融科技創新中心由金管局和香港應用科技研究院合作推出 (in Chinese only)
    07/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    09/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    11/09/2016 香港特區金管局推新舉措促金融科技發展  (in Chinese only)
    11/09/2016 香港金管局擬推兩項新措施促進金融科技發展 (in Chinese only)
    11/09/2016 香港金融管理局擬開設創新中心,測試區塊鏈技術 (in Chinese only)
    10/09/2016 香港金管局擬推新措促金融科技發展  (in Chinese only)
    09/09/2016 Hong Kong Monetary Authority Announces Fintech Innovation Hub & Supervisory Sandbox  Crowdfund Insider
    09/09/2016 玩兒嗨了!監管層發令槍一響 互聯網、銀行紛紛搶跑 (in Chinese only)
    09/09/2016 HK’s Central Bank to Test Blockchain Hong Kong Herald

    ASTRI’s R&D expert speaks at the Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit, Shanghai

  • ASTRI’s Director of Data Analytics Dr. Andrew Wat was invited to deliver a presentation at the Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit, Shanghai held on 7-8 September 2016 at Shanghai, China. In the summit, Dr. Wat talked about ASTRI’s research and development on big data for financial technology (FinTech) and cyber security.

    2016-09-07 Big Data Summit Shanghai (4)

    Dr. Wat speaks at the Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit, Shanghai.

    ASTRI participates in the 18th China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE) to showcase its latest R&D projects and technologies

  • ASTRI has participated in the 18th China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE) held from 6 to 9 September at Shenzhen China. In the exhibition, ASTRI has showcased and demonstrated a number of R&D projects and technologies as follows:

    1. Display & Sensing Technology
    i. High Contrast LCoS Panel
    ii. Automotive Head Up Display
    iii. See Through Type Head Mount Display
    iv. Holographic Projection System
    v. Embedded Keyboard Projector

    2. Intelligent Manufacturing Technology
    i. 3D AOI System
    ii. Glass Surface Defect Inspection Machine (for small size display)
    iii. Intelligent 3D Robot Vision for Random Bin Picking

    3. Intelligent Health Care Technology
    i. Food Safety and Quality Detection Technology

    For more details about the event, please refer to

    2016-09-07 CIOE (3)

    ASTRI showcases its latest R&D projects and technologies at CIOE.

    2016-09-07 CIOE

    Visitor visiting ASTRI’s booth and understanding its R&D projects.

    2016-09-07 CIOE (6)

    ASTRI’s booth at CIOE.

    [ngg_images gallery_ids=”70″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” gallery_width=”950″ gallery_height=”400″]

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announces collaboration with ASTRI to set up the “HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub”

  • In his opening remarks of the TMA Summit today, Chief Executive of the HKMA Mr. Normal T.L. Chan announced that it will collaborate with ASTRI to set up the “HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub” (the Fintech Innovation Hub).

    Mr. Chan said, “First, I am pleased to announce that the HKMA will collaborate with the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) to set up the “Fintech Innovation Hub”. It will be equipped with all necessary system and support resources to enable players of the banking and payment industry to conduct proof of concept trials of products and services through the use of new technologies, and do it safely – as this controlled environment is separated from their internal systems. Also, the Fintech Innovation Hub allows regulators to provide early inputs to the trial works before the actual implementation. While some of the largest banks have built their own laboratories, this new Fintech Innovation Hub will cater for the big and small institutions alike such that the industry as a whole would be able to adopt new technologies more speedily and in a more collaborative manner.

    Among its potential uses, this Fintech Innovation Hub, as a neutral testing ground, will be ideal for two types of activities. First, industry players can test new Fintech solutions which involve the collaboration of multiple parties and are intended to be commonly adopted in the industry. A good example is biometric authentication. New concepts in various facial or voice recognition techniques could be demonstrated by the developers in the Fintech Innovation Hub to gather feedback from potential users and to receive regulatory guidance from supervisors at an early stage. This should help shorten the time-to-market of useful industry-wide solutions. Second, I envisage that the Fintech Innovation Hub will also benefit the HKMA. In this place, we could explore with innovators options and possibilities of using new technologies, such as Big Data Analytics and other “regtech” initiatives, to achieve our objectives more effectively without creating undue risks or burden for our internal systems or databases.”

    ASTRI is now working closely with HKMA on finalising details of the set-up and the mode of operation of the Hub.

