ASTRI expert presents ASTRI’s strengthen on big data and financial technology in public seminars

  • On 12 April, Dr. Andrew Wat, Director of Data Analytics, Security and Data Sciences gave a presentation titled “Big Data Applied Research and Development in HK” at the “Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit” held at the InterContinental Hotel Grand Stanford Hong Kong. In the presentation, he highlighted ASTRI’s R&D activities and strengths in big data and financial technology. Apart from giving presentation, Dr. Wat also joined the panel discussion to discuss “Top Trends to Look Out For in 2016” with industry experts.

    On 14 April, he took part in the Seminar on “Internet Finance and Technology Innovation of China & Hong Kong” held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre whereby he gave a presentation titled “The Opportunity of Hong Kong in FinTech Market”. Dr. Wat also joined the panel discussion of “How do Innovative Technology support the development of SME?”


    Dr. Wat speaks at the Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit on 12 April.


    Dr. Wat speaks at the Seminar on “Internet Finance and Technology Innovation of China & Hong Kong” on 14 April.


    Dr. Wat joins the panel discussion of “How do Innovative Technology support the development of SME?”

    ASTRI co-organizes the APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series – Internet of Things

  • The APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series – Internet of Things was held from 7th to 8th April at Hong Kong Science Park. The summit was organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) which featured a number of inspiring keynote speakers and focused on enabling the ecosystem of re-industrialisation in Hong Kong riding on the opportunities of IoT development to foster intelligent manufacturing. Track sessions covering application of IoT were also held.

    ASTRI is one of the co-organizers of this event. Three ASTRI technology experts gave presentations on ASTRI’s latest development on IoT. Also, ASTRI’s projects were showcased to the audience in the mini exhibition.

    APAC Innovation Summit is HKSTP’s flagship event  to provide the leading minds an opportunity for inspirational exchange in technology and market trends.

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    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer, ASTRI (3rd from right) officiates at the opening ceremony of APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series – Internet of Things.

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    Dr. Billy Chan, Senior Manager of Software Technologies in Communications Technologies Group gives a presentation titled “In-Car Gateway Software for Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV)”

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    Dr. Eddy Chiu, Manager, Communications Technologies gives a presentation titled “Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications for Next Generation IoT”.

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    Mr. Andy Lam, Deputy R&D Director gives a presentation titled “Real Time Internet of Things Geographic Information System (IoTGIS) Platforms for Smart Cities”.

    Members of the Legislative Council Visit ASTRI

  • Members of the Legislative Council Hon Emily Lau Wai-hing, JP, Dr. Hon Fernando Cheung Chiu-hung and Hon Cheung Kwok-che visited ASTRI on 31 March 2016.  They were joined by Chairman of and Chief Executive Officer of Wong’s International Holdings Ltd Mr. Ben Wong, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Altai Technologies Ltd Dr. Raymond Leung and Chairman of the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association and Chairman of Suga International Holdings Ltd Dr. C H Ng. Chairman of ASTRI Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP and Chief Executive Officer CEO Dr. Frank Tong extended a warm welcome to the honourable visitors and shared with them the strategic directions and latest technologies of ASTRI, and took them to tour around the ASTRI Security Lab.

    The visitors also visited Altai Technologies Ltd and Marvel Digital Limited on Hong Kong Science Park before having a lunch discussion joined by Chief Corporate Development Officer of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Mr. Albert Wong and Senior Vice-President of AP Photonics Mr. Herbert Lau at ASTRI.

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    (3rd to 5th from left): Members of the Legislative Council Dr. Hon Fernando Cheung Chiu-hung, Hon Cheung Kwok-che and Hon Emily Lau Wai-hing, JP and visit ASTRI

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    Visiting Altai Technologies Ltd

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    Visiting Marvel Digital Limited

    ASTRI showcases its Device-to-Device Communications (D2D) solution at the 4th TCL Group Technology and Innovation Conference

  • ASTRI has been working closely with TCL Communication, the world’s fifth mobile terminal manufacturer on the 5G research and development. ASTRI’s Device-to-Device Communications (D2D) solution was showcased at the 4th TCL Group Technology and Innovation Conference held at TCL Technology Building at Huizhou, China on 30 March. Mr. LI Zhenhong, 5G Project Manager of TCL Communication introduced this solution to Chairman of TCL Communication Mr. LI Dongsheng at the event.

