ASTRI’s Board Member Appointed President of Hong Kong Baptist University

  • Prof Roland Chin Tai-hong, BBS, JP, Member of Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited, has taken up the position of President of Hong Kong Baptist University with effect from 1 September 2015.

    Before joining the Baptist University, Prof Chin was Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chair Professor of Computer Science of The University of Hong Kong from 2010 to 2015.

    Prof Chin has served on the board of ASTRI since 2012, providing valuable advice in setting ASTRI’s policy and strategic directions.

    Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme 2015 R&D Project Applications for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT R&D Centre)

  • The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) focused on providing world-class innovative technologies, ASTRI’s R&D activities focus on four closely interrelated technological domains – IC Designs, Communications Technologies, Enterprise & Consumer Electronics, and Material & Packaging Technologies. In April 2006, ASTRI was designated as the Hong Kong R&D Centre for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT R&D Centre) to perform market leading-edge R&D and enhance Hong Kong’s technological competitiveness on a continuous basis.

    ICT R&D Centre is now inviting applications for category A(1) of the following theme for Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (TCFS) research and development projects

    Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (TCFS) is a sub-programme under the Innovation and Technology Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Funding (ITF). It aims to enhance the level of collaboration on R&D between organisations in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province. For details and guidelines of the funding scheme, please visit the webpage of “Guangdong – Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (TCFS)” at

    Technology Areas and Themes for Year 2015
    The following theme for TCFS 2015 is now invited for applications:

    Technology Area Theme Document Contact Point
    CT Domain (D1) Smart Device for Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications  File Mr Ray Ho

    email: [email protected]

    or phone : 34062917

    Details of Applications

    Application Fee No charge
    Deadline for Applications 30 September 2015, 5:00 PM (Hong Kong Time)
    Method of Submission Application proposals should be submitted in hardcopy (one signed and chopped original application with relevant supporting document) and a CD-Rom for a set of softcopy (preferably in MS word 2003 or above) to the following address (in person or by post) before deadline:

    Mr Ray Ho (Project Planning and Execution Group)
    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited
    3/F, Building 6, 2 Science Park West Avenue
    Hong Kong Science Park,
    Shatin, Hong Kong
    (Reference: ITC-TCFS 2015)

    Submission of Application
    1. Application Interested applicants for application under category A(1), please go to Innovation and Technology Commission website for details.   Application and guide to filling in the form are available for download at the website.
    Enquiries If you have any enquiries relating to this application, please feel free to relevant contact points below :
    For Themes:(D1) Smart Device for Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications,

    please contact Mr Ray Ho

    email: [email protected] or phone : 34062917

    ASTRI launches entrepreneurship fellow program to nurture young technology entrepreneurs – “ASTRI Innovation Runway”

  • [Hong Kong, 17 August 2015] Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has launched its first-ever entrepreneurship fellow program, ASTRI Innovation Runway (AIR), offering one-stop comprehensive pre-incubation support to assist young technology entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to start up their business.

    Sponsored by Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government and Microsoft Hong Kong, and with the support of over 20 local companies, organizations, universities, and incubators, ASTRI’s first AIR program is designed to assist young technology entrepreneurs overcoming various obstacles at the initial stage of starting up, enabling young entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and develop their business successfully.

    Fellows of this program will receive a monthly award of HKD 9,000, mentorship support, office facilities, field trips to successful technology companies in Mainland China, workshops, training, networking activities, etc. They may also utilize ASTRI’s patents and license them for commercialization upon graduation. Microsoft Hong Kong will also provide technical training and workshops.

    Officiating guests of the Launching Ceremony included Mr. Ming-yam Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Directors, ASTRI, Mr. Horace Chow, General Manager, Microsoft Hong Kong, The Hon Charles Peter Mok, JP, Legislative Council Member (Information Technology), Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer, ASTRI, Dr. Alan Lam, Group CEO of Sengital Limited, Mr. Denis Tse, Managing Principal of Asia-IO Advisors Limited, Mr. Peter Mok, Head of Incubation Programmes of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Ms. Alsa Choi, Acting Assistant Commissioner, Innovation and Technology Commission, and Dr. Jack Lau, Chief Marketing Officer, ASTRI.

