ASTRI Co-organised “Blockchain Strategies for Business” Conference

  • ASTRI was one of the Co-organisers of the “Blockchain Strategies for Business” Conference held on 28 July 2016 at Cyberport. ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong was invited to officiate the event. The conference introduced the blockchain ecosystem, its impact in transforming global business and why a ‘Blockchain Strategy’ should be developed.  It also introduced the work of some successful blockchain start-ups and why blockchain is now ready for business.

    At the panel discussion titled “Emerging Blockchain Applications”, ASTRI’s Vice President, Financial Technologies shared his view on the applications of blockchain. For details, please visit

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    Dr. Frank Tong (4th from left, back row) joins other officiating guests at the group photo.


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     Dr. Duncan Wong (centre) discusses blockchain applications

    Winning teams of Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition visit ASTRI

  • Winning teams of Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition including 9 secondary school students and 1 teacher from Heep Yunn College, Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College, St. Paul’s Co-educational College, and Wah Yan College, Kowloon visited ASTRI on 26 July 2016.  ASTRI’s R&D expert introduced to them ASTRI’s latest technologies such as Naked Eye 3D Display Lab. In addition, ASTRI Innovation Runway (AIR) Program’s fellows shared their experience of the programme.

    2016-07-26 SPCC (2)

    Winning team members of Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition visit ASTRI.

    2016-07-26 SPCC (3)

    The students tour around Naked Eye 3D Display Lab.

    2016-07-26 SPCC (1)

    ASTRI Innovation Runway (AIR) Program’s fellows share their experience of the programme.

    ASTRI’s R&D Leader Shares Insights in Column of Hong Kong Economic Journal

  • ASTRI’s Director of Internet Finance Prof. Jerome Yen is a contributor of a column in Hong Kong Economic Journal in which he shares his views and insights on economics and finance issues.   Please click here to read the articles. (Chinese version only)

    Opinions expressed in the column reflect the personal views of the writer(s) about the subject matter and do not necessarily represent the views of ASTRI.

    Media coverage on Cyber Range Laboratory Opening Ceremony

  • Media coverage on Cyber Range Laboratory Opening Ceremony held on 20 July 2016.

    Date Title Media
    20/07/2016 電腦罪案大增 網絡安全研究中心實戰培訓(Chinese version only) TOPICK
    20/07/2016 應科院警務處合作成立「網絡安全研究與培訓中心」培訓人員應對網絡攻擊 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao Instant News
    20/07/2016 「網絡安全研究與培訓中心」成立 可模擬萬次網絡攻擊 (Chinese version only) Ta Kung Pao
    20/07/2016 金融科技成盈利新增長點 (Chinese version only) Hong Kong Commercial Daily
    21/07/2016 警與應科院合作培訓網絡安全員(Chinese version only) Sing Pao Daily News
    25/07/2016 香港警務處成立網絡安全研究與培訓中心應付網絡攻擊威脅 (Chinese version only) 香港矽谷
    26/07/2016 香港警務處成立網絡安全研究與培訓中心應付網絡攻擊威脅 (Chinese version only) 熱新聞

    香港首間「網絡安全研究與培訓中心」啟用 (Chinese version only)


    Delegates from Guangdong Software Industry Association visit ASTRI

  • Delegates from Guangdong Software Industry Association visited ASTRI on 20 July 2016.  ASTRI’s R&D experts introduced to them ASTRI’s latest technologies including cloud computing technologies, big data analytics technologies, and ASTRI Security Lab.

    2016-07-20 Guandong Software Industry Association

    Delegates from Guangdong Software Industry Association visit ASTRI.

    2016-07-20 Guandong Software Industry Association (2)

    The delegates tour around ASTRI Security Lab.

    ASTRI and Hong Kong Police Jointly Set Up Cyber Range Laboratory To Train Experts to Tackle Increasing Threats of Cyber Attacks

  • [Hong Kong, 20 July 2016] Hong Kong’s first Cyber Range Laboratory was launched today to raise the technical readiness of law enforcement and other major institutions against fast-increasing malicious cyber attacks on critical systems in the territory.

