Visiting Tours For Interns Of FinTech Future Leader Academy Have Been Completed

Visiting tours for interns of FinTech Future Leader Academy have been completed

Thanks to our partners, China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company LimitedCyberport Hong KongHewlett Packard Enterprise, and Microsoft Hong Kong for arranging the site visits for our interns. The trip has enabled our students to fully experience and get inspiration from the latest research results in the industry’s leading organisations, including digital transformation, Web3.0, financial technology, digital cloud, and its applications. A series of seminars, workshops, and talks with relative personnel have been held to strengthen their understanding of Fintech development in Hong Kong. It is hoped that all the interns have gotten meaningful and insightful learning from this FinTech trip, letting them play key roles in various applied science and technology enterprises in the future.


非常感謝我們的合作夥伴中國人壽(海外)、數碼港、Hewlett Packard EnterpriseMicrosoft香港為我們的實習生安排了如此豐富的實地考察,相信同學在多個分享講座及研討會中,充分體會及領略到香港各行各業之最新科研成果,包括數位轉型、Web3.0、金融科技、數碼雲端之內容及應用。期望各實習生在此金融科技考察旅程中獲益良多,讓他們在及後將要投身各科研企業領導崗位上發揮所長。

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