    An entrepreneurship forum with the theme “ASTRI Innovation Runway – for your ideas to take off!” took place after the ceremony. Speakers of the forum included Dr. Alan Lam, Group CEO, Sengital Limited, Mr. Denis Tse, Managing Principal, Asia-IO Advisors Limited, Mr. Peter Mok, Head of Incubation Programmes, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, and with Dr. Jack Lau as the moderator. The speakers discussed the challenges a start-up may face, and the main elements leading and sustaining a company successfully. They also share insights on entrepreneurship. Over 150 audience, mainly young entrepreneurs, senior management from the industry, academia, R&D professionals as well as students attended the forum.

    “ASTRI has over 400 R&D professionals. All our R&D leaders are not only outstanding technologists with extensive management track records, but also specialists possessing extensive “domain knowledge” of industries”, Mr. Ming-yam Wong, Chairman of ASTRI said during the event, “With the AIR program in place, we can assist young entrepreneurs to pave their business runways and accelerate their start-ups. Together, we can promote innovative businesses, preserve the competitive edge of our city thereby benefiting our community.”

    “Microsoft Hong Kong is pleased to join forces with ASTRI to help students and young entrepreneurs realizing their start-up dreams. As the only commercial sponsor of AIR, Microsoft is determined to provide technologies and training, such as on Azure and other cloud solutions, to inspire fellows to achieve more through technologies. We truly believe that young entrepreneurs are the fresh blood in the IT industry, as they have come up with some of the most innovative ideas to bring positive changes in society”, said Mr. Horace Chow, General Manager of Microsoft Hong Kong.

    The AIR program is now open for online application. Young entrepreneur who is 18 or above, and has not established any company, is welcome to join. Application could be made by individuals or teams of not more than 5 people. All applications will undergo initial screening. Selected applicants will be invited to submit a proposal and deliver a presentation to a final judging panel on the final selection day. The assessment criteria include team’s strength, value proposition and business model, innovation and creativity, and impact to the society and community. A maximum of 20 people will be admitted as Fellows of the program. They will develop their technology businesses in the areas of financial technology, medical & healthcare technology, data analytics, cyber security, communication technologies, Internet of Things, etc. For the program details, please visit

    About Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)

    ASTRI was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. In 2006, ASTRI was designated the Hong Kong Research and Development Centre for Information and Communications Technologies by the Innovation and Technology Commission. In 2012, ASTRI received the approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish the first Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Centre. Since its inception, it has also succeeded in creating economic impact by transferring new technologies to its customers in Hong Kong, the Mainland and the region. For details, please visit

    About Microsoft

    Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. Microsoft Hong Kong was established in 1991.