    The Cyber Range Laboratory is a collaboration between the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and the Hong Kong Police Force. Located at ASTRI’s office in the Hong Kong Science Park, the advanced facility is designed to monitor and simulate online attacks, and provides state-of-the-art trainings to cyber security practitioners in law enforcement agencies and financial institutes. It is equipped with advanced cyber attack and defence training management systems, as well as systems that can simulate tens of thousands of cyber attacks and hundreds of thousands of malicious software samples.

    Government statistics show that technology crime cases in Hong Kong more than tripled from 2,200 cases in 2011 to nearly 7,000 cases in 2015; and the financial losses due to such crime cases increased more than 12 times from HK$148 million in 2011 to HK$1,828 million in 2015. In the face of increasing threats of cyber attacks, the Laboratory will effectively provide hands-on defence training exercises for the much sought-after experts in dealing with the issue.

    “There are about 7 million cyber attacks at any one time around the globe. ASTRI has spared no effort in strengthening our city’s resilience to cyber attacks, which is vital for the protection of wealth of both citizens and companies. In addition to ASTRI’s Security Lab and Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform, the Cyber Range Laboratory will help train cyber security experts to prevent and combat cyber crimes in an effective and swift manner,” said ASTRI’s Chairman, Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP.

    2016-07-20 Cyber Range Lab Launching

    (From left) Mr. Tony Choi, ASTRI’s Board Member, Dr. Frank Tong, ASTRI’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, ASTRI’s Chairman, Mr. Vincent Tang, Assistant Commissioner (Infrastructure and Quality Services), Innovation and Technology Commission, Mr. Francis Chan, Chief Superintendent of Police, Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau, Hong Kong Police Force, and Ms. Carrie Leung, Chief Executive Officer, the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, today perform a ceremony to officially launch the “Cyber Range Laboratory”.

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    Welcoming Remark at Cyber Range Laboratory Opening Ceremony

  • The following is the Welcoming Remark by Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman of ASTRI at Cyber Range Laboratory Opening Ceremony on 20 July 2016 (Chinese version only).


    Vincent, Francis, 各位來賓:

    大家好!歡迎大家蒞臨今天「網絡安全研究與培訓中心」(Cyber Range Laboratory) 的開幕儀式。今天的儀式很特別,就是我們不用木製的Backdrop,而是用了全新、高清的Cyber Range Laboratory巨大螢幕做背景。


    了解到網絡安全對保障市民大眾和企業財產的重要性,應科院在這方面不遺餘力,除了設立了應科院「網絡安全研究所」(ASTRI Security Lab) 和「網絡攻擊情報與資訊共享平台」(Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform) 外,我們亦與香港警務處通力合作,建設了大家現在身處的Cyber Range Laboratory。這個配備了先進設施的訓練基地,旨在為香港培育網絡安全的專業人才,讓他們練得一身「好武功」之後,能有效、快速地防禦網絡罪案的發生和蔓延。在此,我代表應科院衷心感謝香港警務處,為Cyber Range Laboratory的成立提供的專業意見。我相信我們很快便能訓練出精銳及專業的人才,打擊網絡罪案,為大眾服務,謝謝。

    Media Coverage on ASTRI’s Blockchain Projects

  • Hong Kong Economic Journal has interviewed ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong and VP, Financial Technologies Dr. Duncan Wong on its blockchain projects. Please click here for the detailed report on 18 July 2016 (Chinese version only).

