Let’s Celebrate The Successful Completion Of Two ASTRI Summer Internship Programmes

Let’s celebrate the successful completion of two ASTRI summer internship programmes

Talent cultivation and development of open thinking are the key tenets that ASTRI has always adhered to. This year, #ASTRI has recruited about 50 top students from 28 top universities around the world to join the “Undergraduate Summer Internship Programme” and the “Fintech Future Leader Academy” internship programme, allowing emerging I&T stars to explore Hong Kong scientific research ecosystem and experiencing a unique scientific research culture.

In just a few months of internship, the interns were assigned to different R&D departments to experience and understand the process of scientific research and innovation in Hong Kong and to work on financial technology R&D projects. We also invited major local enterprises, institutions, and professional scholars to discuss with the summer interns about their experiences in scientific research and successful cases. We especially thank Bank of China (Hong Kong) , China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited , Hewlett Packard Enterprise , Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) , IBM , Microsoft Hong Kong , Ping An OneConnect Bank (Hong Kong) Limited , Cyberport Hong Kong and HKSTP – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation for their assistance to bring our interns for the field trips.

All the overseas students that joined our programmes, they are arriving from various regions including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, University of Chicago, etc. from the United States; University College London, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, etc. from the United Kingdom; there is also a student who scored nearly 44 points in the Hong Kong IB exam.

ASTRI Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Denis Yip 葉成輝, expressed his delight at the active participation of students in the two internship programmes. In the speeches and sharing sessions, most of the interns show their courage to speak and work with an earnest attitude. They share their expectations for future development. I hope that they all have fruitful learning and can contribute to Hong Kong’s scientific research in the future.https://bit.ly/3dI7abN
#summerinternship #astriambassador #astri #internship #technology