    In February 2016, ASTRI and TCL  jointly performed a live demonstration of its D2D solution at the Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. For more details, please refer to:


    Ms. LI Zhenhong, 5G Project Manager of TCL Communication (1st from right) introduces ASTRI’s D2D solution to Chairman of TCL Communication Mr. LI Dongsheng (2nd from right) .

    ASTRI team wins 1st runner-up at HKIE Electronics Division Project Competition 2016 (HKEPC 2016) “IoT Development for Smart Cities”

  • ASTRI’s technology project “Real Time Location Proximity Data System for Smart Cities” won the First Runner-up at the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Electronics Division Project Competition 2016 (HKEPC 2016) “IoT Development for Smart Cities”.

    The award winning project was developed by our R&D team led by Mr. Andy Lam, Deputy R&D Director. The team has developed a real time location proximity data system for the applications in smart city. Underlying the system is a horizontal scalable server software stack and mobile SDK for total solution deployment of large scale enterprise and consumer grade smart city applications and systems.

    Organized by the HKIE Electronics Division, the HKEPC 2016 aims to increase general public’s awareness and knowledge of IoT technology to improve the quality of life, achieving the Smart City initiative as proposed by Chief Executive in his Policy Address 2015. The competition required participants to design, build and test an electronic product/system by applying “IoT technologies” to achieve the Smart City initiative.

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    ASTRI’s R&D team led by Mr. Andy Lam, Deputy R&D Director (5th from left) wins the First Runner-up at HKEPC 2016.

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    East Asia-Pacific Central Banks Delegates Visit ASTRI

  • Delegates from the Working Group on Payment and Settlement Systems (WGPSS) of the Executives’ Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) led by Hong Kong Monetary Authority visited ASTRI today.  ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong, CTO Dr. Ieong Mei Kei, CFO Ms. Cammy Yung and Director, Security and Data Sciences Dr. Duncan Wong extended a very warm welcome to the delegates and introduced ASTRI’s latest FinTech development .  The delegates also toured around ASTRI Security Lab whereby the latest technology about cyber security was shown.

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    ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong (12th from left) extends a very warm welcome to the delegates.

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    Senior Management of ASTRI introduce its latest FinTech development.

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    The delegation visits ASTRI Security Lab.

    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT), Academy of Broadcasting Science (ABS) Set up a Joint Laboratory

  • [Hong Kong, 23 March 2016] Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute and State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT), Academy of Broadcasting Science (ABS) announced today (23 March 2016) the establishment of the ASTRI – SAPPRFT ABS Ultra High-definition Television Technology Joint Laboratory which focuses on research and development of ultra high-definition technology and upcoming video technology.

    ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong and Dean of SAPPRFT, ABS Mr. Zou Feng signed the cooperation agreement at the signing ceremony witnessed by ASTRI’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. Ieong Meikei, ASTRI’s Director, IC Design Digital of Mr. Li Yiu Kei, Director, TV Technology Research Institute, SAPPRFT, ABS Mr. Xie Wei and Deputy Director, TV Technology Research Institute, SAPPRFT, ABS Mr. Guo Xiao-qiang.

    The establishment of the Joint Laboratory will bring along the following 3 advantages:

    1. Strengthening the cooperation between ASTRI and SAPPRFT, ABS on ultra high-definition and upcoming video technology.
    2. Facilitating the development of comprehensive strategic partnership in different professional areas between ASTRI and SAPPRFT, ABS.
    3. Strengthening the Beijing-Hong Kong cooperation in technological innovation to form a hub for exchanges among the R & D centres in Hong Kong and Beijing, nurturing talents and promoting technological entrepreneurship.

    ASTRI’s CEO Dr. Frank Tong said at the signing ceremony, “We expect that the joint laboratory will further strengthen our collaboration on research and application on upcoming digital video technology and other areas, facilitate technology exchange and nurture of talents, thus expanding the scope of technological cooperation between Beijing and Hong Kong.”

    Dean of SAPPRFT, ABS Mr. Zou Feng remarked, “The strong cooperation between SAPPRFT, ABS and ASTRI will contribute significantly to the broadcasting and TV industry of our country and of the world.”

    It is expected that the joint laboratory will create huge market value in the joint development and application of ultra-high-definition and upcoming digital video technology for both parties.

