ASTRI hosts blockchain seminar

  • ASTRI hosted a seminar titled The Inner Workings of a Blockchain today (17 August) at Hong Kong Science Park whereby the speaker Mr. Leonhard Weese, President of Bitcoin Association Hong Kong, shared note-worthy issues of blockchain with participants.  With bitcoin as an example, Mr. Weese explained how a blockchain verifies and distributes messages, allows its participants to keep the database consistent, and what else can be done with it. The seminar was a full-house event with the attendance of 90 participants.

    For details of the seminar, please click here to download Mr. Weese’s presentation file.

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    As a token of appreciation, ASTRI’s Vice-President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong presents Mr. Weese a souvenir.

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    Mr. Wesse explains the working of a blockchain.

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    About 90 participants attend the seminar.

    ASTRI becomes member of the Qianhai International Blockchain Ecosphere Alliance

  • ASTRI is honoured to join the Qianhai International Blockchain Ecosphere Alliance and becomes one of its members.

    The Qianhai International Blockchain Ecosphere Alliance was officially launched on 3 August 2016. It aims to establish an efficient ecosystem for the development of blockchain technology and its application through the integration of the Mainland and international resources including talents, technologies and capital, thereby accelerating the commercialization of research and development results of blockchain technology and promoting its application for the social and economic development of China.

    A total of 27 world-class enterprises and investment agencies were invited to join the alliance, including ASTRI, Microsoft’s strategic partner on blockchain ConsenSys, IBM’s strategic partner on blockchain Blackridge, BlockApps, IDG, iSelect Fund, Struck Capital, 500 Startups, to name but a few. This alliance facilitates members to exchange information and collaborate with one another for the development of blockchain technology.

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    Opening Ceremony of Qianhai International Blockchain Ecosphere Alliance

    Photo Source: Qianhai International Blockchain Ecosphere Alliance

    ASTRI’s R & D expert shares telecommunications technology for smart city at the Next Generation Small Cell Asia Summit 2016, Shanghai, China

  • ASTRI’s Manager of Communications Technologies Division Dr. Elaine Zhang was invited as a speaker at the Next Generation Small Cell Asia Summit 2016 held from 11th to 12th August in Shanghai.  In her presentation titled “ASTRI Next Generation Small Cell for Smarter City” , Dr. Zhang shared with the audience information communications technology (ICT) for smart city, new connectivity for new applications, and ASTRI’s 5G R&D development.

    ASTRI was one of the official sponsors of the Summit organized by Enmore.  The event attracted over 100 representatives from major operators and equipment vendors of the telecommunications industry including China Mobile, China Unicom, Comba, ZTE and Huawei, to name but a few. They shared ideas on the latest development directions of the next generation small cell and discussed possible collaboration opportunities.

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    Dr. Elaine Zhang, Manager of Communications Technologies Division, ASTRI delivers a presentation at the Next Generation Small Cell Asia Summit 2016, Shanghai, China.

    ASTRI’s senior management visits Electronic Transactions Development Agency of Thailand

  • ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong, Vice-President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong and Director of Chief Technology Officer Office Mr. Ryan Chung visited Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) of Thailand in Bangkok on 9 August 2016. They were warmly received by ETDA’s Deputy Executive Director Mr. Chaichana Mitrpant and had a very fruitful discussion on potential collaboration opportunities ranging from cyber threat intelligence sharing, research to training and examination.

    ETDA is the main government agency responsible for developing, promoting and supporting electronic transactions in Thailand. It provides technical support to Thailand government’s IT infrastructure and conducts advanced forensic investigation. It also hosts the Thailand Computer Emergency Response Team (ThaiCERT) and runs the national Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC).


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    ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong (3rd from right) and Vice President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong (1st from right) visit the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) of Thailand, accompanied by its Deputy Executive Director Mr. Chaichana Mitrpant (2nd from right).

    ASTRI’s Cryptographer Dr. Liu Zhen appointed as professor in Shanghai Jiaotong University

  • A veteran in cryptography, Dr. Liu Zhen, former Senior Software Engineer, Applied Cryptography of ASTRI was appointed as Professor of the famous Shanghai Jiaotong University.  When serving at ASTRI Security Lab, Dr. Liu made significant contributions towards the design of cryptographic systems.