    For more information and media coverage of the collaboration, please refer to the following:

    Welcoming remarks and keynote speech at Treasury Markets Summit 2016 by Norman T.L. Chan, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Source: HKMA)

    金融科技︰金管局為銀行提供平台及試驗場 (in Chinese Only) (Source: Oriental Daily)

    金管局2部曲助金融科技創新 (in Chinese Only) (Source: Oriental Daily)

    金管局將推出新措施促進金融科技 (in Chinese Only) (Source: Yahoo News)

    陳德霖:金管局推兩金融科技促進措施 (in Chinese Only) (Source: Hong Kong Economic Journal)

    陳德霖不同意香港金融科技發展落後於人 (in Chinese Only) (Source: Hong Kong Economic Journal)

    金管局夥應科院設金融科技創新中心 數周內公布細節 (in Chinese Only) (Source:

    陳德霖指將推兩項措施以推動金融科技服務發展 (in Chinese Only) (Source:

    大陸金融:陳德霖稱,將推金融科技監管沙盤及科技創新中心推動金融科技服務  (in Chinese Only)  (Source: Money Link)

    馮孝忠:政府助業界防金融科技犯罪 利本港金融科技發展  (in Chinese Only)  (Source: Yahoo News)

    馮孝忠:業界共同開發及共享大數據有助防範金融犯罪  (in Chinese Only)  (Source: Yahoo News)

    金管局:創新中心可方便局方於測試中提供初步指引 (in Chinese Only)  (Source: Yahoo News)

    金管局:金融科技沙盒有助銀行加快推出金融科技新服務 (in Chinese Only)  (Source: Yahoo News)

    金管局促金融科技發展 推科技創新中心及監管用途之「沙盒」(in Chinese Only)  (Source:

    恒生馮孝忠:金管局推Fintech新措施 料有助業界集中資源  (in Chinese Only)  (Source:

    金管局:將建立金融科投資創新中心,不認同本港金融科技落後 (in Chinese Only)  (Source: ET Net)

    金管局:金融科技創新中心設於科學園,用作測試多方技術 (in Chinese Only)  (Source: ET Net)

    金融科技創新中心未來數周投入運作 (in Chinese Only)  (Source:

    陳德霖:金管局今推兩金融科技倡議 (in Chinese Only)  (Source:

    聲音認證?陳德霖:設金融科技創新中心研究 (in Chinese Only)  (Source: Apple Daily)

    HKMA embraces FinTech as it burnishes Hong Kong’s brand to compete as Asia’s financial hub (Source:

    Letter to all Authorised Institutions – HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub   (Source: HKMA)

    Letter to all SVF Licensees  – HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub  (Source: HKMA)

    ASTRI’s R&D expert shares case studies on big data application at the China International Smart City Forum 2016

  • Dr. Yu Tao, Director of Big Data, ASTRI was invited to share the case studies of application of big data in Smart City: Smart Transportation in Hong Kong at the China International Smart City Forum 2016 held on 6 September 2016 at Shenzhen, China.

    2016-09-06 Smart City Forum

    ASTRI hosts seminar on opto-eletronics

  • ASTRI was honoured to have the presence of Prof. Chi Wai Chow, Professor of Department of Photonics, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan as speaker at a seminar “Short-Reach Data Communications” on 5 September 2016. Prof. Chow shared with the audience on several key research topics in Photonic Systems Laboratory of NCTU, including Li-Fi (also known as visible light communication), 60 GHz – 100 GHz fiber wireless technologies and silicon photonics for access and data center networks.

    2016-09-05 Prof Chi Wai Chow seminar

    ASTRI is honoured to invite Prof. Chi Wai Chow (3rd from right), Professor of Department of Photonics, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan to give a seminar.

    Media coverage on ASTRI’s research and development on Augmented Reality (AR) technologies

  • ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong and Senior Director Mr. YK Li were invited to attend a media interview by Commercial Radio – 1 (FM 881), introducing ASTRI’s Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. Please click here to listen to the interview broadcast on 2 September (in Chinese only).

    The first cyber security training course at Cyber Range Laboratory concludes successfully

  • The inaugural cyber security training course for Hong Kong Police Force held at ASTRI’s Cyber Range Laboratory was successfully concluded today.  In the 4-day training, course participants were given intensive and comprehensive training on different areas of cyber security.  At the end of the course, Superintendent of Police Dr. Frank Law presented certificates to the participants.

    2016-09-02 Cyberrange training (18)


    Participants of  inaugural cyber security training course.


    Superintendent of Police Dr. Frank Law (left) presents certificate to the cyber security training course participant.

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    ASTRI’s technology expert to speak at the Capital Markets Blockchain 2016

  • ASTRI’s Vice President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong is invited to be a speaker at the Capital Markets Blockchains 2016 to be held on 13 September 2016 at Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, Hong Kong. Dr. Wong will share his insights on ASTRI’s blockchain technologies in the session of “Ask the regulators: Hong Kong’s environment for FinTech and Blockchain”.

    For the seminar details, please refer to