    Guests officiate the Launching Ceremony of ASTRI Innovation Runway (From left):Dr. Jack Lau, Chief Marketing Officer, ASTRI, Mr. Peter Mok, Head of Incubation Programmes of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the Hon Charles Peter Mok, JP, Legislative Council Member (Information Technology), Mr. Ming-yam Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Directors of ASTRI, Mr. Horace Chow, General Manager of Microsoft Hong Kong, Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Dr. Alan Lam, Group CEO of Sengital Limited, Mr. Denis Tse, Managing Principal of Asia-IO Advisors Limited, Ms. Alsa Choi, Acting Assistant Commissioner of Innovation and Technology Commission。
    Guests officiate the Launching Ceremony of ASTRI Innovation Runway (From left):Dr. Jack Lau, Chief Marketing Officer, ASTRI, Mr. Peter Mok, Head of Incubation Programmes of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the Hon Charles Peter Mok, JP, Legislative Council Member (Information Technology), Mr. Ming-yam Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Directors of ASTRI, Mr. Horace Chow, General Manager of Microsoft Hong Kong, Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Dr. Alan Lam, Group CEO of Sengital Limited, Mr. Denis Tse, Managing Principal of Asia-IO Advisors Limited, Ms. Alsa Choi, Acting Assistant Commissioner of Innovation and Technology Commission.
    Mr. Ming-yam Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Directors, ASTRI delivers a welcome speech.
    Mr. Ming-yam Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Directors, ASTRI delivers a welcome speech.
    3 speakers discuss the obstacles of starting a start-up in Hong Kong and share their insights on entrepreneurship. From the left: Dr. Jack Lau, Chief Marketing Officer of ASTRI (moderator), Dr. Alan Lam, Group CEO of Sengital Limited, Mr. Denis Tse, Managing Principal of Asia-IO Advisors Limited, Mr. Peter Mok, Head of Incubation Programmes of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation.
    3 speakers discuss the obstacles of starting a start-up in Hong Kong and share their insights on entrepreneurship. From the left: Dr. Jack Lau, Chief Marketing Officer of ASTRI (moderator), Dr. Alan Lam, Group CEO of Sengital Limited, Mr. Denis Tse, Managing Principal of Asia-IO Advisors Limited, Mr. Peter Mok, Head of Incubation Programmes of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation.
    A demonstration of head up display (HUD) parts and technology developed by ASTRI and its industrial partner outside the venue.
    A demonstration of head up display (HUD) parts and technology developed by ASTRI and its industrial partner outside the venue.

    ASTRI to bid farewell to Vice-President & Group Director of Opto-electronics

  • [Hong Kong, August 2015] The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) announced that Dr. Enboa Wu, Vice-President & Group Director of Opto-electronics has moved on for further career development after a rewarding career at ASTRI. Dr. Wu has taken up the position of Associate Vice-President for Knowledge Transfer (AVP-KT) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) with effect from 1 August 2015. Dr. Wu is also the Professor of Engineering Practice in Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering of HKUST.

    Dr. Wu joined ASTRI in 2005 and was the Founding Director of former Material & Packaging Technologies Group. In the past decade, under Dr. Wu’s leadership, his team has accomplished 250 technology transfers to 140 companies. Dr. Wu and his team have granted 300 patents, which is 60% of the total patents granted and an even higher percentage on patent licensing at ASTRI.

    Dr. Wu also has a strong connection with China. In addition to his team’s four start-up companies all with operations in China and strong partnership collaboration through technology transfer with big, small and medium enterprises in different provinces of China, he was also awarded Top Ten Persons of the Year in China LED Industry in 2012 and Special Contribution Person to China LED Industry in 2013. Dr. Wu is recognized in wide engineering fields, he is IEEE Fellow and ASME Fellow, and a registered professional civil engineer in California and Taiwan.

    ASTRI is grateful to Dr. Wu for his contributions to ASTRI in performing innovative R&D and nurturing technology entrepreneurs and talents in the past 10 years. We wish Dr. Wu all the best in his new endeavors and we look forward to his continuous contributions to further develop the knowledge transfer endeavors in the industry and university community.

    ASTRI and Shanghai Huahong Integrated Circuit to set up joint laboratory of wireless IoT technologies for applications of smart cities and intelligent transportation

  • (Hong Kong, 29 July 2015) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and Shanghai Huahong Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd. (SHHIC) announced today (29 July) the opening of a joint laboratory on wireless Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and applications, fostering the collaboration between ASTRI and SHHIC and developing single-chip system level solutions for smart cities and intelligent transportation applications.

    The opening ceremony of the joint lab was officiated by Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI and Mr. Rongxin Li, General Manager of SHHIC. Also joining the ceremony were Mr. Ming-yam Wong, Chairman of the Board of ASTRI, Dr. Justin Chuang, Vice President and Group Director, Communications Technologies of ASTRI, Mr. Bill Zhang, Director of IC Design (Analog) of ASTRI, Mr. Xinhua Ji, Deputy General Manager of SHHIC, Mr. Yongliu Wang, Design Director of SHHIC, and Mr. Jing Liu, Technology Development Manager of SHHIC.

