ASTRI as supporting organisation of the Asia-Pacific Smart Healthcare Industry Collaboration and Development Seminar cum Technology Promotion

  • The Asia-Pacific Smart Healthcare Industry Collaboration and Development Seminar cum Technology Promotion will be held on 19 September 2016 in Guangzhou City.  As one of the supporting organisations of the seminar, ASTRI will have Director, Multimedia Systems & Analytics Dr. Wu Xiaohua to deliver a presentation on the development of smart healthcare in Hong Kong and ASTRI’s latest health technologies.

    For details of the seminar, please visit (in Chinese only)

    ASTRI’s technology expert shares cyber security insights at 4th Symposium on Risk Management

  • ASTRI’s Vice President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong was invited to be a panelist to share his insights on cyber security at the session of “Business Innovation vs Cybersecurity – Whose Responsibility Is It?” in the 4th Symposium on Risk Management held on 25 August 2016 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    ASTRI was one of the supporting organizations of the symposium which was organised by KORNERSTONE. The event attracted over 1,200 regulators, risk experts and economists from around the world to share and exchange their latest wisdom on Risk Management. For more details about the symposium, please refer to

    To download the presentation slides, please click:

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    ASTRI R&D expert delivers presentation on Mini-spectrometer for Chemical Sensing

  • ASTRI’s Senior Technical Manager Dr. John Tsang was invited as a speaker at the APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series – Sensors held on 25 August 2016 at Hong Kong Science Park. In his presentation titled “Mini-spectrometer for Chemical Sensing”, Dr. Tsang shared with the audience on the compact optical module for food safety and quality screening in the “Wellness and Healthcare Monitoring” section.

    The Summit was organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) which is a flagship event with an aim to provide the leading minds an opportunity for inspirational exchange in technology and market trends. ASTRI is one of the strategic partners of the “APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series”.

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    ASTRI’s R&D leader interviewed on blockchain’s applications

  • StartUpBeat interviewed ASTRI’s Vice President, Financial Technologies on blockchain’s applications during a conference held last month. Please click here to view the full report (Chinese version only).

    Master students from HKUST Business School visit ASTRI

  • 30 students of Master of Science in Information Systems Management (MScISM) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Business School visited ASTRI on 24 August 2016. ASTRI’s Manager of Chief Technology Officer Office Mr. Vincent Hou briefed them on the background of ASTRI and the technology development in Hong Kong. ASTRI’s R&D experts also introduced the latest technologies including Blockchain, facial recognition, naked eye 3D Display Technology.

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    The students tour around the Cyber Range Lab.

    ASTRI’s R&D expert speaks at the Yidianqian Financial Group 1st Anniversary Celebration and Guangzhou Branch Launch Ceremony

  • ASTRI’s Director of Cloud Computing Prof. Jerome Yen participated in the Yidianqian Finance Group 1st Anniversary Celebration and Guangzhou Branch Launch Ceremony held on 20 August 2016 at Shenzhen China and gave a presentation on the economy and investment market in China. For more info about the event, please refer to (in Chinese only).

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    ASTRI’s Director of Cloud Computing Prof. Jerome Yen speaks at the event.

    Photo source: Sohu Media Platform – Finance 

    ASTRI and AdvSTAR Laboratory Company Limited sign licensing agreement of ASTRI’s SecShare Software System

  • Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and Advanced Security Technology and Research Laboratory Company Limited (AdvSTAR) held a licensing agreement signing ceremony today (19 August) to license ASTRI’s SecShare Software System to AdvSTAR.

    The licensing agreement was signed by ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong and AdvSTAR’s Chairman Mr. Cliff Zhang under the witness of ASTRI’s Chief Administrative Officer Ms. Elaine Wong, Senior Advisor of AdvSTAR Dr. Lui Sun-wing and Chief Commercial Officer of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Mr. Andrew Young.

    Developed by ASTRI as an Innovation and Technology Fund Project, the SecShare Software System is an automated web-based software system which is able to collect, consolidate and categorize cyber security intelligence. In his remarks, Dr. Frank Tong said, “By signing the licensing agreement today with AdvSTAR, we believe that ASTRI’s cyber security technologies can be further promoted and applied to the industries, thereby enhancing their effectiveness in their fight against cyber attacks.”

    Mr. Cliff Zhang said in his remarks, “To stay ahead of cyber attack and defend ourselves, the only way is for all the industries to work together, sharing useful and updated information. ASTRI’s SecShare Software System is a proven technology that allows cyber threat information to be exchanged in a secured manner.”


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    Dr. Frank Tong, ASTRI’s CEO (front left) and Mr. Cliff Zhang, AdvSTAR’s Chairman (front right) today sign an agreement to license ASTRI’s SecShare Software System to AdvSTAR. At the back are witnesses of the ceremony (from the left): ASTRI’s Chief Administrative Officer Ms. Elaine Wong, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation’s Chief Commercial Officer Mr. Andrew Young and AdvSTAR’s Senior Advisor Dr. Lui Sun-wing.



    Students from La Salle College visit ASTRI

  • On 19 August, seven Form 5 students from La Salle College visited ASTRI. ASTRI’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Frank Tong, R&D Director, IC Design Digital Division Mr. Alan Cheung, Technical Marketing Manager Mr. Vincent Hou, and the Head of Talent Acquisition Ms. Charlene Choo introduced to them ASTRI’s latest technologies including Blockchain, Facial Recognition, and the naked eye 3D Display Technology as well as career opportunities. 

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    Students from La Salle College visit ASTRI.

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    Dr. Frank Tong shares with the students the development of ASTRI.

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    Students learn more about Facial Recognition technology.

    Delegates of Taiwan Legislative Research Bureau visit ASTRI

  • Two researchers Ms. Chang Shu-ching and Ms. Li Kao-ying from Taiwan Legislative Research Bureau visited ASTRI on 19 August.   ASTRI’s Chief Executive Officer Dr. Frank Tong, Vice President, Next Generation Network Cum Acting Director of Software and Systems Dr. Justin Chuang, Director Dr. Xinyi Liu, Dr. Wu Xiaohua and Senior Manager Dr. Billy Chan introduced to them ASTRI’s latest technology on Internet of Things (IoT) applications in transportation and medical industries.

    After the tour, Ms. Chang and Ms. Li had a fruitful discussion with Dr. Chuang on the technology road map and future development of IoT in the region of Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Pearl River Delta.


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    Ms. Chang Shu-ching (4th from the right) and Ms. Li Kao-ying (2nd from the right) visit ASTRI and present a souvenir to Dr. Frank Tong (3rd from left).

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    Dr. Justin Chuang (1st from left) and Dr. Xinyi Liu (2nd from left) introduce ASTRI’s IoT technologies to the delegation.


    Media coverage on ASTRI’s research and development on cyber security and blockchain technology

  • Ming Pao Daily News has interviewed ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong on ASTRI’s research and development on cyber security and blockchain technology. Please click here for the detailed report on 19 August 2016 (Chinese version only).