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    Group photo of ASTRI and SAPPRFT, ABS representatives, including Mr. Li Yiu Kei, Director of IC Design Digital, ASTRI (2nd from the left), Dr. Ieong Meikei, Chief Technology Officer of ASTRI (3rd from the left), Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI (4th from the left) and Mr. Zou Feng, Dean of SAPPRFT, ABS (5th from the left)

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    Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI and Mr. Zou Feng, Dean of SAPPRFT, ABS sign the cooperation agreement at the signing ceremony

    ASTRI’s cyber security experts advise on recent cyber attack case

  • Dr. Duncan Wong, Director of Security and Data Sciences of ASTRI and Mr. Scottie Tse, Principal Engineer of ASTRI took a telephone interview by Global Trade Review and shared their views on the recent cyber attack on Bangladesh’s central bank. Our experts talked about how this attack came about and how vulnerable banks in trade are to similar attacks.

    For more details, please visit: (The article is available in English only)

    ASTRI and Hewlett Packard Enterprise host Conference on Big Data and Analytics for Smart City

  • [Hong Kong, 18 March 2016] Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), today hosted a Conference on Big Data and Analytics for Smart City at the Hong Kong Science Park. The conference agenda covered the latest research and development (R&D) advances and insights on big data and analytics for smart cities. The conference attracted over 150 participants from industry, academia and R&D professionals.

    The conference was officially kicked off by Ir. Allen Yeung, Government Chief Information Officer, The Government of HKSAR, Mr. Johann Wong, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms. Cally Chan, Managing Director, Hong Kong and Macau, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman of ASTRI, and Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI.

    “The concept of Smart Cities has become one of the hottest topics around the world. It can fundamentally change our lives at many levels. ASTRI’s R&D development keeps pace with the times. We will continue to strengthen our collaborations and develop joint projects which contribute to the development of Smart City locally and internationally.” Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman of ASTRI said at the welcoming remarks.

    Addressing the audience at the conference, Ms. Cally Chan, Managing Director, Hong Kong and Macau, Hewlett Packard Enterprise said, “We are pleased that ASTRI has innovated locally with our software to create big data analytics capabilities, and look forward to forming similar collaborations in the future as we empower the data-driven enterprise.”

    At the Conference, industry experts and scholars shared their ideas and insights on the latest R&D development in big data and analytics. Prof. Helen Meng, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, gave a presentation on “Big Data Decision Analytics at CUHK”. Prof. Meng shared that big data is a very powerful analytical tool which enables us to shed light on many new things. People can use the big analytics to understand intricate phenomenon around the world and make us live smarter. Mr. Jason Tan, Director, HPE Insight Labs Singapore spoke about the “single platform for big data analytics”. The platform, jointly developed by ASTRI and HPE, is targeted at breaking down data silos and giving enterprises a holistic view of all data, enabling informed business decisions.

    At the closing remarks, Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI said that the collaboration between ASTRI and HPE dates back to December 2013 when the ASTRI-HP Information Technology Research Centre was set up with the aim of promoting advancement and adoption of information technology in Hong Kong business applications.  In just two years, the collaboration between ASTRI and HPE has made significant strides in the applicability of big data and analytics.

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    Honorable guests and speakers at the conference (from left), Mr. Jason Tan, Director of HPE Insight Labs Singapore, Mr. Chris Whitney, Managing Director, HPE Labs Singapore, Ms. Cally Chan, Managing Director, Hong Kong and Macau, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman of ASTRI, Ir. Allen Yeung, Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government, Mr. Johann Wong, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Prof. Helen Meng, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK, Prof. On-ching Yue, Science Advisor of Innovation and Technology Commission.

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    Over 150 participants from industry, academia and R&D professionals attend the ASTRI and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Conference on Big Data and Analytics for Smart Cities.

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    Mr. Wong Ming-yam, BBS, JP, Chairman of ASTRI gives a welcoming remarks.

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    Mr. Jason Tan, Director of HPE Insight Labs Singapore presents on the topic “single platform for big data analytics”.

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    Prof. Helen Meng, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK gives a presentation on “Big Data Decision Analytics at CUHK”.

    Report Over the Conference

    IT Square of Sing Tao Daily (Traditional Chinese only)

    Event Highlight 

    Please click here to view the event highlight.

    Delegation of FutureBank Hong Kong Innovation Tour 2016 participants visits ASTRI

  • More than 50 top management and bankers of major international banks paid a visit to ASTRI on 15 and 17 March to learn more about its latest corporate development, in particular in the area of Financial Technology. The delegation was warmly welcomed by Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Meikei Ieong, Chief Technology Officer, and Dr. Duncan Wong, Director of Security and Data Sciences of ASTRI. The delegation also visited ASTRI Security Lab (ASL) during the visit.

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    The delegation visits ASTRI Security Lab (ASL)