    The establishment of “Joint Laboratory of Wireless IoT Technologies & Applications” aims to strengthen the long-term collaboration between two parties. SHHIC has strong expertise in smart card and information security chips design. ASTRI has strong expertise in wireless, radio frequency (RF) and analog design. The joint laboratory is a perfect match of expertise from both parties to develop wireless IoT chips at terminals and sensor nodes side. These IoT chips are single-chip system level solutions which include all functionalities of RF transceiver, baseband, security, protocol and CPU for applications of smart cities and intelligent transportation locally and nationally. In addition, ASTRI will also provide consultancy service to assist SHHIC’s on-going projects.

    Dr. Frank Tong is very pleased that ASTRI can collaborate with SHHIC to set up the joint laboratory. He said, “SHHIC is one of the top chip vendors in Mainland China providing smart card, information security chips and solutions for various applications such as identity card, financial security, telecom and intelligent transportation. We will work together to develop cutting-edge IoT technologies that will bring significant impacts on smart cities and intelligent transportation applications.”

    Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Rongxin Li said, “ASTRI is the largest research institute in Hong Kong. ASTRI has about 400 R&D personnel with strong expertise in wireless and integrated circuit design. With the establishment of joint laboratory, researchers and engineers of both parties can exchange with each other and create synergy to develop system level chips and total solutions for the rapidly growing wireless IoT markets.”

    The joint laboratory will physically be located in ASTRI. The fund contributed by ASTRI comes from Innovation and Technology Fund managed by the Innovation and Technology Commission.

    About Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)

    ASTRI was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. In 2006, ASTRI was designated the Hong Kong Research and Development Centre for Information and Communications Technologies by the Innovation and Technology Commission. In 2012, ASTRI received the approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish the first Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Centre. Since its inception, it has also succeeded in creating economic impact by transferring new technologies to its customers in Hong Kong, the Mainland and the region. For details, please visit

    About Shanghai Huahong Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd

    Shanghai Huahong Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd. (SHHIC) is a leading smart card and information security chip solution supplier. SHHIC can provide contactless IC card chips, contact IC card chips, dual interface card chips, USBKEY chips, ultra low power MCU chips, intelligent transportation products and solutions of RFID, public transportation one-card-express, social security, financial security, telecoms, mobile payment, high-end identification, medical treatment appliance, smart instruments, consumer electronics and intelligent transportation. As one of China top chip suppliers, SHHIC annual shipment amounts to 600 million chips. SHHIC has over a decade of experience of smart card and information security chips in Egypt, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Nepal, Vietnam, Nigeria, Singapore, Australia, Luxemburg, Germany and Russia etc.

     A warm hand-shaking between Dr. Frank Tong (front, left), Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, and Mr. Rongxin Li (front, right), General Manager of SHHIC, after the agreement was signed.
    A warm hand-shaking between Dr. Frank Tong (front, left), Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, and Mr. Rongxin Li (front, right), General Manager of SHHIC, after the agreement was signed.
    (From the left) Mr. Bill Zhang, Director of IC Design (Analog) of ASTRI, Dr. Justin Chuang, Vice President and Group Director, Communications Technologies of ASTRI, Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Mr. Ming-yam Wong, Chairman of the Board of ASTRI, Mr. Rongxin Li, General Manager of SHHIC, Mr. Xinhua Ji, Deputy General Manager of SHHIC, Mr. Yongliu Wang, Design Director of SHHIC, and Mr. Jing Liu, Technology Development Manager of SHHIC.
    (From the left) Mr. Bill Zhang, Director of IC Design (Analog) of ASTRI, Dr. Justin Chuang, Vice President and Group Director, Communications Technologies of ASTRI, Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Mr. Ming-yam Wong, Chairman of the Board of ASTRI, Mr. Rongxin Li, General Manager of SHHIC, Mr. Xinhua Ji, Deputy General Manager of SHHIC, Mr. Yongliu Wang, Design Director of SHHIC, and Mr. Jing Liu, Technology Development Manager of SHHIC.