    Media Coverage on the Establishment of BOCHK-ASTRI FinTech Collaboration Centre

  • Media Coverage on the establishment of BOCHK-ASTRI FinTech Collaboration Centre on 14 July 2016:

    Date Title Media
    14/7/2016 中銀與應科院成立金融科技聯合創新中心 (Chinese version only) Hong Kong Economic Journal
    14/7/2016 中銀香港:正研半年內將Blockchain技術應用按揭交易上 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
    14/7/2016 應科院指金管局應帶動銀行參與區塊鏈 (Chinese version only) FM 104 Metro Finance
    14/7/2016 李達志:金融科技促進辦公室會在三方面與銀行界合作 (Chinese version only) RTHK
    14/7/2016 全港首間!中銀最快半年後推區塊鏈應用技術 (Chinese version only) Oriental Daily WAP
    14/7/2016 中銀香港夥本港應科院設金融科技聯合創新中心 (Chinese version only) Sing Tao Daily
    14/7/2016 金管局:旗下金融科技促進辦繼續推動業界與研發方交流(Chinese version only) ET Net
    14/7/2016 中銀與應科院合作設金融科技創新中心 (Chinese version only) Commercial Radio Hong Kong
    14/7/2016 曾俊華認為企業應利用香港人才優勢開拓金融科技 (Chinese version only)
    14/7/2016 中銀與應科院成立金融科技聯合創新中心 (Chinese version only) NOW Finance
    14/7/2016 中銀香港:與應科院合作推動金融科技於銀行業應用,設創新中心 (Chinese version only) hket
    14/7/2016 曾俊华:发展金融科技 巩固香港国际金融中心地位 (Chinese version only) Xinhua Net
    14/7/2016 Bank of China, Astri launch FinTech Collaboration Centre TELECOMPAPAER
    14/7/2016 John Tsang: Govt Encourages Fintech Development & Application AA
    14/7/2016 中銀香港(02388.HK):區塊鏈技術最快半年內應用於按揭交 (Chinese version only) AA
    14/7/2016 中银香港(02388.HK):区块链技术最快半年内应用于按揭交易(Chinese version only) 捷利深度数据中心
    15/7/2016 中銀按揭擬引入區塊鏈技術 (Chinese version only) Headline Daily Finance
    15/7/2016 BOCHK boosts IT security The Standard
    15/7/2016 中銀首推區塊鏈科技 (Chinese version only) Ta Kung Pao
    15/7/2016 頭炮研區塊鏈申樓按 (Chinese version only) Wen Wei Po
    15/7/2016 中银香港或半年后推按揭区块链应用 金管局参与 (Chinese version only) CNFOL.COM
    15/7/2016 香港财政司司长曾俊华:加强与粤经济合作 (Chinese version only) CNFOL.COM
    15/7/2016 中銀研按揭辨認採用Blockchain 曾俊華倡用作資料交換 減可疑交易 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
    15/7/2016 曾俊華:科技帶動經濟 關鍵在應用 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
    15/7/2016  加密數據「Block」黑客 (Chinese version only) Ming Pao
    15/7/2016  中銀按揭擬引入區塊鏈技術 (Chinese version only) Sing Tao Daily
    15/7/2016  中銀新技術文件傳輸更安全 (Chinese version only) Hong Kong Economic Journal
    15/7/2016  財司:加強與粵經濟合作 (Chinese version only) hket
    15/7/2016 中銀最快半年推區塊鏈應用技術 (Chinese version only) Hong Kong Commercial Daily
    2/8/2016 Bank of China (HK) to improve fintech services and platforms in Hong Kong EconoTimes

    Facebook of Mr. John C Tsang, Financial Secretary, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Update on 14/7/2016) (Chinese version only)

    Facebook of Mr. John C Tsang, Financial Secretary, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Update on 17/7/2016) (Chinese version only)

    My Blog of Mr. John C Tsang, Financial Secretary, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Chinese version only)

    Press Release of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:

    Speech by Mr. John C Tsang, Financial Secretary (Chinese version only)

    Speeches at Signing Ceremony of BOCHK-ASTRI FinTech Collaboration Centre

  • Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Directors of ASTRI delivered a speech at the Signing Ceremony of BOCHK-ASTRI FinTech Collaboration Centre held on 14 July 2016 (Available in Chinese Only).


    The Honourable John C Tsang, GBM, JP Financial Secretary also delivered a keynote speech at the event. The speech is available at  (Available in Chinese Only).