

20130102 - 20140331

1. The characterization methodology and database of basic electrochemical behavior of the 3 additives used in the Cu chemical solution, those would be delivered by one report. [Completion Date: 6 months after the project start] 2. The validated numerical models for modeling & simulating the electrochemical deposition (ECD) of the via filling process using the new additive interaction mechanism, those would be delivered by document and demonstration. [Completion Date: 6 months after the project start] 3. The numerical models for goodness quantification of 3D-interconnect in the ECD fabrication process using the boundary element technique, those would be delivered by document and demonstration. [Completion Date: 12 months after the project start] 4. The computational engine & recipe window optimization module for seamless via to wafer-level modeling and simulation of the via filling process, those would be delivered by document and demonstration. [Completion Date: 12 months after the project start] 5. The full version of the MS-3D software, including 4 key functional modules, i.e., the user interface, the ECD process modeling & simulation computational engine, the recipe window optimization and the result visualization with the recipe window tolerance less than 15%, which would be delivered by documentation and demonstration. [Completion Date: 15 months after the project start]
Dr Enboa Wu Ms YH KWAN Dr Ziyang GAO Dr Bin XIE Dr Yaofeng SUN Mr Yat Kit, Kolo TSUI Mr Andy LEE Mr Jackie CHAU Mr Carlos CHOW Mr WK LUK Mr Shu Kin YAU Dr Kwong Wa, Ken YEUNG Dr Yueping, Pearl YE Dr Peter WAN Dr Minghui GAO Mr Man Kai, Paul CHEUNG Dr Yan LIU Ms Karina KO Mr Jiye LUO Mr Hai XIA Mr Chen CHEN Mr Lourdito OLLERES Mr Jun CHEN Mr Xiangfeng SHAO Mr Delfin LAM Ms Juanna YAO Ms Fiona WANG Mr Ryan CHUNG Mr Jian, Rockey ZHU Mr Chee Kiong, Mike LOH Ms Zhen SU Mr Shaoqin XIE Mr Man Lung, Ivan SHAM Dr Song, Steve HE Dr Yuxing, Michael REN Dr Mingxiang XIAO Ms Wai Kee, Vicky LAI Ms Ya LV
China Wafer Level CSP Ltd. 香港科技大学 Huitai Digital Technology Holdings Limited [赞助机构] Huitai Digital Technology Holdings Limited (Technology Licensing) [赞助机构] Info Bright Technologies (H.K.) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Institute of Microsystem & Information Technology, China Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Shanghai Sinyang Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd

叁维集成电路能够广泛地应用到众多的电子产品中﹐如存储器、图像传感器、射频和微机电系统等。叁维微互连技术是现今唯一的方法来进行叁维堆叠和集成。叁维微互连主要通过四个工艺来製造﹐即微孔成型、微孔填充、晶圆减薄和晶圆堆叠。因为微孔填充工艺会受到诸多参数(如微孔尺寸、电化学和物理传输)的影响﹐工业界只能通过反複实验的方法来确定最优工艺配比窗口﹐此方法不仅耗时,而且成本高昂。这一现状极大的阻碍了叁维集成电路封装技术在众多电子产品中的应用。此项目旨在开发一个基於电化学机理的软件﹐模拟微孔填充工艺的电化学沉积过程﹐低成本地确定叁维微互连製造的精确优化配比窗口﹐进而缩短基於叁维集成电路电子产品的进入市场週期。 首先,基於对叁种添加剂(即加速剂、抑製剂和整平剂)的电化学性态(如分子尺寸、传输速率和吸附速率等)的根本性理解﹐我们将开发一个全新的添加剂作用机理﹐即所谓的“竞争与聚集机理”﹐其能够精确地描述叁种添加剂在微孔填充工艺中的吸附与脱附性态。然後﹐我们将会开展众多的实验来验證这一机理的数值模型。基於已经验證过的数值模型﹐我们将会进一步开发一个完整的软件﹐包括四个主要的组件: 即用户界面、计算引擎、优化配比窗口和结果显示。作为离线或者在线的工具﹐此软件能够帮助用户以快速和低成本的方式来确定叁维微互连製造的优化工艺配比窗口。 根据TechSearch、Prismark和Yole Development的市场调研报告显示﹐即使仅考虑铜柱凸点、硅通孔和硅基板的应用﹐叁维微互连的市场在2015年也将会达到53亿美元的规模。此项目开发的软件不仅能够帮助用户快速和低成本的方式确定叁维微互连製造的优化工艺配比窗口﹐缩短基於叁维集成电路的电子产品的开发週期。最重要的是﹐它能够成为一个关键的工具帮助业界加快并真正实现叁维集成电路封装技术在众多电子产品中的广泛应用。因此﹐此软件的成功开发将毫无疑问地使应科院成为叁维集成电路封装领域的世界级研发机构﹐同时可以提升本地企业的竞争力﹐及其市场份额。