    ASTRI and Sunnada to jointly demonstrate an end-to-end LTE small cell network solution ready for the next generation networking at Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015

  • (Hong Kong, 14 July 2015) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), together with Fujian Sunnada Communication Co. Ltd. (SHE:002417), will perform a live demonstration on Sunnada’s end-to-end LTE small cell network solution powered by ASTRI’s latest LTE technologies at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015 in Shanghai, China. The demonstration shows the complete mobile network infrastructure solutions which are ready for the next generation networking. The network infrastructure consists of:

    1. LTE small cell with embedded Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Aggregation unit (AU) which supports up to 8 Power over Ethernet (PoE) remote radio units (RRU) linking up with Cat. 5e cables, and
    2. LTE Evolved Packet Core (EPC), Small Cell Security Gateway on x86 architecture

    ASTRI’s network software offers the x86 based LTE EPC, Small Cell Gateway and Security Gateway which can support the latest Network Functions Virtualizations technologies. When comparing with the solution in previous generation based on ATCA hardware, x86 based solution enables over 80% cost reduction with 100% increase in performance. The solution can deliver 40Gbps IPSec throughput.

    ASTRI’s small cell with embedded DAS is also a milestone towards the next generation Cloud-RAN solution. The demonstration consists of single sector base-station which links up with multiple remote radio units (RRU) through Cat. 5e cables. These RRUs are powered up by Power over Ethernet (PoE). This provides a simple and cost-effective solution for indoor coverage. The end-to-end LTE small cell network solution could be extended to support multiple sectors Cloud-RAN solution for ultra-dense network deployment.

    Sunnada’s Vice President Mr Haven Huang said, “We are glad to demonstrate our complete mobile network infrastructure solutions with ASTRI’s technologies. Mobile network operators have adopted and started deploying these high performance and cost-efficient network virtualization, small cell and cloud-RAN solutions. We are working closely with ASTRI to further enhance our product line.”

    Dr Justin Chuang, ASTRI’s Vice President and Group Director of Communications Technologies Group, said, “It is our honour to support Sunnada for the development of highly competitive mobile network products with our leading core network and small cell technologies. Moving forward, we envision our collaboration on the next generation network and radio access technologies, bringing further impact to the industry.”

    The TD-LTE end-to-end demonstration will be carried out at ASTRI booth (hall W5, stand W5.H28) at Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015 which will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre in Shanghai, China from 15 to 17 July 2015. Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015 is a dynamic platform that gathers people from mobile industry across the world to exchange ideas and showcase the cutting-edge technologies as well as innovative products in an exhibition and conference. Over 25,000 business and consumer participants were attracted to attend the congress last year.

    ASTRI has started collaboration with Sunnada, a China-based wireless network equipment manufacturer and service provider, on commercial TD-LTE small cell and small cell gateway solutions since 2011. The TD-LTE small cells have been developed for the China market with LTE and WLAN functionality. These TD-LTE small cells are ready for deployment test in China and worldwide. ASTRI will continue working closely with Sunnada on the joint development of next generation wireless communications technologies.

    About ASTRI
    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. In 2006, ASTRI was designated the Hong Kong Research and Development Centre for Information and Communications Technologies by the Innovation and Technology Commission. In 2012, ASTRI received the approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish the first Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Centre. Since its inception, it has also succeeded in creating economic impact by transferring new technologies to its customers in Hong Kong, the Mainland and the region. For details, please visit:

    ASTRI to demonstrate brand new LTE Category 0 UE solution for Machine Type Communications (MTC) with Keysight Technologies at Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015

  • (Hong Kong, 6 July 2015) Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) will perform a live demonstration of the brand new LTE Category 0 UE solution for Machine Type Communications (MTC) with the Keysight MXG vector signal generator at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015 in Shanghai, China.