    To bid farewell to Dr. Liu Zhen, ASTRI Security Lab hosted a farewell party on 27 July.  Dr. Duncan Wong, Vice-President, Financial Technologies said, “We would like to thank Dr. Liu for his great contributions to ASTRI and convey our hearty congratulations to him on his new appointment.  We really feel proud of him.”

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    Colleagues from ASTRI Security Lab bids farewell to Dr. Liu Zhen (Centre)

    President and CEO of Ontario Centres of Excellence visits ASTRI

  • Dr. Tom Corr, President and CEO, Ontario Centres of Excellence, Canada visited ASTRI on 10 August 2016. ASTRI Technical Marketing Director Mr. Dennis Lee and Chief Technology Officer Office’s Manager Mr. Vincent Hou introduced ASTRI’s research and development to Dr. Corr. They had a fruitful exchange on the technology development of the two regions and explored future collaboration opportunities.

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    From left: Mr. Vincent Hou, Dr. Tom Corr and Mr. Dennis Lee

    Secretary for Innovation and Technology Mr. Nicholas W Yang Visits ASTRI

  • ASTRI has had the great pleasure today (10 August) to receive the Secretary for Innovation and Technology Mr Nicholas W Yang.

    Accompanied by ASTRI’s Board Chairman Mr Wong Ming-yam and CEO Dr Frank Tong, Mr Yang toured around the ASTRI Security Lab, Cyber Range Lab and Next Generation Network Lab where he was updated on ASTRI’s latest technologies such as security intelligence sharing platform, blockchain, big data analytics and real time 3D conversion platform.

    Following the tour, Mr Yang had a fruitful discussion with ASTRI’s senior management on the future directions of the company and how it could create impact for innovation and technology development in Hong Kong.

    For more information and media coverage of the visit, please refer to the following:

    Nicholas Yang inspects tech institutes (Source: HK Government News)

    S for IT visits NAMI, ASTRI and HKSTPC (Source: 7thSpace)

    楊偉雄訪研發中心 強調力挺官產學研 (in Chinese Only) (Source:Wen Wei Po)

    楊偉雄訪3研發中心諾支持 (in Chinese Only) (Source: Hong Kong Commercial Daily)

    Nicholas Yang inspects tech institutes (Source: Hong Kong Herald)

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    Awardees of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme visit ASTRI

  • Over 25 awardees of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme visited ASTRI on 9 Aug, 2016.  ASTRI’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. Meikei Ieong, Chief Administrative Officer Ms. Elaine Wong, Technical Marketing Director Mr. Dennis Lee, and the Head of Talent Acquisition Ms. Charlene Choo  introduced to them ASTRI’s latest technologies including Blockchain, facial recognition, and the naked eye 3D display technology as well as career opportunities at ASTRI. The awardees found the visit interesting and gained a better understanding of the mission and roles of ASTRI.

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    Awardees of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme visit ASTRI.

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    The students learn more about Naked Eye 3D Display technology.

    Senior management of ASTRI visit the Bank of Thailand

  • ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong, Vice-President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong and Director of Chief Technology Officer Office Mr. Ryan Chung visited the Bank of Thailand on 8th and 9th August.  They were warmly received by the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Thailand Ms. Tongurai Limpiti and had an in-depth exchange with her on cyber security and issues related to FinTech.

    The delegates also visited the Electronic Transactions Development Agency of Thailand where the Deputy Executive Director Mr. Chaichana Mitrpant showed them the Security Operation Centre and the forensics facilities.

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    Deputy Governor of the Bank of Thailand Ms. Tongurai Limpiti (3rd from right) warmly receives ASTRI CEO Dr. Frank Tong (4th from right) and Vice-President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong (2nd from right)

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    ASTRI CEO Dr. Frank Tong (3rd from right) and Vice-President, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong (1st from right) visit the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) of Thailand, accompanied by its Deputy Executive Director Mr. Chaichana Mitrpant (2nd from right)