    In the demonstration, a live downlink data transfer will be performed to showcase the new TD-LTE release 12 category 0 UE solution developed by ASTRI. ASTRI’s Category 0 UE prototype demodulates the TD-LTE category 0 UE downlink signal and output the decoding statistics. The signal is generated by Keysight N5182B MXG vector signal generator using the latest Keysight N7625B Signal Studio software.

    Today, majority of MTC devices are still based on 2G network such as EGPRS (Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution) because of its advantages of low cost, low power and extensive network coverage. With the rapid growth of LTE technology worldwide, operators are now shifting from 2G networks towards LTE. It is estimated that the introduction of 3GPP Release 12 LTE Category 0 UE specifications can help to reduce the cost of using LTE modem by 50% which is comparable to the cost of traditional EGPRS modem. Being one of the pioneers in the LTE technology industry, ASTRI has been working with Keysight in developing the new LTE Category 0 UE solution running on a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform. This new LTE Category 0 UE solution is compatible to the 3GPP Release 12.

    “We are very pleased that ASTRI is including our MXG vector signal generator in the demonstration of its Category 0 UE prototype product,” said Mr. David Wei, General Manager of Keysight’s China Communications Operation. “We will continue to work closely with customers who are developing emerging technologies, aiming to help them to meet the new market opportunities.”

    Dr Justin Chuang, Vice President and Group Director, Communications Technologies, ASTRI, is very pleased for ASTRI’s breakthrough in the LTE technology development. Dr Chuang said, “With the latest test solutions provided by Keysight, ASTRI is able to accelerate the time to market our LTE Machine-Type Communications solution.”

    ASTRI’s new solution can also be upgraded to support the upcoming 3GPP Release 13 with a number of key features, including extended power saving mode, enhanced physical channels with data repetition, and reduced UE bandwidth. These features enable reduction in power consumption and extension of cell coverage of the UEs. It is possible for the UEs to operate for over 10 years with only two AA batteries. The production cost will be 25% of existing category 1 UEs. This can further reduce the production cost of MTC devices. The 3GPP Release 13 standard is expected to be published in March 2016.

    The new LTE Category 0 UE solution demonstration will be carried out at ASTRI booth (hall W5, stand W5.H28) at Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015 which will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre in Shanghai, China from 15 to 17 July 2015. Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015 is a dynamic platform that gathers people from mobile industry across the world to exchange ideas and showcase the cutting-edge technologies as well as innovative products in an exhibition and conference. Over 25,000 business and consumer participants were attracted to attend the congress last year.

    ASTRI strives to develop LTE research since 2008 and has become a leader in LTE and LTE-Advanced small cell and terminal technologies, providing the first market-ready reference design for small cell and terminal baseband cores supporting both TD-LTE and LTE FDD. ASTRI’s LTE technologies have been employed in partners’ chips and system solutions serving public and private network markets. Its core network technology was successfully transferred to multiple companies. ASTRI will also provide base-station to support the Category 0 UEs.

    About ASTRI
    ASTRI was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. In 2006, ASTRI was designated the Hong Kong Research and Development Centre for Information and Communications Technologies by the Innovation and Technology Commission. In 2012, ASTRI received the approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish the first Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Centre. Since its inception, it has also succeeded in creating economic impact by transferring new technologies to its customers in Hong Kong, the Mainland and the region. For details, please visit

    Hong Kong’s financial industry experts joining advisory committee of ASTRI Security Lab

  • The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) has recently set up the ASTRI Security Lab (ASL), a cyber-security focused research lab with a world-class R&D Team. ASL is committed to building effective solutions against cyber attacks through investigations and knowledge exchange.

    To build a stronger FinTech alliance for defending against cyber threats, ASTRI is pleased to announce that a few financial industry experts in Hong Kong have joined the advisory committee of ASL as advisors, including

    • Mr Raymond Cheng, Group General Manager & Chief Operating Officer, Asia Pacific, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
    • Mr CK Chan, Global Head of Digital Mobile and Channels Engineering, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
    • Mr Rocky Cheng, Deputy General Manager, Information Technology Department, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

    The advisors will offer strategic advice to ASTRI to support our mission of strengthening cyber security in the financial industry, which is Hong Kong’s major economic pillar. ASL will continue working with international experts and academia to enhance finance industry’s security measures and create substantial value in enterprises in Hong Kong.

    ASTRI and Megasoft Limited join hands in an Industry Collaborative Project

  • [Hong Kong, 4 June 2015] Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and Megasoft Limited signed an agreement to officially kick-start their partnership on the Industry Collaborative Project (ICP). Mr Matthew Man, Chief Executive Officer of Megasoft Limited and Dr Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, signed the agreement on behalf of the respective companies.

    The Industry Collaborative Project aims to develop a big data analytics platform for luxury jewellery and fashion brands.

    Retailers can currently obtain comprehensive customer data from a variety of in-house and external sources. Through scalable distributed computing and data analysis, this data can be transformed into valuable business intelligence to provide insightful predictions for wiser decision-making, strategic planning and proactive management.

    Exploring the correlation between multiple data sources from customers and stores, the big data analytics platform derives predictive and descriptive insights to maximize sales performance and improve operational and marketing effectiveness.

    The project is supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission of The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Innovation and Technology Fund subsidizes projects that increase productivity and competitiveness of the local economic activities.

    Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. Website:

    Myndar, a registered brand name under Megasoft Limited, offers unique IoT solutions for luxury retail infrastructure. Myndar revolutionised how the retail environment operates and offers a new dimension and holistic view to big data and business analytics. Website:

    ASTRI strengthens collaboration with TRULY to accelerate commercialization of new technology

  • [Hong Kong, 1 June 2015] Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) has strengthened collaboration with TRULY International Holdings Limited (TRULY) to jointly set up the ASTRI-TRULY Joint Research and Development Centre for accelerating professionalization and commercialization of new technology.

    An opening ceremony was held today to officiate the setting up of ASTRI-TRULY Joint Research and Development Centre with Dr. Jack Lau, Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ASTRI and Mr. James Wong, Chief Operation Officer (COO) and Group Executive Director of TRULY, as the officiating guests. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. Wong Ming-yam, Chairman of the Board, ASTRI, Dr. Enboa Wu, Vice President and Group Director, ASTRI, Prof. Yue On-ching, Science Advisor, Innovation and Technology Commission, The HKSAR Government, Mr. Kevin Xie and Mr. Mengxiang Li, Vice General Managers, R&D Center of TRULY Semiconductors Ltd, and Mr. Bruce Ma, Vice General Manager, R&D Department of TRULY Opto-electronics Ltd.

    TRULY’s production facilities in Shanwei and Huizhou will also be engaged in the collaboration, covering various technology areas such as internet intelligent terminal, intelligence automobile, Industry 4.0, etc. With the establishment of ASTRI-TRULY Joint Research and Development Centre, a number of joint research projects will be launched, including “Industry Collaborative Project” program. Both parties will jointly set up the state-of-the-art LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) Display Technology Joint Laboratory to develop head up display (HUD) parts and technology.

    The aim of setting up this Joint Research and Development Centre is to develop a collaborative platform that can benefit to both parties in the long run. Through this collaboration, both parties can leverage on each other’s strengths, incorporating ASTRI’s latest R&D technology and TRULY’s manufacturing capacity together. This can also facilitate a more integrated and professional strategic partnership development which is different from the independent format of project collaboration in the past.

    ASTRI Acting CEO Dr. Jack Lau is very pleased that ASTRI and TRULY can join hands in R&D development. Dr. Lau said, “Not only is TRULY a manufacturer with strengthens and technical capacities, it is also the leader of intelligent display technology in the industry in recent years. With the establishment of Joint Research and Development Centre and Laboratory, we can accelerate commercialization R&D projects in the market through this platform, grasping the business opportunities in the growing markets in Mainland China. In addition, the collaboration set a good example in the industry, attracting more excellent companies like TRULY to set up research centre in Hong Kong. We strongly believe that such collaboration is mutually benefit and long-lasting.

    Speaking at the ceremony, TRULY COO Mr James Wong said, “ASTRI strives to develop IC Design, software system, and communications technologies. It has teams of brilliant researchers for developing R&D projects. ASTRI has about 400 R&D personnel from renowned universities from national and overseas in ASTRI, with 27% holding PhD degree and more than 50% holding Master’s degree. Since its inception, ASTRI has been granted more than 500 patents, creating tremendous economic impacts. Being a collaborative partner of ASTRI, TRULY is endeavour in developing R&D projects. TRULY has invested a lot in specific areas like LTPS (Low Temperature Poly-silicon), AMOLED display technology, compact cameras, and fingerprint identification technology, etc. in recent years. The setup of Joint Research and Development Centre between TRULY and ASTRI will further strengthen TRULY’s development in internet intelligent terminal, intelligence automobile, Industry 4.0, etc. It can also consolidates and expand the development of TRULY’s research team in Hong Kong.

    The Joint Research and Development Centre will be directed by an Executive Board composed of management representatives from TRULY and ASTRI. The Centre will physically be located in ASTRI. The fund contributed by ASTRI comes from Innovation and Technology Fund managed by the Innovation and Technology Commission.

    About Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)

    ASTRI was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. In 2006, ASTRI was designated the Hong Kong Research and Development Centre for Information and Communications Technologies by the Innovation and Technology Commission. In 2012, ASTRI received the approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish the first Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Centre. Since its inception, it has also succeeded in creating economic impact by transferring new technologies to its customers in Hong Kong, the Mainland and the region. For details, please visit

    About TRULY International Holdings Limited (TRULY)

    Established in 1978, TRULY International Holdings Limited was listed its shares on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 1991. TRULY currently has 6 holding companies including Truly Semiconductors Limited, Truly Opto-electronics Limited, Truly (Huizhou) Smart Display Limited, Truly Electronics Manufacturing Limited, and Truly Industrial Limited, Truly Instrument Limited. It mainly focuses on manufacturing display module of LTPS、AMOLED、PMOLED, etc., capacitive touch panel of film and OGS, etc., compact camera module, fingerprint identification module, PCB (Printed circuit board) and other electronic parts. Our clients come from all over the world from various industries like automobile, smart phone, medical consumer electronics. As of today, TRULY has become the biggest supplier of major smart phone parts in Mainland China and become one of the top suppliers of automotive display in the world. For details, please visit

    Dr. Jack Lau (front, left), Acting Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, and Mr. James Wong (front, right), Chief Operation Officer (COO) and Group Executive Director of TRULY, sign an agreement on behalf of the respective companies to strengthen the collaboration.The signing was witnessed by (back row, from left) Prof. Yue On-ching, Science Advisor, Innovation and Technology Commission, The HKSAR Government, Mr. Wong Ming-yam, Chairman of the Board, ASTRI, Mr. Kevin Xie, Vice General Manager, R&D Center of TRULY Semiconductors Ltd, Dr. Enboa Wu, Vice President and Group Director, ASTRI, Mr. Mengxiang Li, Vice General Manager, R&D Center of TRULY Semiconductors Ltd; and Mr. Bruce Ma, Vice General Manager, R&D Department of TRULY Opto-electronics Ltd.
    Guests officiate at the opening ceremony of ASTRI-TRULY Joint Research and Development Centre